

中国现代医学杂志 2018年2期


(1.重庆三峡医药高等专科学校,重庆 404120;2.重庆市三峡中心医院,重庆 404000)



(1.重庆三峡医药高等专科学校,重庆 404120;2.重庆市三峡中心医院,重庆 404000)



在目前已知抗原提呈细胞中,树突状细胞(dendritic cells,DCs)功能最强大[1]。DCs主要存在2种功能状态:imDC和mDC。根据成熟状态及表型的不同,其表达不同的功能,在免疫调节中具有免疫应答和免疫耐受双重作用[2]。其膜表面高表达主要组织相容复合体Ⅱ类分子、共刺激分子白细胞介素4(interleukin-4,IL-4)、白细胞介素10(interleukin-10,IL-10)、白细胞介素12(interleukin-12,IL-12),可激活辅助性T细胞(helper T cell,TH),并调节TH细胞功能[3-4]。同时其分泌的细胞因子分泌高致炎症细胞因子和趋化因子,能够吸引和活化免疫细胞,形成并调控免疫应答[5]。目前国内外很多研究发现,DCs与多种超敏反应,如变应性鼻炎,具相关性[6-7],且国外已有研究通过人为干预DCs的表达,来延缓甚至阻止超敏反应发生[8-9]。儿童变应性哮喘是儿科常见疾病,患儿往往同时发生临床或亚临床的上呼吸道和下呼吸道过敏性症状,又称儿童过敏性鼻炎-哮喘综合征[10]。本研究分析DCs在儿童变应性哮喘中的异常表达情况,以探讨通过人为干预DCs表达,治疗和预防儿童变应性哮喘的可行性,现报道如下。

1 资料与方法

1.1 临床资料


1.2 方法


1.3 统计学方法

数据分析采用SPSS 18.0统计软件,计量资料用以均数±标准差(±s)表示,用单因素方差分析,P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。

2 结果

2.1 3组患儿DCs共刺激因子的表达


表1 3组患儿CD80、CD86表达水平比较(±s,pg/ml)

表1 3组患儿CD80、CD86表达水平比较(±s,pg/ml)

组别 CD80 CD86发病组(n =50) 16.517±4.156 37.013±14.116缓解组(n =50) 13.308±3.346 24.637±8.465对照组(n =30) 13.192±3.417 23.891±8.747 F值 2.376 36.191 P值 0.007 0.001

2.2 3组患儿相关细胞因子比较


表2 3组患儿IL-4、IL-10、IL-12水平比较(±s,pg/ml)

表2 3组患儿IL-4、IL-10、IL-12水平比较(±s,pg/ml)

组别 IL-4 IL-10 IL-12发病组(n =50)139.324±11.412 3.613±0.248 28.800±8.201缓解组(n =50) 34.013±4.917 6.752±1.014 44.229±9.207对照组(n =30) 33.743±5.107 6.902±0.900 44.601±9.703 F值 2470.818 2.301 54.214 P值 0.001 0.008 0.001

3 讨论




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Expression ofdendritic cells in children with allergic asthma and its significance*

Jing Liu1, Bing Tian2
(1. Chongqing Three Gorges Medical College, Chongqing 404120, China; 2. Chongqing Three Gorges Central Hospital, Chongqing 404000, China)

ObjectiveTo investigate the role ofdendritic cells (DCs) in the pathogenesis of allergic asthma in children.MethodsThe control group and the observation group were respectively established for healthy children and children with allergic asthma. Thedata of airway mucosa associated lymph nodes of the two groups were collected at the onset of thedisease and remission. The expressions of CD80 and CD86 ondCs weredetected by immunohistochemical technique. ELISA was used fordetection of changes of IL-4, IL-10 and IL-12 content in cell supernatant.ResultsThe value of CD80 was statistically different between the observation group and the control group (P< 0.05). The IL-4, IL-10 and IL-12 levels in the observation group were significantly different from those in the control group (P< 0.05). After treatment remission, there was no significant difference in the phenotype or cytokine pro file ofdCs in the airway mucosa associated lymph nodes between the children with allergic asthma and the healthy controls (P> 0.05).ConclusionsIn children with allergic asthma, the phenotypic expression ofdendritic cells and their secretory cytokines affect the occurrence and progression of thedisease. Allergic asthma in children can be treated and prevented by interfering with the expression ofdendritic cells.

dendritic cell; allergic asthma; hypersensitivity; cytokine







(童颖丹 编辑)


Study on the mechanism of Fuzi in the treatment of allergic rhinitis based on network pharmacology and experimental validation
科学家揭示大脑连接的真实结构 解决了树突棘保存难题