

泰州职业技术学院学报 2018年4期


(泰州职业技术学院 基础科学部,江苏 泰州 225300)

衔接是一种语篇现象,当语篇中的某一个成分与另一个成分之间产生相互解释的关系时,便会出现衔接[1]。传统语法理论依赖于词素、单词、词组、小句、句子等概念,衔接的概念与之不同的地方在于其存在于语篇内部。前者主要从语法、词汇层面上来分析语言,而后者主要分析语篇中不同部分在语义层面上的关联。词素是最小的语法单位,它不能再分。单词是组成语篇的最小基本单位。词组是单词的扩展。以上三类用韩礼德理论来概括就是小句以下单位(below the clause)。小句和句子则是小句以上单位(above the clause)。而衔接就是指存在于语篇中并使小句成为语篇的意义间的联系,是一种语义上的概念。

衔接的手段主要分为五种:照应(reference)、省略(ellipsis)、替代(substitution)、连接(con⁃junction)和词汇衔接(lexical cohesion)。但有的语言学家认为省略和替代都是通过句法体现语义联系,因而将省略和替代视为一种,以此为依据将衔接归为四类。韩礼德在An Introduction to Functional Grammar一书中也把衔接分成四种。本文为了详细阐述科技英语中的衔接手段,采用了衔接的五种分类方法.

1 语篇衔接的意义及必要性


If you happen to meet the admiral,don’t tell him his ship’s gone down.



2 科技英语中的语篇衔接

2.1 科技英语中的照应



(3)Jupiter is the largest planet circling the sun.

comet,moon,Jupiter and sun这些名词都是外照应。一般类型的文章里经常会用this thing,that ob⁃ject这样的词,再依靠特定的上下语境推断出词或词组的具体意义,而在科技语篇中,为了使表达具体化和避免意义模糊,必须通过引入专有名词来表达意义,外照应就是专有名词和外界具体事物的语义关系。

在科技英语中,内照应(endophoric)的运用多于外照应。与外照应相对应的是,内照应指语篇当中就可以发现某个成份的参照点。在例句(3)中,the largest planet指的就是前面出现过的木星,这样的情况就属于内照应。具体来说,它是内照应中的回指(anaphoric)。它所指的对象上文中可发现或者说它所指的对象上文出现过。

(4) Mercury is the smallest planet in the solar system.It is the nearest to the sun.

(6)The scientists find it difficult to separate the two kinds of bacteria.

在第(4)句中,it是回指,指的是Mercury。第5句中,the electron指的是下文中出现的围绕着原子核高速旋转的电子。这种所指对象位于下文的称为下指(cataphoric)。第(6)句中,it也是下指的例子,它指的是难于把两种细菌分开这件事。观察上面的例子,可以看出一种常见的方法就是用it来回指或下指所要表达的意义。这是韩礼德所归类的三种照应方法之一。第三人称代词所指指人的时候还可用he或she。但在科技英语中用得较多的还是it和they。


(7) ESA wants the international Moon program to begin in 2002 with a 300 million to test lunar land⁃ing techniques.Ifand further missions can be suc⁃cessful,astronauts might land on the Moon once again.


(8)Light travels much faster than sound.

(9) It is also unclear how the public views the risk of an extraterrestrial impact compared with that of,say,an airplane crash.Statistically,the risks of the death from the two causes would seem to be thatorder of magnitude.

在上句中,sound的速度无疑是一个比较明确的概念,而light的运动速度的理解是通过参照声音速度的方式来进行的。相似用于比较的词还有第(9)句中的the same[3]。

2.2 科技英语中的省略


(10)Is the atomic explosion destructive?Yes,it is(destructive).

(11)What happened?Nothing (happened).

被省略的部分还可以是句中的一个成份。如下面这个句子里面,省略了(tools of the athlete’s trade were)留下的只是一个状语。

(12)Whether bicycles,kayaks,javelins,barbells,archery gear or fencing swords,the tools of the athlete’s trade are now lighter,stronger and better designed than even a few years ago.

