摘要:为探索阅读教学新思路, 应用美国一线教师对于故事型文章教学的新颖方法在高中英语阅读教学中的尝试。
关键词:故事型阅读教学,pre-reading, 教学策略
從事英语教学二十多年,阅读教学方法总是停留在传统方法上,难有突破。在今年暑假参加SABEH的课程,接收到来自美国一线教师的教学理念后, 我开始对阅读的教学有了一些新的思路,继应用MINDWRITE来进行有关人物的阅读文章的教学后,我又开始探索故事型阅读文章的教学。在这个阅读教学中我应用了来自SABEAH的老师的教学策略,这个的策略的精华主要在于读前:This is a pre-reading technique that integrates prediction, summarization, vocabulary instruction and story frames. The purpose is to generate reading interest in a text by getting students to predict the plot outcome of a narrative or the main idea of an expository text. 主要的过程包括:(1)Select important terms and concept from text to be read. (2)Have the students categorize them according to the story or the text using the graphic organizer. Narrative elements would include setting, characters, problems, outcomes, unknown words, to discover. Expository elements would include who, what, when, where, why, how. (3)Then have students write a gist statement by making a prediction about the plot of the story or the main idea of the text using as many of the words as possible. Also, have students generate a list of things they want to discover about the reading. 4. Have the students read the story or text and compare their gist statements to the version they predicted. Then have the students modify their predicted story or text to make it a summary.
我尝试应用这个教学策略来教学北师大教材模块三的第八单元第四课journey to the Antarctic ,以往这篇文章学生常常因为文章难且趣味性不大而读不下去,应用这个方法,我充分地调动了他们的兴趣。首先,我从文章中找出这样的一些关键词:journey ,Antarctic, race, winter, spring, teams, Scott, Amundsen, food, break down, run out, rocks, disaster, food, diary, death. 然后给了学生几个区块:CHARACTERS, SETTING, CONFLICT/PROBLEM, RESOLUTION/OUTCOME, UNKNOWN WORDS. 让学生把关键词按区块进行讨论归类,接着分小组对故事内容进行猜测,并用关键词组成各自的故事梗概,然后每个小组派一个代表来进行阐述,学生充分发挥了自己的想象力,用同样的几个词组成了各自的五花八门的故事梗概,这样学生的积极性已经得到了充分的调动,同时,组词成文和小组协作能力也得到锻炼。与此同时,学生对了解故事的真实情节也充满了期待。这时,我才给他们布置阅读任务:(1)Read "The Interlopers". As a result, pay attention to the context in which the words from today's activity appear. (2)For each word, explain how it fits into the story including whether or not you categorized each word accurately. (3)Revisit your gist statement to see how it aligns with "Journey to Antarctic" and write a short statement about this. 学生带着这样的任务饶有兴趣的进行阅读,整个驱动力以及教学的效果都是传统教学所无法匹及的。他山之石可以借鉴,这次培训让我不仅接触到新颖的教学理念,还学到许多新颖有用的教学技巧和方法,我还会继续探索更多好的适用不同文章类型的阅读教学方法。
[1]《course design》《Teacher's handbook》《Sabeh 2017》