【摘 要】本文以人教版 Book4 Unit1 A Student of African wildlife 阅读课为例,阐述英语阅读教学的具体方法,讲清教学目标,定好教学立意,分阶段展开教学过程,并在每一个教学过程中都有明确的教学意图,循序渐进,步步深入,訓练学生略读(scanning)、细读(close reading)、归纳内容(summarizing)等技巧,获取文章中的重要信息,把握文章的中心内容。
【关键词】英语阅读教学 略读(scanning) 细读(close reading) 归纳内容(summarizing)
【中图分类号】G 【文献标识码】A
近期,笔者很荣幸参加了玉林市第一中学陈雪梅老师与河南师范大学王彩琴教授进行的人教版必修四第一单元中 A Student of African wildlife 阅读课的同课异构教学活动。根据英语学科核心素养的内涵,王彩琴教授的课堂教学是从情感、问题和交际三个切入点展开,以“融合”为主线,贯穿学习能力和情感态度的培养与发展。
本文的阅读目的是让学生在阅读本文的过程中理解 Jane Goodall 如何仔细地观察黑猩猩,并学习她善于观察动物的方法,以及总结 Jane Goodall 在保护黑猩猩方面取得的成就。鼓励学生学习 Jane Goodall 不畏艰险的精神。进一步训练学生略读(scanning)、细读(close reading)、归纳内容(summarizing)等阅读技巧,善于把握文章的中心内容,获取与文章中心思想有关的重要信息,使学生在学完这篇文章后能针对阅读内容表达自己的观点。学习并掌握本课的词汇和语法结构。
本单元阅读部分以 A Student of African wildlife 为题,描述了 Jane Goodall 与她的同事在非洲原始森林观察黑猩猩的一个故事,阐述她从事这项观察野生黑猩猩工作的重要性,以及她在保护黑猩猩方面所取得的成就。尽管他们在野外的考察工作很辛苦,但他们觉得这样做是非常值得的。他们的某些重要的发现是在学校的实验室里不可能获得的。这正是 Jane Goodall 为什么要到非洲原始森林去的原因。她经过多年研究,帮助人类了解黑猩猩的日常生活习性。她强烈呼吁人们应该让动物回归自然,反对人类以任何借口用动物来做实验、广告或从事形形色色的娱乐活动。她努力呼吁人类要有理解动物、尊重动物和保护动物的意识。她在保护黑猩猩方面所取得的成就,毫无疑问的就是对广大有进取心的妇女的莫大鞭策和鼓舞。
(一)教学过程 1:捕捉关键词(Seeking key words)
设问一:What is a student?
因为文章的标题是 A Student of African wildlife,老师让学生思考并回答这个问题是让学生从不同角度发表对 student (学生)的定义。问题设计意图是教会学生看任何一篇文章时,在先懂得文章当中讲的是谁。让学生思考,学生是什么样的人,知道本文的主人翁是学生。
设问二:Where is Africa?(非洲在哪里?)What is your first impression of Africa?(非洲给你的第一印象是什么?)
设问三:What are wildlife?(野生动物是什么?)
从阅读部分的标题 A Student of African wildlife 告诉读者,本文有两条行文线索,主线 student,暗线 wildlife。
(二)教学过程 2:课中合作探究
1.Who is the student?(Jane Goodall)
2.What animals were observed?(Chimps)
〖第二个任务〗Choose the correct answers after reading the passage.
1.What did the group do first in the morning?They
A.helped people understand the behavior of the chimps
B.observed the family of chimps wake up
C.left the chimp family sleeping in a tree
D.went into the forest slowly
2.Why did Jane go to Africa to study chimps in the wild?Because she wanted
A.to prove the way people think about chimps was wrongendprint
B.to work with them in their own environment
C.to observe a chimp family
D.to discover what chimps eat
3.Jane was permitted to begin her work after
A.She lived in the forest
B.the chimp family woke up
C.She arrived at Gome
D.Her mother came to support her
4.The purpose of her study was to
A.understand and respect the lives of chimp
B.gain a doctors degree
C.live in the forest as men can
D.watch the wild chimps in cages
(Answers:1.B ;2.B;3.D;4.D)
(三)教学过程 3 :练习
第一段主题句:Following Janes way of studying chimps,our group are all going to visit them in the forest.
Main idea:How our groups studied chimps in the forest.
第二段主题句:Nobody before Jane fully understood chimp behaviour.
Main idea:What Jane discovered about chimps.
