

重庆与世界 2018年1期

2017年12月16日,韩国总统文在寅一行访问重庆。一天时间,他参观大韩民国临时政府旧址陈列馆,探寻中韩在渝共同抗击日寇的历史足迹,出席中韩产业合作重庆论坛,参观考察北京现代重庆工厂 ,为中韩经贸合作加油鼓劲。






当天,文在寅一行还参观考察了两江新区北京现代重庆工厂 。


South Korean President Moon Jae-in Visited Chongqing“The Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea is our root and is where our spirit lies.”

South Korean President Moon Jae-in Visited Chongqing Forum on Industrial Cooperation between China and South Korea.Photographer/Tao Daiming

On December 16, 2017, South Korean president Moon Jae-in and his party visited Chongqing. During the day, he has visited the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea Museum to explore the historical footprints of the two countries’ joint efforts infighting against the Japanese aggressors in Chongqing. They have attended the Chongqing Forum on Industrial Cooperation between China and South Korea and visited the Beijing Hyundai (Chongqing)factory to cheer on the economic and trade cooperation between China and South Korea.

Located at No.38, Lianghuachi, Qixingang in Yuzhong District,the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea Museum is currently the largest Korean Peninsula ruins in China. From 1940 to 1945, Kim Koo the famous South Korean independent activist,had led the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea to carry out the national independence movement here. The six years in Chongqing was the most important and most active, most proud and brilliant period for the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea to carry out the national independence movement in China.

In front of the bronze statue of Kim Koo in the museum, the couple of Moon Jae-in presented flower baskets, bowed, and stood in silent tribute. Subsequently, they have visited the historical exhibition hall and the military activity exhibition hall of the provisional government, and carefully watched the historical photos of China and South Korea jointly fighting the aggression of

the Japanese invaders; they then went to visit the showrooms of the provisional government officials and the government agencies and offices. “The Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea is our root and is where our spirit lies.” Moon Jae-in wrote the sentence after the visit. In an interview with the offspring of the South Korean independent activists, he has said that the longstanding friendship between South Korea and China has never been closer in the anti-Japanese movement and the two peoples have ever worked closely together. He hopes that in the future,South Korea and China will be able to achieve prosperity and development on the basis of this history and friendship.

Over the years, the Chongqing municipal government has attached great importance to the protection of the site of the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea. On September 7, 2000, the site was upgraded to a provincial cultural relic protection unit; in 2008, it became one of the first batch of museums opened to the public for free in Chongqing. The Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea Museum has played an indispensable link role in the cultural exchange and friendship between China and the Korean Peninsula peoples.

At the ensuing “Chongqing Forum on Industrial Cooperation between China and South Korea”, Moon Jae-in has said that Chongqing is a city where Koreans and Chinese people share common precious memories. This time, he firstly visited the site of the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea as the incumbent president of South Korea and rejoiced at thinking of the situation in which his predecessors had hugged each other at hearing the good news of the motherland’s recovery with the Chinese people in Chongqing. Nowadays, Chongqing has been enjoying rapid economic growth. He is proud of the involvement of a large number of South Koreans and Korean companies in the new history of Chongqing. He also hopes that South Korea and neighboring countries will continue to strengthen regional connectivity and has discussed specific cooperation programs between the China’s “Belt and Road” initiative and South Korea’s“New North Policy”. The South Korean government will actively support the ROK-China enterprises to exert their own advantages to enter the third country market and strengthen the economic and trade cooperation with the Chinese local governments including Chongqing.

On the same day, Moon Jae-in and his party also visited the Beijing Hyundai (Chongqing) factory in Liang Jiang New Area.

■ Editor: Xiong Yi

Tr. by Li Hui