2.3 科技英语中的替代

替代是与省略紧密联系的。这两者皆通过句法来表达语义关系。所谓替代,是用替代词去取代语篇中的一个成分。因而替代是形式,替代的语义需要从所替代的成分中去索引获得。例句(8)用比较正规的英语表达应是Light travels much fast⁃er than sound does.为了避免重复,助动词does替代了动词travels.助动词用于替代的情况很多,如:

(13)Detergent pollutes environment as severely as herbicide and pesticide


(14) Large-sized sharks often attack and feed on small-sized

还有一种是小句替代。通常用so来替代上文中已经出现过的小句。例(15)中的so则替代前文的句子the company is working toward releasing an open source system,属于小句性替代。

(15) Chinese search engine giant Baidu is con⁃sidering developing and releasing a mobile phone op⁃erating system,according to Chinese media reports.

The effort would be led by former Google employ⁃ees who defected to Baidu after Google defied the Chi⁃nese government by ending self-censorship of its search results.The report comes amid other Baidu moves to break into new areas as it seeks growth out⁃side of search,such as e-commerce,online video,so⁃cial networking,and browsers.

Few people know details of Baidu's plans in the mobile operating system department,but reports said the company is working toward releasing an open source system.

If so,it would directly compete with Google's An⁃droid operating system.New Android handsets are be⁃ing released quickly in China,and Baidu would like its own operating system to help give it an edge in the increasingly important mobile search market.


2.4 科技英语中的连接

连接是指利用连接成分的手段,将语篇中的一些逻辑关系体现出来。人们经常会使用一些transitional的词语,轻易地表示出条件、因果、转折、时间等逻辑上的联系。在科技英语中,连接的逻辑性很强。在第(16)句中,Ever since表示的是时间关系的连接词。例(17)分别使用了表时间,表转折和表增补的连接词,then,however,thus;连接词的使用使得科技英语语篇中句子与句子之间的语义关系更加清晰,结构更加紧凑。

(16) It is believed that fermentative production of food has been practiced for more than 10000 years.Ever since,mankind has tried to improve these pro⁃cesses.

(17) Man's first real invention,and one of the most important inventions in history,was the wheel.All transportation and every machine in the world de⁃pend on it.

The wheel is the simplest,yet,perhaps the most remarkable of all inventions,because there are no wheels in nature-no living thing was ever created with wheels.How,did man come to invent the wheel?

Perhaps some early hunters found that they could roll the carcass of a heavy animal through the forest on logs more easily than they could carry it.the logs themselves weighed a lot.

It must have taken a great prehistoric thinker to imagine two thin slices of log connected at their cen⁃ters by a strong stick.This would roll along just as the logs did,yet be much lighter and easier to handle.Thus,the wheel and axle came into being and with them the first carts.

这种语法关系利用传统语法也一样能解释。在系统功能语法中,韩礼德还将这种连接方式分为三类:Elaboration(详述)、Extension(扩展) 以及Enhancement(增强)。三大类下面还分为许多小类,这里不做进一步的分析。例句(16)中,ever since就属于增强一类的。下面这句话是典型的详述的例子。For example是详述,同时也是例证关系。

(18) The medicine has some side effects.For ex⁃ample,it can cause slight damage to kidney and brain nerves.

2.5 科技英语中的词汇衔接


(19) The medicine helps human body absorb theThe protein brings out the strongest effects of the medicine.

(20) A planet moving on its orbit seldomwith other planets.When theoccurs,that will be disaster.


(21) Nine year education for children isin USA.It is alsoin china.


(22) Human body needs a lot ofis always contained in fruits,sugar and so on.



(23) Plants characteristically synthesis complex organic substances from simple inorganic raw materials.In green plants,the energy of this process is sunlight.The plants can use this energy because they process the green pigment chlorophyll.Photo synthesis or“light synthesis”is a“self-feeding”or autotrophic process.


3 结语


