

农业工程学报 2017年24期

曹 哲,施正香,安 欣,王朝元


曹 哲1,2,施正香1,3※,安 欣1,2,王朝元1,3

(1. 中国农业大学水利与土木工程学院,北京 100083; 2. 农业部设施农业工程重点试验室,北京 100083; 3. 北京市畜禽健康养殖环境工程技术研究中心,北京 100083)



0 引 言




1 传热阻计算原理

1.1 热成像法传热阻计算







1.1.1 反射温度(ref)


图1 反射原理测量材料表面反射温度

1.1.2 材料表面发射率()


注:ε为物体表面发射率,τ为大气透射率,T为温度值,W为辐射能,下标obj, ref, atm 分别表示试样、反射和空气环境。





1.2 其他测试方法的传热阻计算

通常,围护结构传热阻计算主要采用现场接触式测试法,或按照国际标准方法(BS EN ISO 6946:1997)得到。接触式测试法是依据围护结构材料两侧对流和导热传热原理建立热平衡,由此推导出基于热电偶测试围护结构表面温度的传热阻2计算公式,即



2 材料与方法

2.1 试验对象


表1 牛舍材料

2.2 测试仪器和方法


2.2.1 室内外空气温湿度测试

采用APresys179-TH温湿度传感器感器(量程:温度:−40~100 ℃,湿度:0~100%RH,测量精度:±0.3 ℃,±3%RH),测试前对各传感器进行统一标定。

2.3.2 围护结构壁面温度测试

使用S6手持式热成像仪(量程:−20~650 ℃,测量精度:±2 ℃,波长范围8~14m)和贴片式T型热电偶(量程:−200~350 ℃,精度±0.5 ℃,响应时间3 s)测量,热电偶温度用Agilent 34972A数采仪采集。


热成像仪的视场角为25°×19°,垂直视角为19°,现场测量侧墙围护结构的垂直高度为4 m, 经几何计算,拍摄距离应为12 m。采集舍内围护结构表面温度时,手持热成像仪沿牛舍东西向进行测量,依据牛舍尺寸等间距采取南北两侧红外热谱图像各7张。红外热谱图像采集与热电偶测牛舍围护结构表面温度同时进行,每栋牛舍测量之前需要根据现场环境参数对发射率、反射温度、湿度、环境温度、测试距离进行设定。环境温度测试样点选取牛舍内东西和南北方向的6个测点,仪器安装在与牛体站立时等高的1.5 m位置,测点布置如下图3所示。

图3 试验测点布置





④ 依照上述步骤将测得数据obj、ref、tot带入公式 (4)计算发射率;


采用传统测试材料表面传热阻的方法,围护结构表面温度采用贴片式T型热电偶测试,并利用Agilent 34972A数据采集仪进行数据的连续采集。测试时间选择在利用热成像仪进行测试的时间段(每天17:00-20:00时),与红外热谱图像采集同时进行。测试方法为:在待测区热成像仪所采集的单张红外图像所对应的区域范围内布置3组贴片式T型热电偶,将Agilent 34972A数据采集仪的时间间隔设置为每30 min记录1次。

2.3 测试时间选择

本试验于2016年1月份进行。由于太阳辐射以及环境风速[29]对围护结构表面温度和热成像仪测温精度有较大影响,为确保试验期间所测结果的准确性,围护结构的内外温差至少保证为10 ℃[30-32]。因此,需要首先确定一天当中环境温度基本处于稳定状态的时间区间。试验前通过对所在地的室外温度进行连续5 d的监测,得到17:00-20:00时间段内外界环境温度波动较小且稳定,加之此时间段试验地受太阳辐射的影响比较小,故认为该段时间牛舍围护结构的热量传递方式为稳态传热,满足传热阻计算要求。因此传热阻测试选择在17:00-20:00时段内进行。监测试验期间,外界环境温度的变化情况,如图4所示。

图4 外界环境温度日变化

2.4 数据处理


3 结果与分析

3.1 围护结构不同部位的传热阻值


表2 不同测试方法下被测牛舍围护结构不同部位的传热阻值


Note: Different lowercase and uppercase indicate significant difference and extremely significant difference among treatments, at 0.05 and 0.01 level, respectively.

