

世界建筑 2017年11期


尚晋 译/Translated by SHANG Jin



尚晋 译/Translated by SHANG Jin

The Potential of the Roofscape








2 空中广场,米洛德住宅,马德里/Sky plaza, Mirador project, Madrid(1-3摄影/Photos: Rob't Hart)

3 空中广场,米洛德住宅,马德里/Sky plaza, Mirador project, Madrid(1-3摄影/Photos: Rob't Hart)

The idea that a building is "finished" or"complete" on the day it opens its doors is hardwired into existing thinking about design, planning and construction. However, this line of thinking reduces architecture and design to merely the production of objects and ignores the impact of social and technological change, not to mention the evolutions that come as a result of occupancy. Buildings are living objects, mutable and manipulated by each generation of users. With resources at a premium and an increasing need for the sustainable use of building materials, it is a luxury to design from a blank slate.

This does not limit the creative potential of architecture; rather it widens existing possibilities and even illuminates new ones. These may include considering future adaptability, rehabilitation,and conservation, but also the introduction of new elements to existing structure. Here lies particularly rich ground. Ideas regarding verticality in architecture are often limited to skyscrapers –high-capital endeavours that struggle with issues of social isolation and alienating scale.

MVRDV has long been interested in embedding these highly-dense and vertical structures with the informal social atmosphere that makes villages and cities so vibrant. Indeed, the office has done so throughout its lifespan, in projects and scales ranging from the architectural (Didden Village)to the urban (Celosia & Mirador) to the urban hypothetical (The Vertical Village).

Design culture must move beyond the idiosyncratic aspirations of an individual generating(large-scale) purpose-built designs with fixed uses.The possibilities made available by adaptability,flexibility, and strategic densification and are often overlooked, but in fact create enormously exciting"loose-fit" architectures. Densification via the village and the roofscape has the potential to emancipate users to create their own versatile and vibrant environments.

The Didden Village project (see page 30) was one of MVRDV's first investigations into the notion of urban densification via the roofscape. Built in the in the Middelland neighbourhood of Rotterdam,the project is the result of the Didden family's need to expand their cramped family residence. Rather than simply adding an additional floor or expanding into the back garden, the project stacked new program to form a village-like atmosphere on the roof. Each new room takes the form of a miniature and stereotypical "home" on the roof, with discrete entrances and a signature gabled silhouette. Inside,the rooms are clad in wood or painted a warm red;on the outside, everything is draped in technicolour blue polyurethane. Each "resident" reaches their room via specific staircase, further emphasising the individual-yet-collective nature of the addition.Project costs were kept low as the addition was optimised to take advantage of existing structure and building systems.

The deliberately vernacular and vibrant design is an iconic addition that both serves the creative needs of the residents and acts as a conversationstarter for urban densification in Rotterdam.How might cities grow densely, sustainably, and affordably? And how can we maintain the strong social ties that make cities work? Didden Village suggests that one possible answer might lie in exploiting the roofscape. Since the project was constructed, surrounding neighbours have begun to populate their own roofs, creating a new shared zone for neighbourhood activity.

4 垂直村庄模型/Models of Vertical Village











This case study, however, functions primarily at the scale of the individual. What does it become when it jumps from being an architectural strategy to an urban one? In Madrid, the Mirador project is an early example of large-scale densification balanced with social atmosphere in MVRDV's portfolio. The project flips the traditional apartment block upwards on its axis, creating a highly-efficient building footprint with social space elevated well above ground level. In Mirador, the courtyard space found in typical Spanish blocks is a "sky plaza" that appears to be cut from the building mass. The "roofscape" is a shared and visible rallyingpoint for all residents, and offers views out to the Guadarrama Mountains.

This scheme is iconic in the area, but is more important in that it preserves much needed open space without sacrificing the social nature of lowdensity residential structures. This atmosphere is even ref l ected in the architecture, which includes slitlike access zones that refer to streets. The assembly of these slits create a visual – and actual – set of domestic typologies that are structured like small suburbs within the building. It creates a vertical neighbourhood.

However, while this scale is appropriate for the European city, it is largely irrelevant for Asian urban development projects.

The Vertical Village, a project developed by MVRDV in collaboration with the JUT Foundation for Arts and Architecture, tests the ideas of sociallyrich density within a contemporary Asian context.For centuries, the urban fabric of East Asian cities has consisted primarily of small-scale and informal villages patchworks. These urban villages form intense, socially connected communities where strong individual identities and differences can be nurtured.

Driven by demographic and economic forces,Asian cities have rapidly changed over the past decades. Cities are overwhelmingly composed of large-block construction. Neighbourhoods, not to mention individual apartment buildings, are often indistinguishable. This relentless "Block Attack" –massive towers, slabs and blocks with repetitive housing units, floor plans and facades– are building over the village atmosphere that has evolved over hundreds of years. These alien buildings may provide a quick solution to population growth and a modern Western standard of living, but they often destroy indigenous communities in the process. They discourage diversity, flexibility, and individually tailored ideas and obstruct urban innovation.

The question becomes: how can we reconcile the mass/density of program required with the need to foster social connection and vibrancy? Is it even possible to effectively do so? Just as in Didden Village and Mirador, the answer likely lies in reexamining the vernacular and unplanned uses of architecture.

The Vertical Village explores a new theory of densification at an urban scale, and is architecturally rooted in the vernacular and established strategies.The development, rather than being spread horizontally over a large area of land, is stacked vertically. At its core, it is a village, with all its idiosyncrasy and nuance; architectural elements shifted and offset to create a variety of spaces for residents.

The urban village aims to foster a sense of community living within a dense and contemporary housing type. In it, housing types within the tower structure can include terraces and roof gardens that accommodate leisure activities. This comfortable lifestyle might even attract the middle and upper classes, leading to a more mixed, and less segregated society. Homes could even be combined with smallscale offices and workspaces to create a humming mixed-use structure that is active at all hours.In contrast to the blocks, this new village type might enable an architecture based on individual expression and identity.

To build the successful Vertical Village, a truly self-organised and initiated manner of city building is required – a model that combines individuality,diversity and collectivity with the need for densification as an alternative to the Block Attack. A model that can generate a Vertical Village – a threedimensional community that brings personal. □

5 垂直村庄渲染图/Rendering of Vertical Village(4.5图片来源/Source: MVRDV)


