摘 要 为了比较不同小麦品种的抗性基因对小麦条锈病发生的影响,以及小麦对连续一个月寒潮且平均气温突降10 ℃以上的适应能力,以小麦抗条锈病近等基因系6个品种为材料,在四川绵阳进行单播和混播处理,并和当地小麦进行比较分析.在自然发病条件下,研究了条锈病在单播和混播条件下的发病情况和寒潮对小麦抗病能力的影响.试验结果表明,6种小麦在不同生长阶段对条锈菌的反应型差异显著(P<0.05),不同近等基因品种单播和混播的枯芯率差异显著(P<0.05),同时,结合当年寒潮的影响,四川小麦品种适应当地异常环境的能力较强.
关键词 小麦;条锈病;反应型;病害指数;枯芯;冻害
中图分类号 S5121 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1000-2537(2017)05-0024-05
A Study of the Effect of Wheat Varieties with Near-isogenic Lines on Resistance to Stripe Rust and Abnormally Cold Weather in Mianyang
ZHANG Hua1, KANG Xiao-hui1, CHEN Wan-quan2, LIU Bo2, LIANG Yong-liang1, YANG Heng1
(1.College of Life Science and Engineering, Southwest University of Science and Technology, Mianyang 621010,China;
2.State Key laboratory for Biology of Plant Diseases and Insect Pests, Institute of Plant Protection,
The Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100193, China)
Abstract In order to compare the effect of resistance genes of different wheat varieties on the occurrence of wheat stripe rust, and the adaptability of wheat to the cold weather up to a month and the average temperature of 10 degrees Celsius, in this paper, 6 varieties of wheat stripe rust resistance near isogenic lines were used as the materials to carry out the unicast and mixed sowing treatments in Mianyang, Sichuan. Under the condition of natural disease, the incidence of stripe rust and the impact of cold weather on wheats disease resistance were thoroughly studied. Our test results show that the 6 kinds of wheat in different growth stages of wheat stripe rust reacted significantly differently (P<0.05), with significant difference in near isogenic varieties of dry mixture of unicast and core rates (P<0.05). At the same time, combined with the impact of current cold weather, our study showed that Sichuan wheat varieties could adapt well with the abnormal environment.
Key words wheat; stripe rust; reaction type; disease index; dry core damage
小麥锈病、白粉病、赤霉病是我国小麦生产上的三大主要病害,其中,小麦锈病分秆锈、叶锈和条锈.条锈病(病原菌Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici)在我国是小麦三种锈病中发生最广、危害最重的病害,主要发生于西北、西南、黄淮海等冬麦区和西北春麦区.小麦条锈病在流行年份可减产20%~30%,严重田块甚至绝收.特别是 1950,1964,1990和2002年4次病害全国大流行,发生面积均超过 667 万 hm2,损失小麦共计 120 亿 kg[1].其中 1950 年损失的小麦占全国小麦总产量的 41.4%,超过当年全国夏季征粮的总数[2].四川盆地是条锈病菌的主要越夏区域之一[3],当地相关作物管理部门对此类病害的研究和防治工作高度重视,长期以来组织专业工作小组研究和控制条锈病,并取得良好效果.小麦条锈病,苗期染病,幼苗叶片上产生多层轮状排列的鲜黄色夏孢子堆.成株叶片初发病时夏孢子堆为小长条状,鲜黄色,椭圆形,与叶脉平行,且排列成行,像缝纫机轧过的针脚一样,呈虚线状,后期表皮破裂,出现锈褐色粉状物;小麦近成熟时,叶鞘上出现圆形至卵圆形黑褐色夏孢子堆,散出鲜黄色粉末,即夏孢子.多年来国内外的研究和生产实践证明,合理利用抗病基因,培育和推广高效、稳定、广谱、持久的抗病品种是控制与治理小麦条锈病最经济、安全、有效的途径[4].endprint