摘 要 南非叶是热带地区一种重要的中草药材,主要以扦插繁殖为主,为拓宽繁殖途径,实验以南非叶外植体叶为材料,以不同激素浓度配比诱导其愈伤组织,筛选最佳诱导浓度组合。结果表明:(1) NAA和6-BA各5个浓度梯度组合中,1.5 mg/L NAA+1.5 mg/L 6-BA+0.5 g/L活性碳愈伤组织诱导率最高,为88.3%。即当6-BA为定量时,随着NAA浓度的增加,诱导率也逐渐提高;当NAA浓度为1.5 mg/L时,诱导率达到最佳效果,如继续增加NAA的浓度反而会下降。如单独使用6-BA时,则外植体不分化。(2) 在NAA和2,4-D组合中,1.5 mg/L NAA+2.0 mg/L 2,4-D+0.5 g/L活性碳愈伤组织诱导率最高,达95%。当2,4-D浓度大于0.5 mg/L,单独使用时,外植体也可诱导分化,增殖效果随着2,4-D浓度的增加而增加。
关键词 南非叶 ;外植体叶 ;不同激素 ;愈伤组织 ;诱导率
中图分类号 S615 文献标识码 A Doi:10.12008/j.issn.1009-2196.2017.09.004
Effects of Different Hormone Combinations on Callus Induction
of Leaf Explant from Vernonia amygdelina
LI Xiuqiong1) HUANG Wei2) XU Zekang1)
WANG Yachen1) ZHANG Wei1) WU Jinshan1)
(1 Institute of Tropical agriculture and forestry, Hainan university, Hainan danzhou 571737
2 The archives , Hainan university, Hainan haikou 570228)
Abstract Bitter leaf (Vernomia amygdelina) is an important Chinese medicinal plant in the tropical areas, and is propagated mainly by cutting. In order to find more ways for propagation, the leaf explant of the bitter leaf was induced into calli with different hormones at different concentrations to screen optimum hormone combinations. The results showed that the callus inducing rate was 88.3%, the highest in the 5 hormone combinations of NAA and 6-BA when the explant was treated with the hormone combination of 1.5 mg/L NAA + 1.5 mg/L 6-BA + 0.5 g/L. When the 6-BA concentration was not changed, the callus inducing rate increased with the concentration of NAA. The callus inducing rate was the highest when the concentration of NAA was 1.5 mg/L, but decreased when the NAA concentration increased. The leaf explant did not differentiate when only treated with 6-BA. In the hormone combinations of NAA and 2,4-D the combination of 1.5 mg/L NAA + 2.0 mg/L 2,4-D + 0.5 g/L gave the highest callus inducing rate (95%). When the 2,4-D concentration was greater than 0.5 mg/L, the 2,4-D alone could induce the explant into differentiation, and the proliferation effect increased with the 2,4-D concentration.
Keywords Vernomia amygdelina ; leaf explant ; hormone ; callus ; inducing rate
南非葉(Vernoniaamygdalina Del)在我国东南沿海地区又称“将军叶”,为菊科斑鸠菊属多年生草本植物,主要分布在热带非洲的南非地区,是当地重要的中草药材,深受人们欢迎。在尼日利亚,南非叶被当作一种蔬菜食用。南非叶植株为直立小灌木,网状叶脉,叶互生,植株可达2~3 m,叶背面或主脉处生有白色绒毛,头状花序,花白色或淡粉白色。其适应性强,在我国南方沿海热带地区四季均可种植,又俗称“苦茶”。我国种植的南非叶主要从马来西亚、新加坡等地引种而来。南非叶是一种重要的中药材,味苦涩,性凉,具有清热解毒、除湿杀虫、散热、凉血和清血等多种功效;适用于降血压、降胆固醇,以及糖尿病、风热性或血热性皮肤病及皮肤搔痒的治疗;同时对闪光、老花眼、近视及青光眼也有显著的治疗效果。endprint