史 磊,郭朝晖,梁 芳,彭 驰,肖细元,封文利
史 磊,郭朝晖※,梁 芳,彭 驰,肖细元,封文利
(中南大学冶金与环境学院,长沙 410083)
通过田间试验,研究了间歇灌溉和全生育期淹水2种水分管理结合水稻分蘖期施用石灰对不同水稻生育期的土壤和水稻各组织中Cd分布与运移的影响。研究结果表明,全生育淹水和施用石灰均能升高土壤pH值,降低土壤中有效态Cd含量;施用石灰能降低土壤中酸可提取态Cd所占比例而残渣态所占比例增加。在全生育期淹水条件下施用石灰有利于改善土壤性状并提高土壤中Fe质量百分含量。与不施用石灰相比,在间歇灌溉条件下,施用石灰处理的糙米中Cd质量分数从0.86 mg/kg降低到0.56 mg/kg,而在全生育期淹水条件下,施用石灰处理的糙米中Cd质量分数从0.77 mg/kg降低到0.34 mg/kg;无论间歇灌溉还是全淹水处理条件下,施用石灰均增加了水稻总生物量。施用石灰后,在灌浆期,水稻茎叶中Cd的富集系数显著降低(<0.05);在成熟期,根和稻米中Cd的富集系数显著降低(<0.05);在全生育期淹水条件下,成熟期水稻根到茎叶转运系数和茎叶到米中转运系数均显著降低(<0.05)。水稻糙米中Cd含量与土壤中有效态Cd含量、水稻地上部Cd累积量呈显著正相关,与土壤pH值呈显著负相关。上述研究结果表明,施用石灰能够显著降低稻田土壤中Cd的生物有效性;采用全生育期淹水结合在分蘖期施用石灰是降低稻米中Cd含量有效措施且不会导致水稻减产。
0 引 言
1 材料与方法
1.1 供试土壤和水稻
供试田间试验点位于湖南省湘潭市郊区某Cd污染稻田。供试稻田土壤基本理化性质见表1。供试水稻品种为五丰优569()。田间试验用石灰为市售商品,其中总Cd质量分数为0.47 mg/kg。
表1 供试土壤基本理化性质
1.2 试验设计
田间试验按照全生育期淹水和间歇灌溉2种水分管理模式,以及分别施用石灰进行设计,共4个处理。即1)间歇灌溉(WCK):田间灌水后保持3~5 cm表水层直到水稻分蘖后期落干1次,在灌浆结实期进行2次“淹水-落干”,田间土壤落干5~7 d达到田面有微裂痕迹,即土壤含水率在70%~90%,呈“湿硬”状态[18];2)间歇灌溉+石灰(WL);3)全生育期淹水(FCK):全生育期淹水为在整个生育期保持3~5 cm田间表水层;4)全生育期淹水+石灰(FL)。每处理3个重复,共12个试验小区。每个试验小区面积为5 m×7 m,随机排列。试验小区周边设保护行,小区间田埂用塑料薄膜覆盖,防止小区间窜水。基肥组成N∶P2O5∶K2O=1∶0.5∶1,以尿素、磷酸二氢钾和氯化钾形式加入,稳定7 d后于2015年7月20日移栽秧苗,水稻行距为10 cm×15 cm。分别在水稻种植至分蘖期(8月18日)、灌浆期(10月13日)和成熟期(11月10日)采集水稻和土壤样品。在分蘖期采集样品后第2天(8月19日)施石灰到表层土壤中,石灰用量1 500 kg/hm2。其他施肥(追肥)、病虫害防治等管理措施均按当地居民习惯进行。
1.3 样品收集与分析
采集水稻根区土壤样品,在室温下自然风干,剔除土壤中杂物,将土壤碾碎,充分混匀后,分别过20目和100目筛后保存至封口塑料袋中备用。水稻样品带回实验室先用自来水冲洗,再用去离子水冲洗干净,将鲜样分为根、茎叶和籽粒装纸袋,105 ℃杀青1 h后,再于60 ℃烘至恒质量,称其质量后,粉碎装入自封口塑料袋中备用。
土壤pH值采用1∶2.5水土比浸提,pH计(雷磁,PHS-3C)测定。土壤有机质含量采用重铬酸钾容量法测定;碱解氮采用碱解扩散法测定;有效磷采用碳酸氢钠提取-钒钼黄比色法测定;速效钾采用醋酸铵-火焰光度计法测定;土壤中有效态Cd含量采用《土壤质量有效态铅和镉的测定原子吸收法GB/T 23739-2009》测定;土壤中Cd的赋存形态采用改进的BCR法提取[19]。土壤样品用HF-HNO3-HClO4法消解,水稻植株和糙米样品采用HNO3-HClO4法消解,消解液中Cd含量采用ICP-MS(美国,Thermo FisherX2)测定。土壤颗粒表面形貌及能谱采用扫描电子显微镜(日本,JSM-6360)进行扫描分析。
