Domestication and Foreignization
Abstract: Color words in Chinese and English are with rich cultural connotations and their differences bring the translator a barrier. Foreignization and domestication will be as two strategies in the translation of English-Chinese color words.In order to make the translation of English-Chinese color words achieve the purpose of conveying the original information and promoting cultural exchanges,the translator should pay attention to the culture-contained color words and adopt the domesticating and foreignizing translation strategies flexibly.
Keywords: Domestication; Foreignization; Color words;Translation;
1 Introduction
Color words are used to describe a variety of colors of the words because of customs,social history,cultural background, religious belief and other factors.There are some differences between different ethnic cultural connotations of color words.Domestication and foreignization are two kinds of translation methods proposed by Venuti in the book of The Invisibility of the Translator in 1995.
2 The comparison of cultural connotations of English and Chinese color words
(1)Red is widely used in both Chinese and Western languages, and has profound cultural connotations.In Chinese,generally the red symbolizes the joyous events for example紅榜,红包,走红运and so on.In English, red can represent the meaning of happiness.But red in English is a derogatory term in more time.Such as:“a red battle"(血战)," "red ruin"(火灾).(2) The green is the symbol of life in Chinese,Such as :“绿油油” is used to describe the beauty of the nature.In English,"a green old age"(老当益壮).At the same time,"green” is often used to describe melancholy and sorrow and other derogatory term.Such as:"a green prospect"(前景黯淡).Therefore, in the translation of color words,the translator should consider the differences between Chinese and western cultures and adopt appropriate translation strategies.
3 Domestication and foreignization in the translation of color words
English and Chinese color words are sometimes not equal or not completely equal in meaning.The translator should pay attention to the differences of national culture and expression of habits, and make the translation be understood by the readers,which can reach the purpose of the across cultural communication.
3.1 Foreignization strategy
Foreignization can save the source text "style"and make the target language readers understand the culture of source language.In practice,it includes two specific translation methods: completely literal translation and literal translation with notes.endprint
3.1.1 Completely literal translation
Because human beings live on the same earth, human culture has the common side.Sometimes different language cultures will give a color word with the same meaning.In this case the translator should adopt the literal translation.Such as:他氣得脸色发白She turned white with rage.
3.1.2 Literal translation with notes
Due to the differences in cultural background and language habits of ethnic customs,it is impossible to give the equal meaning of the same color words in different cultures.So it is best to use the method of literal translation with notes.Such as:Give sb the green light给某人开绿灯 (准许某人做某事).
3.2 Domestication strategy
Translators often encounter various obstacles caused by cultural differences in language understanding.If the foreignization is still used, it will inevitably lead to the obscure and difficult to understand the target language.In this case, translator can only use the domestication to translate the basic meaning.
3.2.1 Domestication as different color words
Because of cultural differences,we must be careful and do not translate the color words one by one in translation,otherwise it will lose its original meaning and even produce mistranslation.Sometimes different languages will express certain colors of a thing in a different color words.Such as:“红茶”is“black tea"not“red tea","brown sugar”is“红糖”not“棕色糖”.
3.2.2 Omitting the colors used in the original text
The compound words or idioms which are formed by color words often have specific meanings. The meaning is not a simple addition of the literal meaning of the word.The translator should not translate the color words literally.Such as给我来一杯白开水Give me a cup of plain boiled water.The translator should translate the connotative meaning of the original text.
4 Conclusion
If the color words described in the original text contain the meaning which can be understood and accepted by the target language readers,the translator should adopt foreignization translation strategy as much as possible.But this is not to say that the translator should abandon the domestication strategy,domestication and foreignization are the strategies of two dialectical unity, complement each other. If the translation of foreignization can not be understood or accepted by the target language readers, the translator should consider the use of domestication strategy.
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