1 莫奈大道2.0项目内容包括沿街两处街景、一个广场和一系列社交公共空间节点的更新设计The Monet Avenue 2.0 project includes the renovation of the streetscape along two blocks of the street, a plaza, and a series of social nodes
2 莫奈广场是该项目的核心,包括一处水景、社交座椅、用餐区和儿童游戏设施The heart of the project, Monet Plaza, includes a water feature, social seating elements, dining areas, and a children’s play feature
3 座椅多样的高度和巧妙的布局满足了各个使用群体面对面交谈和互动的需要The arrangement and multiple heights of the seating invite a wider user group to face and interact with others
4 黑色洋槐木纹理长凳等设施为街道增加了休憩空间,注入了人气与活力Black locust end-grain benches and other facilities increase the rest space for the street, thus providing a new layer of vitality to the space
5 橡树区是其中一个社交空间节点,由一系列低维护黑色洋槐木纹理长凳、青铜色种植池和耐干旱植物组成,都布置在移栽来的本地橡树的树荫下One of the social nodes, the oak lounge, is a series of sustainably harvested black locust end-grain benches, bronze planters, and drought tolerant plantings, all shaded by salvaged native oak trees
6 莫奈广场的定制长椅、中央喷泉以及弹出式零售商店。激光切割的青铜长凳上的图案清晰可见,演绎了场地附近圣加布里埃尔山的山脊形态Custom benches, central fountain, and a pop-up retailer in Monet Plaza. The laser-cut pattern in the bronze bench screen was derived from the ridgeline of the San Gabriel Mountains visible from the project
特殊要素:改造现有项目难度较大,这个项目也不例外。移除平行停车位和改变道路路缘线后,我们面临处理暴雨边沟的问题。移动这些边沟对于整个项目的绿色雨水基础设施来说将是非常昂贵的,改造将使项目开销超出预算。我们的解决方案是保留现有的边沟,将设计的道路边线退至边沟处,并设计小桥跨越边沟。方案将每座桥处理成造价低廉的雕塑,使其不仅仅具有桥本身的通行功能,也具有观赏和文化特性。当重塑莫奈大道时,我们开始探索前缀“re”的内涵。雕刻在8座桥上的每一个“re”都预示着街景的未来,它们包 括“RETHINK,RECLAIM,RESHAPE,REFRESH,REBUILD,REPLANT,RENEW和REFLECT”。
设计完成时间: 2014年12月
竣工时间: 2015年9月
摄影:SWA-乔努·辛格尔顿(Jonnu Singleton)
7 社交舞台是另一个社交空间节点,由一系列木平台组成,旨在鼓励公众在此聚会、休息和散步。这一区域可以同时满足看与被看的需要,已经成为当地青少年最喜欢的地方Another social node, the social stage, is series of wood terraces that encourages gathering, lounging and promenading. The area provides both areas to watch and to be watched and has become a favorite hang for the local teens
8 第三个社交节点是充电站,提供公共Wi-fi热点和手机充电插座。虽然这些设施可能主要服务于手机党,但是座位的布置却意在增进人与人之间的沟通而减少虚拟沟通A third social node, the charging station, offers a public Wi-Fi hot-spot and phone charging outlets. The infrastructure may be phone-centered; however, the seating arrangement encourages less phone-to-phone contact and more human-to-human contact
9 在可持续街景的营造中不仅使用了耐干旱植物和当地材料,而且最大化保留了现状铺装材料。灰色混凝土铺装和面层图案都被设计师细心地整合到新设计中,与现状条件协调统一The sustainable streetscape includes drought tolerant plants and local materials, but also, minimized the demolition of existing paving materials. The existing gray concrete and its layout patterns were carefully integrated into the new paving, maintaining existing control joint layouts
Purpose of Project∶ Retail development is struggling and landscape architecture may have the solution.
Victoria Gardens is a model of contemporary retail development. It acts as one of the only high quality public (or quasi-public) spaces in the Inland Empire. Organized as a series of retail streets, it has been one of the most successful retail developments of the last decade. Despite its financial success and lack of competing high quality spaces, portions of the project began to see a drop in visitors. On one of its streets, Monet Avenue, a substantial drop in visitors led to storefront vacancies. The developer hypothesized that e-commerce had begun to take its toll on its business and reached out to our design team to come up with a solution.