1.4 数据处理
所有试验数据采用Microsoft Excel 2010进行分析处理。采用SPSS 18.0 统计软件进行单因素方差分析(One-way ANOVA)比较各处理间的差异,显著性水平为<0.05。
2 结果与讨论
2.1 土壤pH值及有效态Cd含量变化
2.2 土壤Cd形态的变化
图2 不同生育期土壤中Cd形态所占比例
2.3 水稻土壤表面形貌及其化学组成
注:图中方框代表能谱扫描位点。 Note: Box in the figures is the EDS scanning point.
2.4 水分管理对石灰调控水稻吸收Cd的影响
2.4.1 不同生育期水稻生物量
表2 不同处理及生育期水稻生物量的影响
Note: Different letters in same row indicate significant difference in different treatment (<0.05), the same as below.
2.4.2 不同生育期水稻各器官中Cd的含量和累积量
在水稻各生育期内,WCK与FCK处理水稻各器官中Cd含量差异不显著(表3),与先前已有报道在全生育期淹水条件下处理能降低植物中Cd含量[29-30]结论不一致。两种水分管理条件下,施用石灰后,在灌浆期水稻根部的Cd含量显著降低(<0.05),在成熟期水稻茎叶Cd含量显著降低(<0.05)。和WCK相比,WL处理下糙米中Cd质量分数从0.86 mg/kg降低到0.56 mg/kg;和FCK相比,FL处理下糙米中Cd质量分数从0.77 mg/kg降低到0.36 mg/kg。表明全生育期淹水并施用石灰,对降低糙米中Cd含量的协同作用更明显。
表3 不同生育期水稻各器官中Cd的含量
表4 不同生育期水稻地下部与地上部Cd累积量的变化
2.4.3 水稻对Cd的转运和富集特征
转运系数(TF)指植物后一部位中Cd 含量与前一部位中Cd 含量的比值,转运系数越大,则表明该部位对Cd 的转运能力越强[32-33]。TFmsbr代表茎叶到糙米中Cd的转运系数。4种处理对根系到茎叶中Cd的转运系数和茎叶到糙米中转运系数(TFmsbr)均小于1。这说明尽管水稻根系富集大量Cd,但是,仅有一少部分的Cd通过根系转运到了茎叶中。根系是阻碍Cd的天然屏障,在根系表面形成的根表铁膜是抑制土壤中Cd转运的关键[11]。从分蘖期到成熟期根到茎叶的转运系数逐渐升高。但是和WCK相比,FCK处理在一定程度上能降低转运系数和TFmsbr。在WCK和FCK两种条件下,施用石灰均能够降低在水稻各生育期的转运系数和TFmsbr,其中在成熟期,和FCK相比,FL处理使水稻TFmrs和TFmsbr分别显著降低34.5%和33.3%(<0.05)。上述结果说明,全生育期淹水处理在水稻各生育期能降低水稻中Cd的TF和BCF。在全生育期淹水和间歇灌溉2种水分管理条件下,施用石灰是显著降低Cd在水稻中转运系数和富集系数的重要措施。
表5 不同生育期水稻根、茎叶和稻米中Cd的富集系数和转运系数
Note: BCFtrand BCFtsare the bioconcentration factors of root, shoot and leaf in tillering stage, respectively; BCFfrand BCFfsare the bioconcentration factors of root and shoot and leaf in filling stage, respectively; BCFmr, BCFmsand BCFmbrare the bioconcentration factors of root, shoot and leaf, rice in maturity stage, respectively; TFtrs, TFfrsand TFmrsare the translation factors from root to shoot and leaf in whole stages, respectively.
