Three Last Wishes
by Vpaulose 翻译:Crazier
Three Last Wishes
by Vpaulose 翻译:Crazier
尽管位列欧洲历史上最伟大的四大军事统帅之首,统领着当时世界上领土面积最大的国家,亚历山大大帝(Alexander the Great)却同样不敌生老病死的自然规律,因病英年早逝。亚历山大曾师从古希腊著名学者亚里士多德(Aristotle),不仅拥有雄才大略,对人生的本质也看得清楚透彻。让我们从亚历山大临死前的这个小故事里学点真理吧!
After1)conqueringmany kingdoms,Alexander the Great wanted to return home. On the way back to his country,he fell ill. He knew that he wouldn’t have enough time to reach his homeland. At this point, Alexander realized something.He called his2)generals.
He said to them, “l have three wishes.Please carry them out after I die. My first desire is that my3)coffinmust be carried by my doctors alone. Secondly,the path leading to the4)graveyardmust be paved with all my jewels. My last wish is that my two empty hands must be kept5)danglingout of the cof fi n.”
Alexander felt6)exhaustedafter saying this. The generals didn’t understand those strange wishes, but no one dared to question. One of the generals kissed Alexander’s hand and said, “We7)assure you that your wishes will be realized,but please tell us why did you make such wishes?”
Alexander took a deep breath and said, “I would like the world to know three lessons. With my fi rst wish,I want people to know that no doctor can really8)cureanyone from death.My second wish is to tell people that I spent all my life earning riches, but I cannot take anything with me. And with my last wish, I want people to know that I came into this world with empty hands, and will also go out of this world with empty hands.”
carry out 实行,实现……
be paved with 以……铺成,遍布,铺满
take a deep breath 深呼吸
1) conquer ['kɒŋkə] v. 征服
2) general ['dʒenərəl] n. 上将,将军
3) cof fi n ['kɒfΙn] n. 棺材
4) graveyard ['ɡreΙvjαːd] n. 墓地
5) dangle ['dæŋgl] v. 悬垂着
6) exhausted [Ιɡ'zɔːstΙd] adj. 筋疲力尽的
7) assure [ə'ʃʊə] v. 向……保证
8) cure [kjʊə] v. 治愈