3.1.1 理论计算值与实测值的差异分析


3.1.2 热成像法和接触式测试法的差异比较



3.1.3 测试值与理论计算值吻合度比较


图5 不同热阻测试方法吻合度对比



3.2 密闭牛舍和卷帘牛舍围护结构的热特性分析






表3 不同方法得到牛舍围护结构热阻值

4 结 论




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Evaluation on measure method of heat transfer resistance for enveloped structure of cattle barn based on infrared imaging method

Cao Zhe1,2, Shi Zhengxiang1,3※, An Xin1,2, Wang Chaoyuan1,3

(1.100083; 2.100083,; 3.100083,)

The heat transfer resistance of enveloped building structure plays an important role in the heat gain and heat loss of building environment. It is also a crucial index related to building thermal comfort. Compared with the housing conditions of residents, those conditions of housings for animals are more complex, which are filled with heavy moisture, highly toxic gases, and high-level dust. The accumulation of these factors can have a negative effect on the thermal performance on the surface material of building structure. For minimizing the heat loss of material, it is vital to accurately measure the material heat transfer resistance in the field environment. In recent years, the infrared imaging method, an advanced technology in the area of fault diagnosis and detection, has been widely used in various industries, such as the thermal performance test of enveloped structures on industrial and civil building. It has the distinct advantage on the portable and prompt detection of surface temperatures with the visualized thermal image. This article mainly focuses on the application of infrared thermal image technology in 2 different forms of cattle barns in northeast region. To determine heat transfer resistance of enveloped structure, the derivation of related heat transfer equation would be taken into account. Compared with the traditional method, the infrared imaging method is more reliable to evaluate the heat transfer resistance of the enveloped structure in the cattle barn. The hand-held infrared thermal imager was used to measure the surface temperature of enveloped structure with setting the view from center passageway towards the wall of the barn. The instrument was carefully calibrated to ensure the setting parameters (emissivity, reflection temperature, humidity, and so on) to be in the optimal conditions before the measurement. For the validation of the infrared image method, the environment temperature was also recorded by the T & RH sensors with 6 testing points in the north and south sides of the barn. The T thermocouples were installed at the height of 1.5 m (the same level as standing cattle) and automatically measured the enveloped structure temperature. A data acquisition system (Agilent 34972A) was applied for continuous data collection. The results showed that the thermal imaging method could be used for the detection of thermal properties in some places unavailable for the contact measurement, such as side walls, roof, and shutter. Compared with the theoretical value obtained from the theoretical calculation, these 2 methods both had a high agreement (absolute deviation percentage was basically within 15%). However, the detection of heat transfer resistance in windows and doors by these methods was not consistent (deviation percentage was between 20% and 30%). Thermal imaging technology made comprehensive use of the site environment parameters and the actual heat value of enveloped structures, which was affected by materials aging, falling off, damp air conditions, scene construction quality, and so on. Therefore, the result from infrared imaging method on the detection of the heat transfer resistance is acceptable and reliable. The results of heat transfer resistance with some conventional methods, such as formula deduction and correlation equations, were significantly influenced by the precision of the measuring instrument, some accidental errors, and limitation on the defects detection. Therefore, the infrared image technology can be an alternative method for the detection of thermal properties in the housing system for animal.

wall; heat transfer resistance; thermography; contact test method; field test








曹 哲,男,陕西安康人,主要从事畜禽养殖工艺与环境研究。


曹 哲,施正香,安 欣,王朝元. 基于热成像技术的牛舍围护结构传热阻测试方法[J]. 农业工程学报,2017,33(24):235-241. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.24.031

Cao Zhe, Shi Zhengxiang, An Xin, Wang Chaoyuan. Evaluation on measure method of heat transfer resistance for enveloped structure of cattle barn based on infrared imaging method[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(24): 235-241. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.24.031

