She Made Herself Stronger by Fighting with the Wind
by Nichol 翻译:Crazier
She Made Herself Stronger by Fighting with the Wind
by Nichol 翻译:Crazier
If you look the right way, you can see that the whole world is a garden.
《秘密花园》(The Secret Garden)的小主人公玛丽在经历了可怕的瘟疫和父母双亡后,来到了陌生的姨父家,但她没有表现出一丝胆怯或绝望,反而渐渐敞开心扉,身体也越来越健康了,她甚至还帮助常年卧床的孱弱表兄重新站了起来。可你知道吗?这个故事的创作者弗朗西丝·霍奇森·伯内特(Frances Hodgson Burnett)本身也是这么一个命途多舛却又越挫越勇的女中豪杰。虽曾遭遇多次不幸,弗朗西丝却从未被击垮,就像逆风生长的欧石楠,任你天寒地冻,寒风凛冽,我兀自开放,漫山遍野。这或许是因为在她心中一直有着一座盛放的花园吧!
Born in Manchester, England on November 24th, 1849, Frances Eliza Hodgson was the eldest daughter in a family of two boys and three girls.After her father’s death, the Hodgsons experienced severe1)fi nancial dif fi culties.
Frances was an imaginative child.She described herself as having “a positively2)wolfish3)appetitefor books.”From three years old, she began “a lifelong chase after the story.” As a young girl,she would4)scrawllittle stories on old notebooks. In 1865, the family moved to Tennessee. She began5)submittingstories to magazines later.
And in a time when most women did not have careers, Frances was a literary success. In 1872, she married Dr. Swan Burnett and they had two sons. But the marriage was not a happy one. Her younger son, Vivian, asked for something to read,so Frances wrote Little Lord Fauntleroy and modeled the main character after him.
In 1890, tragedy6)struck.Her eldest son, Lionel, died of7)influenza.After another failed marriage, Frances moved to Long Island, New York with her sister and son. And there she wrote one of her most famous stories—The Secret Garden.
She often said that they (characters of The Secret Garden) “came” to her,rather than being invented. And she could sometimes be found reading her own books on a stairway, with8)evidentpleasure. She wrote to her publisher that,“I love it myself. There is a long9)desertedgarden in it, whose locked door is hidden by10)ivyand whose key has been buried for ten years.”
model…after… 模仿……,效仿……
die of… 因……而死,死于……
1) fi nancial [faΙ'nænʃl] adj. 财政的
2) wol fi sh ['wʊlfΙʃ] adj. 贪婪的
3) appetite ['æpΙtaΙt] n. 欲望,嗜好
4) scrawl [skrɔːl] v. 潦草地写,乱涂乱画
5) submit [səb'mΙt] v. 提交,呈送
6) strike [straΙk] v. 冲击,突然侵袭
7) in fl uenza [Ιnflʊ'enzə] n. 流行性感冒
8) evident ['evΙdənt] adj. 明显的
9) deserted [dΙ'zзːtΙd] adj. 荒芜的,被遗弃的
10) ivy ['aΙvΙ] n. 常春藤
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Little Lord Fauntleroy(《方特勒罗伊小爵爷》,又名《小勋爵》《贵族爷爷和平民孙子》),弗朗西丝于1886年发表的小说。它写的是一个美国小男孩成为英国伯爵继承人的故事。“方特勒罗伊”从此成为了英语词汇,指“过分盛装打扮的小孩”。这本书让弗朗西丝成为当时最畅销、最富有的流行作家之一。
The Secret Garden(《秘密花园》),弗朗西丝的代表作之一,是近百年来畅销不衰的经典儿童小说。该书于1911年首次出版并很快畅销于美国和英国,此后不断被改编成戏剧、电影及幼儿读物等。另外,本期的“悦读时光”栏目有此书的段落节选。