To Save or Not to Save


疯狂英语·新悦读 2017年9期

作者:高2018级(2)班 武瑞君

指导老师:应 斌

To Save or Not to Save

作者:高2018级(2)班 武瑞君

指导老师:应 斌


第13届“外研社杯”全国中小学生英语技能大赛重庆市一等奖Suddenly, I heard the sound of an explosion from the steamboat. Jim shuddered[发抖]and struggled to paddle[划桨]as fast as he could. I turned around and saw a faint[微弱的]glimmer[闪光]in the darkness. I bet there should be a signal detonator[炸药]. Within seconds, the vague[模糊的]outline of a helicopter came into view. “Come on! We ought to save that man lying on the deck[甲板]!” I yelled to Jim, but he only replied by dripping[滴下]bigger beads of sweat. I let out a long sigh and continued to see what was happening. By the dim[昏暗的]light on the boat, I could barely recognize the two men who threatened the lying man. As the helicopter approached the boat, they climbed the ladder that dropped down to receive them. The steamboat seemed to sink deeper and I almost cried to Jim, “The man is dying, and how can you just let it go?” Jim’s face darkened and finally his words came out, “OK, I agree.” We paddled with all our strength, but when we rushed into the cabin, the situation got worse. Wind began to roar[咆哮]and the river seemed to swallow us. That lying man had given up, but he asked us to leave with a note he wrote. It read, “That dark secret will be revealed. They deserve it.”

老师点评:本文是外研版教材必修五Module 3的阅读文章The Steamboat的读后续写。原文最后一句话是:But now I began to feel bad about what we had done. I didn’t want all three men to die.作者充分发挥自己的想象,通过生动的动作描写和人物对话进行了合理的续写,最后一句更是掷地有声,发人深省。


外研社版九年级上册Module 12 Save the world Unit 1听说课教学设计
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