3 结 论
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Effects of lime and water management on uptake and translocation of cadmium in rice
Shi Lei, Guo Zhaohui※, Liang Fang, Peng Chi, Xiao Xiyuan, FengWenli
Cadmium (Cd) is a highly toxic element, and can be readily accumulated in crops and thus harm human health by food chain. Agricultural paddy soil contaminated by Cd has become very obvious environmental problem in South China. Rice (L.) is a kind of important crop and main daily diet and has been considered to be a major source of Cd intake by humans in some parts of southern China. The accumulation of Cd in rice in Cd contaminated paddy field easily exceeds 0.2 mg/kg, which is the limit according to the(GB 2762-2012). In order to reduce the effect of Cd on human body, animal and plant, a field experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of liming application at rice tillering stage on the distribution and migration characteristics of Cd in organs of rice at the different growth stages under the treatment of intermittent irrigation and flooding in whole growth period. The 4 treatments were designed as follows: 1) Intermittent irrigation treatment, and the plot was irrigated following the local conventional irrigation method to maintain being flooded with 3-5 cm water above the soil surface until the late tillering stage and then was drained, followed by intermittent irrigation 2 times (WCK); 2) intermittent irrigation + lime (WL); 3) flooding in whole cultivation, and the plot was flooded during the whole period of crop growth, in which water was kept at a height of 3-5 cm above the soil surface (FCK); 4) flooding in whole cultivation + lime (FL). Lime (1 500 kg/hm2) was applied to the paddy soil after the samples were collected at tillering stage. The samples were collected at stages of tillering, filling and maturity, respectively. The results showed that the intermittent and continuous flooding treatment combined with lime application at rice tillering stage increased significantly the soil pH values and decreased the available Cd mass fraction in the soil. Application of lime caused the transforming of acid-soluble Cd into oxidizable, reducible and residual states. Moreover, application of lime in the treatment of flooding in whole growth period could increase iron (Fe) mass fraction in the soil. After liming, the Cd mass fraction of brown rice significantly reduced from 0.86 to 0.56 mg/kg under intermittent irrigation treatment and from 0.77 to 0.34 mg/kg under the treatment of flooding in whole growth period. Meanwhile lime application reduced significantly the bioconcentration factor of Cd in shoot at filling stage (<0.05), while the bioconcentration factor of Cd in root and brown rice at maturity stage was also decreased significantly (<0.05). In addition, at maturity stage the translocation factor from root to shoot and that from shoot to brown rice decreased significantly under the treatment of flooding in whole growth period combined with lime application (<0.05). The rice yield averagely increased by 10% with lime application. Correlation analysis indicated that Cd mass fraction in brown rice was significantly positively correlated with the available Cd mass fraction in soil and the Cd accumulation in aboveground part of rice, and was significantly negatively correlated with soil pH value. In all, the results indicated that the intermittent irrigation and flooding in whole growth period combined with lime application at tillering stage were effective ways to reduce uptake of Cd in rice in contaminated paddy soil without yield loss, especially the flooding treatment combined with lime application.
water management; lime; heavy metal; rice; cadmium; bioconcentration factor; translocation factor
X131; S274
史 磊,男,河南开封人,博士生,主要从事土壤重金属污染控制与修复研究。Email:shilei1121@126.com
史 磊,郭朝晖,梁 芳,彭 驰,肖细元,封文利. 水分管理和施用石灰对水稻镉吸收与运移的影响[J]. 农业工程学报,2017,33(24):111-117. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.24.015 http://www.tcsae.org
Shi Lei, Guo Zhaohui, Liang Fang, Peng Chi, Xiao Xiyuan, Feng Wenli. Effects of lime and water management on uptake and translocation of cadmium in rice[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(24): 111-117. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.24.015 http://www.tcsae.org