玩学融通 且学且思


报刊荟萃(上) 2017年11期




教材分析:本单元是五年级英语下册第二单元。本节课是第二单元的第一课时story time. 是一篇对话教学。话题为谈论采用何种交通工具去上学。

学情分析:上课学生为雨花外国语小学五年级学生,虽然是在五年级上学期学习该课内容,但这个话题曾经在牛津小学英语4B Unit6 Lets go by taxi接触过,所以学生有一定的基础,会说一些简单的交通工具单词和相关句型。


Teaching aims:

(1)Help students understand the story.

(2)The students can retell and act the story.


Teaching emphasis on the difficulties:

(1)——How do you come to school?

——I come to school by…/on foot.

(2)——Where do you live?

——I live …


Step 1: Warm up

Sing a song: The Santa Claus is coming to the town.



(1)Show the Teaching aims.

(2)Tell something about Christmas:

T: Christmas is coming soon, right? Just now we sang a song ‘The Santa Claus is coming to the town. Today, Santa Claus is coming to our class.

T:(以圣诞老人的身份说) Hello, boys and girls. Do you know who I am? My name is Santa Clause. I live in a small town in the US. It is far from your school. How do I come to your school? I come here by sleigh. Today I bring you so many gifts. If you can finish my tasks, I will make your wishes come true. I have a lot of gifts for you.

T:I have some questions for you. Who is he? Where does he live? How does he come to our school?

S: …


Step3: While-task

(1)Task 1:Talk.

T: We know Santa Claus comes to our school by sleigh. How about you?

How do you come to school?

S: I come to school by car/bus/bike.

Pair work:A: How do you come to school?

B:I come to school by/on …


(2)Task 2: Sing.

T: Here is a song. Let me sing for you.

How do you come to school, come to school, come to school?

How do you come to school? Metro, metro, by metro.

T: Now, its your turn to sing it. And then you can make a new song with some new words.


(3)Task 3. Learn the story.

a. Show the picture of the story. Guess.

T:Look at this picture. Lets talk about it. Who are they? How do they come to school?

You can guess.

S: …

T: Thank you for your answers.

b. listen and circle.

T: How do they come to school? Lets listen to the tape.endprint

Then answer this question: What ways are mentioned?

S: …

c. Watch and answer.

①Where does Su Hai live ?

②How does Su Hai come to school?

d. Learn by yourself

T: I have a table, lets finish the first one together, then you can finish it by yourselves.

Who? Where? How?

Su Hai lives on Moon Street, near City Library. It is far from school. by bus

Yang Ling lives near school on foot

Mike lives in Sunshine Town by metro

Liu Tao lives on Park Street by taxi


e. Listen and repeat

T:Its reading time. Lets read after the tape. OK?


f. Lets chant

T: I made a chant for you. Lets enjoy it. Yon can add some actions. Follow me.

Helen, Helen, where do you live?

I live in Sunshine Town.

How do you come to school?

Metro, metro, by metro.


g. Retell the story

T: Here is an exercise. Complete it and try your best to remember it.


【设计意图】 结合写的方式,帮助孩子加深理解,利于快速记忆。

h. Act the story

T: Its your show time. Four people in a group, choose one picture and act it out.


Step4. Post-task

(1)Task4: Play a game. ( 听音乐,传圣诞老人)

T: Pay attention to the game rules. Pass the Santa Claus in lines. When the music stops, The one who gets the Santa Claus standing up . And then answer our some questions. Understand?

S: Yes.

【設计意图】 通过游戏的方式,让学生复习今天所学的新知。并结合实际进行提升、拓展。

(2)Task5: To know more. (Enjoy a video)

(3)Ticking time


T: Congratulations! You finished all the tasks. So you can get presents.


(1)Read and recite the story .

(2)Talk about the Christmas Plan with your parents.


本节课是根据五年级学生好奇心浓厚的特点,并根据小学英语中要注意培养学生,认真观察,注意倾听,发散性思维能力并能用英语进行简单交流的目的。联系本课特点,从培养语言能力入手,通过各种方式,运用学生身边的事物,合理地运用语言情境,培养学生的思维与使用英语的能力。在设计这节课时,充分注意到"学中用,用中学,学用结合"的教学要求.从Warm-up开始就为新课的导入作了细心的铺垫:Sing an English song. Talk about Santa Claus. 听、说、读、写、chant、唱、表演等多种方式贯穿于整个新授环节。课的最后进行升华,以“听音乐传圣诞老人”游戏、观看视频的方式进行巩固和拓展。让学生在玩中学,学中玩。同学们在活泼真实的教学氛围中体验了获取知识的快乐.

本节课的亮点是结合即将到来的圣诞节这一孩子们十分熟悉且喜欢的情境,激发学生的学习兴趣,学习新知。再加上特别的小组评价方式,孩子们的积极性被充分激发。每个小组有一个圣诞袜,表现优异的小组可以获得奖励。最后的拓展环节也是一大亮点。一段小视频介绍了各种各样的交通工具,甚至是UFO,rocket这些能让学生思维开拓,不仅仅局限于自己的日常生活。也算达成了“玩学融通 且学且思”这一目标。

当然,这节课还有一些不成熟的地方,例如课件还可以制作的更精美一些。Lets Chant环节,节奏较快,学生有点跟不上。还有表演环节的趣味性再浓一些就更好了。


