

重庆与世界 2018年1期









David Johnston, Governor-general of Canada,Visited Chongqing Discussed the cooperative chance on education and science in Chongqing University

Wu Kangming, Director of the Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs of Chongqing Municipality (the first one on the right side) met the guests at the airport. Photography / Zhou Yi (China News Service)

“I have five daughters, four of them came to China before or took part in exchange programs to China, and two of them can speak Chinese well. Studying abroad improved them a lot, I hope you can have the same experience.” On July 11, 2017, David Johnston,Governor-general of Canada, visited to Chongqing with his party and had hotpot as their dinner at Nanbin Road with students who plan to study in Canada, he said to the latter: “Hope you can learn more about curiosity, tolerance, judgement and empathy, which are praiseworthy characteristics in you growing up”

It is the second time for David Johnston to visit China as the Governor-general of Canada, Chongqing is the first place in his visit at this time. Members of delegation who visit China with David together include Zag, the leader of Government House of Representatives and the minister of small business and tourism;John McCallum, Canadian ambassador to China, and some wellknown leaders in fields like education, scientific research, sports,tourism and culture etc.

David Johnston and his party participated in Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation held by Chongqing University, which showed their attention highly paid on science,technology and innovation and their support to cooperate with China on science and technology. In this conference, leaders

and researchers from universities shared their experience, like Zhou Xuhong, the President of Chongqing University; Yang Lin,Secretary of the Party Committee in Yunnan University; Zhang Weiguo, the President of Southwest University; Xiong Caidong, the Vice-president of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China and etc. and discussed the bilateral research and cooperation on science, technology and innovation. David Johnston awarded medals to three persons, among which professor Li Yanyu, Ex-president of Children’s Hospital of Chongqing Medical University, is the only winner of Chongqing.

David Johnston visited Chongqing University in 2002 and 2010 respectively, he has been an old friend of Chongqing. Recently,Chongqing University has the close communication and cooperation with Canada and has established intimate relationship with seven universities in Canada, like University of Waterloo.

The main Canadian institutions cooperated with the southwest areas of China in fields like science, technology and innovation include The University of British Columbia, University of Alberta,National Research Council Canada, University of Windsor,University of Waterloo, McGill University, University of Western Ontario, and Memorial University of Newfoundland. The main cooperative fields involve control technology of safety instrument in nuclear power station, environment protection of plateau lakes in Yunnan Province, water science of three gorges of Yangtze River,medical robots, respiratory illness, high-risk diseases in pregnancy Alzheimer disease and education of multi-culture and national minority.

After a discussion on the meeting, David Johnston and his party went to Flight Training Center of China Express, visited and tested a flight simulator made by a Canadian company, witnessed the success of signing the contract of TRU simulation + training of Montreal, Canada and a business agreement of China Express,realized Chongqing’s development in Chongqing Planing Exhibition Gallery, and watched the complete sand table model of Raffles City Program, which was designed by Safdie Moshe, a great Canadian architect, this program is like a window to the world by combining historical civilization and future imagination of Chongqing.

■ Editor: Xiong Yi

Tr. by Han Fanglan


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