
世界建筑导报 2017年6期



Apartment House Gradaška Ljubljana, Slovenia





The Apartment House Gradaška is a freestanding building with twelve high standards, open market apartments. The Apartment House Gradaška is located on an edge lot belonging to an urban residential block consisting of four-story apartment buildings. Situated directly behind it is a quite different neighborhood of small-scale houses of an almost rural character. Our building is thus a mediator in what is essentially a near collision of rural and urban scales. Situated on the periphery of a protected enclave of low housing units, the Gradaška House offers ample views of the Ljubljana Castle and city center.

The Gradaška House is comprised of twelve diverse fl ats that are adaptable enough to accommodate any type of inhabitant. Particular apartments were developed in sections and then stacked together into one compact building like twelve over sized Tetris blocks. Each apartment has a one and a half or double height living room, giving each of the units an individual character and enabling vertical views of the interior space. All of the apartments have a gallery allowing views of the living quarters below. Each fl at also has at least a double orientation and thus a panoramic view of the city or the surroundings.Although the building has no outside buffer spaces such as gardens or terraces, the facade of every apartment can be completely opened up. As such, the interior space becomes a surrogate for the exterior, and the living room becomes an urban terrace, which is a somewhat contradictory way,establishes a close relationship between the strictly private and the public. Using this contradiction as a »generator of urban living«, we designed a building located in the city that offers a lifestyle associated with dwellings located on the outskirts, suggesting a house with a large private garden.In this way, the whole city becomes the inhabitants' private garden. The building's four facades are made of three different materials: a thin metal filigree base; a conglomerate stone, which outlines the individual apartments, and a combination of reflective and transparent glass panels, which mirror the surroundings, prevent them from entering into the apartments, or reveal the interior of an apartment in the surroundings. The stainless steel shading elements either diff use the light in the apartment or prevent it from entering. The appearance of the building constantly changes because of the reflective glass facade. During the day the building is introverted, but during the night it unveils itself and opens to the surroundings. The border between the apartment and the city, between the individual and the public,starts to dissolve, and the facade becomes a switching surface, shifting between the rural and the urban and between the personal and the public. The facade is a permeable envelope that not only lets the interior extend to the exterior but also the context of the building into the microcosm of the apartments.This also facilitates the inhabitants' identification with the building in which they live, since the view they have toward the outside is the same one they see reflected on the facade as they approach their home.Rather than trying to contextualize the building through formal, volumetric, or material similarities to the area, we achieved this through the use of color and camouflaging by reflecting the immediate surroundings on the facade. Reactions to the Gradaška House have been diverse: whereas locals were concerned about its size and how it would work within the surrounding environment, foreign visitors see it as a highly contextual building. For us, the project is one that allows a specific environment to be seen in a new and di ff erent way.

一层平面图 1st floor

二层平面图 2nd floor

三层平面图 attic

立面图 Facade

剖面图 Sections

