Why English Is So Difficult for Chinese Learners?为什么中国人学不好英语?


疯狂英语·新悦读 2017年10期

⊙By Michael M

Why English Is So Difficult for Chinese Learners?为什么中国人学不好英语?

⊙By Michael M

1.Most Chinese English teachers are teaching English in Chinese.大部分中国的英语老师用汉语教授英语

I’ve attended many Chinese English classes and learned quickly that there is much more Chinese spoken in the class than English.Teachers make it easy by translating so much and instructing the students in Chinese.However,the students don’t learn this way because language is learned by using the target language you want to master.

2.Recitation is boring.背诵很乏味

This is a method that is most often used in teaching English in China.Many teachers told me,“It’s not easy to learn English.You have to recite,recite,recite,recite.” Not only is this a boring way to learn English,but,it is not effective.This is why most don’t learn it well enough to use it.

I’ve taught thousands of students since I came to China in 2011.I’ve met students who have studied English for 10 years in school.I’ve met adults who have studied and tried to learn English for 20 years or more.Most of them still have a lot of mistakes.

So why do Chinese students learn for so many years and never master English?

3.Trying to learn and recite word lists is counterproductive.死记硬背学单词的效果适得其反

The human brain learns best when learning concepts.For example,teaching a phrase is much easier to learn and remember than learning one word in isolation.I’ve been in English classes where teachers have word list in hand and are having the students to repeat,repeat,and repeat.

4.Most books on learning English are full of mistakes.大部分英语学习书籍错误百出

I’ve bought books in China that are supposed to teach SAT and TOEFL English preparation that have numerous grammar and word choice mistakes.Some of the word choice mistakes have good grammar and have a word that will work,but,they are not commonly accepted Englishconventions[惯例].For example,in Chinese,if you are talking about something at a museum,you will say,“There have many exhibits.” In English,we would never say this.We would say,“They have many exhibits.” It is not that “there” is wrong.It is just that you’ll never hear a native English speaker say it like that.

5.In China,the focus is on exams.在中国,英语学习的关注点是考试

Of course,in America,language students also take exams.However,they learn faster because they learn to speak the language first.This is the natural way that language is learned all over the world.Children listen to their parents and then try to say what the parents say.Writing and reading are taught later in school.


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