

世界建筑 2017年11期


Architect: Archplan GmbH



Architect: Archplan GmbH

"Fordsiedlung" der LEG, Cologne, Germany, 2010

1 鸟瞰/Aerial view

2 改造前/Before renovation

3 改造后/After renovation

4 外景/Exterior view






从节能的角度看,该项目也达到了相当可观的效果:高效的外墙、地下室和屋顶隔热;新装的吸热玻璃门窗;能量流失控制措施;每户加装了换气系统,顶层还加装了热回收系统;由冷凝式燃气技术和太阳能提供的暖气和热水,其中,真空太阳能板被安装在南向的屋顶上(1150m2); 45,000L储量的地板下能源中央存储池;供暖能耗减少85%;CO2排放量减少94%。

5 剖面/Section




除去室外设施的施工,11个街块的改造工程总共耗时18个月。□(张裕翔 译)

6 外景/Exterior view

7 五层平面渲染/Rendering flat 4th floor

8 建造中/Under construction

The settlement was built in the early fifties as workman's dwellings for the Ford factory which is only 3 km away. The estate is a grown urban quarter(in Cologne “Veedel”) at the northern gate to the city centre. The open space, with a number of old trees,provides space for activities of the neighbourhood residents. Since the 1950s nothing has been done or modernised except the replacement of wooden windows with PVC windows in the 70s.

The complex was made of 11 blocks of flats from the early 50s for 14,211m² of living area: in total 300 flats with an average of 47m² each, heated with single coal-burning stoves; only a few got mini balconies; the sanitary and the electric installations were obsolete. The complex had to be totally renovated or demolished and built anew.

The aim of developing the estate was to change the quarter into a modern, highly energy efficient housing estate. The main goals were: change very small flats into family flats by merging 3 to two flats; providing balconies; reduce barriers in the flats; renew the technical installations including all bathrooms; develop open space with kitchen gardens, playgrounds and meeting points.

As it was impossible in Cologne to find 300 alternate flats to move the residents, a renovation without moving the inhabitants totally to another area had been decided. The idea was that every resident had to move once, from the old flat to a renovated one. To increase the value of the object, the plot area had to be upgraded to a maximum of living space in proportion to the area of the property. The solution was the heightening of the 3-storey buildings by a 4th level (and a partial 5th floor).

So, more than 6300m² of living space (81 new flats) was added to the 300 existing flats, the total becomes more than 20,500m² area for habitation.New flexible flats for new stakeholders were created,as well as generous balconies and "French windows".

From the point of view of energy conservation,significance outputs have been achieved: highly efficient insulation of external walls, basement and top floor ceilings; new windows and doors with heat absorbing glass; reduction of energy loss; provision of air ventilation systems for each flat, with heat recovery in the top floor flats. Heating and warm water supply by gas condensing boiler technology and solar power comprised: installation of vacuum solar panels on south facing roofs (1150m²); central storage of energy of the solar panels in under floor tanks with 45,000L volume; reduction of heating energy demand by 85%;reduction of CO2emission by 94%.

As a result of the investigation of the construction of the existing buildings, it was found that the highest ceiling was not capable of withstanding additional load. The solution was a cross-laminated timber construction. Bridging the last ceiling with an overhang of 45cm. This overhang not only created 1,000m² additional living space, in relation to the level below, but also generated a solution for the changeover between the facade of the old and the new building parts(with colour design inspired by Mediterranean ambiance highlighting the new appearance of the estate). The prefabricated timber frame construction was delivered including the windows, the finished surface on the inside and the first two layers of plaster on the outside. It came to a maximum length of 12 metres. The whole construction for an 80m block of flats took about one week to erect, from the deconstruction of the roof to finishing the timber frame construction.

This construction method also allowed the renovation of the existing building without constant access to the fourth floor construction. Only when the renovation of the existing part of the building was finished, were the line sections (conduits)connected between the existing building and the new storey. So independent of the erection of the new storey, the renovation could be done.

As the last level of the existing building did not have a regular stairway, a new access in massive timber construction has been created.

The total construction time for all 11 blocks of flats took 18 months, excluding the outdoor facilities. □

项目信息/Credits and Data

业主/Client: LEG Wohnen NRW GmbH

建筑、结构工程、建筑工程物理、质量监管/Architects,Structural Engineering, Building Physics, Quality Assurance Management: Archplan有限公司/Archplan GmbH

建筑面积/Gross Floor Area: 25,600m²

造价/Cost: € 26,995,000

施工时间/Construction: 2008-2010

摄影/Photos: Archplan GmbH

9 施工图平面/The plan for detailed engineering

