Welcome to the World of E-Sports (III)
⊙ By Valve 翻译:蓝 蓝
Welcome to the World of E-Sports (III)
⊙ By Valve 翻译:蓝 蓝
提起玩游戏,人们的第一印象往往是“不务正业”——然而,有那么一群年轻人,他们偏偏就将这种“不务正业”发挥到极致,一步步登上电子竞技项目的职业舞台。未来几年,大家甚至会在亚运会等高规格体育盛事中看到电竞选手的活跃表现!电竞是个怎样的项目?玩电竞的都是些什么人?跟随着纪录片《心竞技》(Free to Play)的介绍,我们将连续三期带大家回到2011年科隆国际邀请赛的现场,感受这个光影迷离的异色世界!
I Have to Win It for My Family
Katya Ishutin (The Sister of Gamer “Dendi”): We tried to put family pictures here. This is our Mom and Dad. And I think that this one is our favorite, actually.
Danylo Ishutin (Gamer “Dendi”): My childhood…we lived [sic] poor life, and Dad was working for all our life [sic].
Artem Ishutin (Danylo’s Brother): But he helped us every time and every problem. I just ask him, and he’ll do everything for me, for Katya, for Danylo as well. But Danylo and Father was [sic] like friends.
Katya: They could sit with no speaking for hours, and just enjoy each other’s company. They understood each other without words.
Danylo: One day, I was going fishing, but Dad never showed up. When I came home, it was already super late. He was feeling bad. He went [sic] hospital. He decide [sic] to stay for a few weeks, you know, so we watch everything, stuff like this. And…cancer.
Artem: It was a very big shock for me, because he was very thin. I cannot understand this is my Father. We were all sure that it must be OK, but…it was a very short time.
Danylo: I was really sad and was crying a lot. I was upset about I couldn’t say [sic] him, many times, how much I loved him.
Actually, I spent more time near the computer, because I could not think about it. It was like a start time, actually—the push to play more. And that’s maybe one of the reasons why I’m playing now. Maybe I wouldn’t play at all.
Katya: The relationship of Danylo and my Mom grew stronger these days. They support each other, and they are very good friends. I think that this [sic] very important for Danylo. Danylo: You know, five years ago, I wouldn’t care about many things. Now, I’m thinking about it a lot. Something knocks you down…you need to learn to get up. So I’m trying to research this, to learn to get up.
This is [sic] most important moment in my life, because everything I worked on wasn’t useful, and now I have a chance to win this tournament for my family.
This Is Where It All Started
Toby Dawson (Commentator): Na’Vi have just won one million dollars! EHOME do take home $250,000 in second place, but Na’Vi are the champions!
There’s [sic] moments of e-sports that are1)landmark, and this is one of them, in Cologne. And Na’Vi, the winners, you guys have just made history…
Katya: I was jumping on the sofa and screaming like [sic] crazy girl, because I was the happiest girl in the world, and my brother just won one million dollars!
Gamer A: I think, in ten years’ time, all the gamers which we…currently have showing themselves, they’re gonna be the guys we will look back at and say, “This was the beginning. This is where it all started.”
These are the guys that worked hard, and they took the risk. They proved themselves, and they2)forwarded the entire industry to the point where we could have a3)kick-start. We could show the world what we do. And then, who knows how big we could get at that point?
Gamer B: We’ve come far already. When more and more people support it, and it becomes more and more normal, it’s going to go from a4)niche to becoming accepted in societies.
Gamer C: I think, in 15 years, e-sports will be bigger than football, than basketball, than everything.
Gamer D: That kid who you thought played too many video games is potentially going to be on a path where he’s earning $250,000 a year,5)salary. He’s flying the world. He’s gonna be6)endorsed. Gaming’s the biggest entertainment industry in the world, so if you’re a star, you are potentially one of the biggest stars in the world.
Gamer E: So, if that…like everything else with computers grows7)exponentially or whatever, then five or ten years could be a big step actually.
Tammy Tang (Gamer “Furryfish”): Changing8)mindsets is never easy, so it’s gonna take a while. When the gamers now become parents, we will be supportive of our kids playing, and I think that’s really when everything will boom.
1) landmark [΄lændmɑːk] n. 划时代的事件,里程碑
2) forward [΄fɔːwəd] v. 促进,助长
3) kick-start [΄kɪkˌstɑːt] n. 启动刺激,动力
4) niche [niːʃ] n. 小生境,(产品或服务所需的)特殊领域
5) salary [΄sælərɪ] n. 薪水
6) endorse [ɪn΄dɔːs] v. 支持,认可,为(商品等)代言
7) exponentially [ekspə΄nenʃ(ə)lɪ] adv. 指数式地
8) mindset [΄maɪndset] n. 精神状态,思想倾向
When the gamers now become parents, we will be supportive of our kids playing, and I think that’s really when everything will boom.
我们都知道support这个动词是“支持,支援”的意思,在它后面加上-ive这个后缀就能变成形容词,意思是“支持的,支援的”,除了可以直接修饰名词,还可以用be supportive of sth./ doing sth.的搭配引出从句,例如:
· She’s going to play a supportive role in the new show. (她将在这部新剧里演一个配角。)
· His family was supportive of his attempts to be a writer.(他要努力成为一名作家,而他的家人对此非常支持。)