第三段主题句:For forty years Jane Goodall has been outspoken about making the rest of the world understand and respect the life of these animals.
Main idea:What Jane is doing now to help chimps.
第四段主题句:She has achieved everything she wanted to do.
Main idea:Janes achievements.
(四)教学过程 4:设计表格
设计下面的表格。通过填写表格来帮助学生掌握 Jane Goodall 在非洲野外的活动情况和所取得的成就。
Read the passage again to finish the following table,which lists what Jane does to protect Africa wildlife.
(五)教学过程 5 :在空白处填词
Before Jane,no one knew fully understood chimps behavior.Jane spent much time in observing and 1 ( record) the chimps daily activities.2 her childhood she had planed to work with animals in their own environment.But it was not easy.3 she first got to Gombe in 1960,it was 4 (usual) for a woman 5 (live) in the woods.
Only 6 her mother came and helped for the first few months was she allowed to start her project.Her work finally did change the wayt that people think about chimps.For example,one important thing she discovered 7 (be) that chimps like to hunt other animals and eat meat.
At that time everyone thought chimps ate only fruit and nuts.But she actually witnessed chimps as 8 group hunting a monkey and then eating 9 .She also found 10 chimps communicate with each other,and Janes study the body languages of the chimps helped her worked out their social system.endprint
(Answers:1.recording;2.Since ;3.When;4.unusual;5.to live;6.After;7.was;8.a;9.It;10.how)
〖设计说明〗加深对课文的深层理解和对文章主人公 Jane Goodall 的思想情感的体会,对文章教育意义的把握。
(六)教学过程 6:读后探究(Inquiring)
Ask the students to go over the text once again for the type of writing and discuss the questions concerning the difficult points.
Determining the type of writing will help students determining the authors topic(subject),purpose(why he is writing),style(how he should write)and tone(his attitude towards his subject-supportive,condemning,objective,etc.)
The type of writing:This is a piece of narrative writing.
〖设计说明〗通过这个读后探究,学生懂得写记叙文应有明确目的,是为了弘扬一种美德?阐述一个哲理?说明一个观点?还是批评一种倾向?让学生理解到阅读材料的内涵,激发学生的阅读兴趣 ,让学生能根据材料所表达的内涵来了解语言的情感和文化,从而提升学生的文化意识,形成文化自觉性。在学生知识习得和知识产出的过程中,培养学生立德树人的情操,扩大学生跨文化、跨地域的国际视野,也让学生学会写记叙文,并对上面的问题做到心中有数。
(七)教学过程 7: 读后的分享交流(sharing)
Have a discussion 1:Do you agree with Janes idea?Why or why not?
Key for reference:I agree with Janes idea,as we all know leaving animals in the wild is the best way to protect them.The animals like to live in the forest,as human beings like to live in the civilized world.
Have a discussion 2:What made her a great success?
Key for reference:We agree that there are two aspects that made Jane so successful.One is her way of studying(下轉第72页)(上接第66页) chimps,and the other is her deep love to the animals.The first one is facile,because it is only a way.Anyone can do it.However,for the second one,saying is easier than doing.As a lady,Jane left home,went to the forest to study the chimps and contributed all her love to the animals.It is really difficult.We all wonder how she has such great personality.
Have a discussion 3:What do you think is the best way to protect wildlife?
Key for reference:We should appeal to people to love wildlife,protect their habitats,make strict laws to forbid any hunters to hunt them freely,set up more natural reserves for wildlife and we are forbidden to disturb wildlife.Besides,the national wildlife reserves shouldnt be open to people.We should make everyone aware of the importance of protecting wildlife.It is also a wonderful way to understand and respect the life of animals.Building special places in which they can live safely is very effective and important.
(八)教学过程 8:读后的语言表达(expressing)
Retell the story with the help of some key wordsendprint
Key words :pay a visit to the chimps,observe the chimps,understand and respect chimp behaviors,argue for…build special places.
A possible version
We started at 5:45 am to pay a visit to the chimps in Gombe national park,where we carefully observed their daily life.At first,we watched a family of chimps wake up in the morning and then we followed the chimps wandering into the forest.Before that,Jane had spent many years there observing and recording the chimps' daily activities.After Jane spent many years observing and recording their daily activities,she discovered that chimps hunt and eat meat,which was against what people used to think.She also argued that wild animals should be left in the wild and people should be forbidden to use animals for entertainment or advertisements.She has achieved everything she wanted to do,but more importantly,she has got the world to understand and respect the life of chimps.
(责编 卢建龙)endprint