The solution——Give the public what e-commerce cannot, an experience. We believe that in-person shopping today is more about the experience as a form of recreation than it is about convenience. Landscape architects are uniquely suited to create this experience especially for outdoor retail environments.
Our investigation of the site revealed that the streets with the best pedestrian experience were the most frequented. While, Monet Avenue, with its narrower sidewalks and lack of amenities were almost completely deserted. The solution seemed simple, enhance the pedestrian experience. Build it and they will come.
The enhancement of the pedestrian experience was focused around four interventions. First, the amount of pedestrian space was lacking. To increase it, under-used parallel parking stalls were removed in favor of a widened pedestrian realm. Second, was to start to populate the new larger space with outdoor café seating from the street’s many restaurants, thus providing a new layer of vitality to the space. Third, a series of pedestrian nodes and plazas were created at regular intervals to help facilitate social interaction and heighten the social experience. Fourth, a layer of art was added. The lines between traditional landscape architecture, art, and sculpture were blurred to create functional elements, and aesthetic amenities designed to draw people into and throughout the site from empty storefronts to requiring a waiting list.
The result of the project, one year after completion, is a major increase of users. The adjacent retail spaces have gone from empty storefronts to a waiting list for future tenants, all while providing a quality public space for both shoppers and the general public alike.
Role of Landscape Architect∶ Brought in at a very early stage, the landscape architect, partnering with the architect and developer, were tasked with diagnosing the declining use, finding a solution to the decline, and implementing the solution. By concentrating on the public pedestrian realm the team was able to create a financially successful product for the owner and also provide a cherished public amenity.
Significance∶ Rancho Cucamonga and the Inland Empire are notorious for their lack of quality public space. Monet 2.0 continues Victoria Garden’s commitment to quality public space for the Inland Empire and adds additional layers of art and sustainability.
Special Factors∶ Remodeling existing projects can be especially dif fi cult and this project was no different. By removing the parallel parking and
Location: Rancho Cucamonga, California, US
Owner: Forest City Enterprises
Design Completion: December 2014
Construction Completion: September 2015 Photography: SWA - Jonnu Singleton
Translator: SONG Jie
10 儿童活动对商业街的街景至关重要。项目没有使用传统的儿童游戏器械,而是采用富有创意的多用设施,意在激发孩子们的想象力。图中的设施既是休闲座椅雕塑,又可作为儿童攀爬装置Children are important to retail streetscapes. Instead of providing traditional play equipment, dual-use items were designed to provoke children’s imaginations. A lounge seating sculpture doubles as children’s climbing apparatus
11 中央水池设计使孩子们能与水互动The central fountain was designed for children to interact with the water
Proofreader: DING Meng-yue changing the curb line, we were challenged to reimagine the storm water curb inlets. Moving these inlets would be very expensive and facilitate and improvement to the entire project’s storm water infrastructure. These improvements would total more than the project budget. Our solution was to keep the existing curb inlets in place, return the proposed curbs to them, and bridge over these new returns. The bridge solution was elevated into something more than function by treating each bridge as a inexpensive sculpture. As we reimagined Monet Avenue, we began to explore the pre fi x of “re”. Each of the eight bridges features one of the “re” words that the streetscape design was predicated upon- RETHINK, RECLAIM, RESHAPE, REFRESH, REBUILD, REPLANT, RENEW, and REFLECT.
12~14人们常常喜欢聚集在水景周围。为了进一步扩大吸引力,中央喷泉使用了不同类型的水景效果——雾喷和小瀑布(静水和动水)。对水景效果变化的期待使得人们更长时间地停留于此,等待将要产生的景观变化People often gather around water features. To take that gathering further, the central fountain uses changing fountain water effects——fog and cascade. The anticipation of the change in effect causes people to gather and spend more time at the fountain as they wait for this change
15局部细节——定制木制长凳Details——Custom reclaimed lumber bench
16局部细节——雨水桥梁雕塑,刻入了体现设计思想的关键词Details—— Storm water sculptural bridges featuring the design inspiration key words
17局部细节——地面铺装上雕刻了当地高中生诗歌比赛的获奖诗文节选Details——Paving with an imbedded poem selected as part of a contest with local high school students
Monet Avenue 2.0
SWA Group