

中国园林 2018年11期


文化景观议题自20世纪80年代起在国际上备受关注,目前在风景园林、遗产保护、人居环境等领域,文化景观所带来的 “自然与文化”议题,占据了国际前沿理论和实践的重要部分。文化景观的探讨从地理学扩展到哲学、社会学、政治经济学和自然科学等多个学科,从认识论、社会经济与公平、环境伦理与正义、政治意识形态,以及生物文化多样性等多重角度,深度探究景观现象背后的驱动力,理解景观意义的建构过程,倡导以价值为导向的景观创造、阅读和保护方法。


文化景观聚焦人与自然之间的深刻作用关系及作用结果,与风景园林学科的核心内涵高度一致。文化景观透过景观现象看本质,基于不同文化族群的自然认识论,在社会、政治、经济、环境和文化高度上,对景观价值以及意义的建构进行深度解剖和洞悉。文化景观方法论,能够帮助我们在全球化开放语境中,面对复杂多样的景观现象,保持警醒思辨的头脑,敏锐地洞察景观本质。在尊重、学习其他国家不同民族历史、社会政治背景下的景观价值的同时,鉴别、认知自身文化特征,在国际参照体系中确立中国文化景观的核心价值和地位,才能在新时代的中国现代风景园林一级学科体系建设中,真正实现中国文化自信和中华民族伟大复兴的 “中国梦”,同时为全人类的生态文明、人与自然和谐栖居的伟大理想作出核心贡献。

文化不是一个抽象的概念,文化渗透在社会、政治、经济、环境等各个领域,具体体现在决策、政策、行动和活动之中。文化景观覆盖自然、乡村、城镇全域空间,景观的演变和发展、营建和保护始终反映着不断演进的社会价值观的变化。如何自觉地意识并把握这一价值观的变化,有赖于主动的理论思考和实践探索。比照国际文化景观前沿和发展趋势,本期 “文化景观”主题所涉及的几个重点议题,需要引起国内风景园林界的进一步深度思考,期待着学界和业界进行更广泛的主题讨论。

首先是文化景观理论研究。理论的高度代表着思想的深度。文化景观之所以在国际上能够具有持续的热度,是因为它具有足够的理论深度和广度,能够透过景观表象,深度触及一般性规律。例如环境哲学所提供的自然价值判断、自然价值判断的客观性和主观性,以及文化的主体性等方法,能够非常有效地帮助我们理解美国从自然的荒野保护到文化景观保护的价值演变历程,理解中国风景名胜区的核心价值,理解中西方自然保护的文化价值差异,解释今天中国自然保护中的文化转向。新文化地理学关于经济、资本的运作,则帮助我们理解资本对于乡村资源、自然资源的角逐以及由此带来的社会矛盾等现象。从文化哲学的视角透视中国古典园林的价值,看到的是中国文化在有限的方寸之地对时间和空间的精神性超越和超拔、个体生命与自然浑然一体的宇宙观、鲜明的政治态度与社会担当,以及 “天人合一”诗意栖居的完美理想实践。陈从周先生的百年诞辰纪念,纪念的并非是陈从周先生的园林,而是其溶于园林、溶于人生的中国文化精神。

其次,景观是文化的栖息地。建立在不同自然观基础上的景观,真实地记录着不同文化族群对自然的经验认知、科学认知、文化实践及理想追求的历史轨迹,记录着各地域文化族群的集合记忆及身份识别特征。景观既是人文的,也是科学的;既是一部人类文化史,也是一部人类认识自然的科学史,是人类社会宝贵的文化遗产。因此,中国什么样的景观应该列入保护?其价值是什么?中国需要什么样的保护区体系来展示中国的5 000年文明史,告诉后代我们从哪里来?我们应该在景观保护中扮演什么角色?我们又能以怎样的技术和方法建构中国景观遗产的档案库?

再次,景观是社会空间,体现社会公平性。景观意义产生于社会主体对景观的营建以及在建构过程中的文化注入,景观是与主体情感、记忆、信仰高度相关的社会空间,体现着社会对自然资源和空间资源分配的公平和公正,是社会权力分配的真实反映,具有高度的社会性。我们所说的 “乡愁”不仅仅是文化记忆,更是千家万户的安居之地。风景园林从业者必须具有高度的社会责任感和正义感,需要景观伦理。


Since the 1980s, the issue of cultural landscape has attracted much attention in the world.At present, in the fields of landscape architecture, heritage protection, and human settlements, the"nature and culture" issues brought about by cultural landscapes occupy half of the international frontier theories and practices. The discussion of cultural landscape extends from geography to philosophy, sociology, political economy, natural science and many other disciplines, from epistemology, social economy and equity, environmental ethics and justice, political ideology, and bio-cultural diversity, it deeply explores the driving forces behind the landscape phenomenon,understands the construction process of landscape meaning, and advocates value-oriented methods of landscape creation, reading and protection.

No landscape is produced out of thin air, but the result of human beings recognizing nature,transforming nature, and using nature. The long-term and profound process of human and nature reflected in the cultural landscape, and the two-way construction of the material and the immaterial, the strong regional natural characteristics and the historical, national and cultural nature of the landscape authors, are the narrative and performance of socio-economic organizations and political ideology.

The cultural landscape focuses on the profound relationship between people and nature and the results, which is highly consistent with the core connotation of the landscape architecture discipline. The cultural landscape sees the essence through the phenomenon of landscape.Based on the natural epistemology of different cultural groups, it deeply dissects and understands the value of landscape and the construction of meaning at the social, political, economic,environmental and cultural levels. The cultural landscape methodology can help us to face the complex and diverse landscape phenomena in the context of globalization and openness, to keep awakened and speculative minds, and to have a keen insight into the nature of landscape. While respecting and studying the landscape values of different nationalities and social and political backgrounds in other countries, identifying and recognizing our own cultural characteristics, and establishing the core values and status of Chinese cultural landscapes in the international reference system, the self-confidence of Chinese culture and the "Chinese Dream" of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation can truly be realized, and at the same time the core contribution can be made to the great ideal of the whole mankind of ecological civilization and harmony between man and nature, in the construction of the first-level landscape architecture discipline system of China.

Culture is not an abstract concept. Culture is infiltrated in various fields such as society,politics, economy and environment, and is embodied in decision-making, policies, actions and activities. The cultural landscape covers the whole space of nature, villages and towns. The evolution and development, construction and protection of landscape always reflect the changing of the society's evolving values. How to consciously recognize and grasp the change of the value depends on active theoretical thinking and practical exploration. In light of the frontiers and development trends of international cultural landscapes, several key issues involved in this month's theme of cultural landscape need to be further deepened by the domestic landscape architecture community, and look forward to a broader thematic discussion between the academic community and the industry.

First of all, the study of cultural landscape theory. The height of theory represents the depth of thought. The reason why the cultural landscape can continue to be internationally high is because it has sufficient theoretical depth and breadth to reach the general laws through the appearance of landscape. For example, the methods provided by the environmental philosophy,including the natural value judgment, the objectivity and subjectivity of natural value judgment,and the subjectivity of culture, can effectively help us understand the evolution of the value of the United States from the wilderness protection of nature to the protection of cultural landscape,understand the core values of China's scenic areas, understand the cultural value differences between China and the West in natural protection, and explain the cultural turn in China's nature protection today. The new cultural geography about the operation of economy and capital helps us understand the phenomenon of capital's competition for rural resources and natural resources and the social contradictions it brings. From the perspective of cultural philosophy, we can see the value of Chinese classical gardens. We can see the spiritual transcendence and super-extraction of Chinese culture in time and space in a limited square, the cosmology of individual life and nature,the distinct political attitude and social responsibility, and the perfect ideal practice for the poetic dwelling of "unity of heaven and man". Commemorating the 100thbirthday of Mr. Chen Congzhou is not only Chen Congzhou's gardens, but also the spirit of Chinese culture in his gardens and his life.

Second, landscape is the habitat of culture. The landscapes based on different natural views truly record the historical trajectory of different cultural groups' experience, scientific cognition,cultural practice and ideal pursuit of nature, and record the collective memory and identity characteristics of cultural groups in different regions. The landscape is both human and scientific; it is not only a history of human culture, but also a scientific history of human understanding of nature and a precious cultural heritage of human society. Therefore, what kinds of landscape should China include for protection? What are their values? What kinds of protected area system should China use to showcase China's 5,000-year history of civilization and tell future generations where we come from? What role should we play in landscape protection? What kinds of techniques and methods can we use to build an archive of Chinese landscape heritage?

Once again, landscape is a social space that reflects social equity. The significance of landscape arises from the construction of landscape by the social subject's cultural input in the process of construction. Landscape is a social space highly related to the subject's emotions,memories and beliefs, reflecting the fairness and justice of the social distribution of natural and spatial resources. It is a true reflection of the distribution of social power and has a high degree of sociality. What we call "nostalgia" is not only a cultural memory, but also a place for thousands of families to live in. Landscape workers must have a high sense of social responsibility and justice,and landscape ethics.

China's landscape architecture in the new era requires all of us to actively absorb and criticize and advance in our minds. We should inherit Chinese culture and come out of a Chinese-style road to the future and also back to home, and each of us is a bridge from history to the future.

