

农业工程学报 2017年15期




(1. 山东大学能源与动力工程学院,济南 250061;2. 山东大学苏州研究院,苏州 215021)

基于开放式太阳能物料干燥过程中存在干燥品质不可控、随机性较大的问题。根据传热传质理论知识,建立开放式太阳能物料干燥热湿迁移预测模型,在综合考虑太阳能辐射、室外空气温湿度、室外风速等影响因素的基础上,对模型中的参数进行选择,并利用MATLAB软件编制求解程序,该模型能够预测出干燥过程中物料表面的温度及水分迁移速率变化。为验证模型的准确性,以红薯为干燥物料对其开放式太阳能干燥过程进行试验测试。结果表明:物料表面温度、水分迁移速率的模拟值与试验值之间的决定系数分别为0.96、0.89,均方根误差分别为0.97 ℃、28.35 g,其相关性程度较高,说明该模型能够较准确预测开放式太阳能物料干燥过程中物料表面温度及水分迁移速率,可以用于开放式太阳能干燥的工艺控制。


郝文刚,陆一锋,赖艳华,张宗敏,吕明新. 开放式太阳能物料干燥热湿迁移模型的构建及验证[J]. 农业工程学报,2017,33(15):301-307. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.15.038

Hao Wengang, Lu Yifeng, Lai Yanhua, Zhang Zongmin, Lü Mingxin. Modeling of materials heat and moisture transfer in open sun drying and experimental validation[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(15): 301-307. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.15.038

0 引 言





1 物料干燥热湿迁移预测模型


图1 开放式太阳能物料干燥热湿迁移机理Fig.1 Heat and moisture transfer mechanism of opening solar materials drying

为方便计算,对建立的干燥过程中物料能量平衡方程作如下假设说明[21]: 1)忽略干燥物料内部水分的不均匀性; 2)假设干燥物料均匀一致的覆盖在地面上; 3)忽略物料干燥过程中其表面收缩的变化; 4)由于开放式干燥物料周围空气流动性比较大,因此忽略干燥物料周围空气的水蒸气梯度。

1.1 物料的能量平衡方程





图2 干燥物料的热阻和能量流动图Fig.2 Thermal resistance and thermal energy circuit diagram of drying materials

1.2 物料的水分迁移质量



1.3 模型参数的选择

1.3.1 对流换热系数的计算






1.3.2 辐射换热系数的计算



1.3.3 水分蒸发潜热量的计算




1.4 物料干燥水分比的计算





2 数值求解的方法

本模型数值求解的结果主要是干燥物料的动态表面温度、物料的动态水分迁移质量。由公式(1)~(11)组成常微分方程组,采用向前差分迭代的方法,利用MATLAB编制相应的求解程序,程序求解流程如图3所示,差分的时间步长可以随意设置,本研究以30 s为例,模型求解所需要的初始值及室外逐时气象参数均采用试验的测试数据。判断物料的干燥程度采用模拟计算的水分比MRst与物料干燥特性数学模型计算的水分比MR进行对比,两者之差≤0.01时,物料停止干燥。

图3 程序求解流程Fig.3 Program solving process

3 预测模型的验证

为验证预测模型的准确性,本研究以红薯为干燥物料,将红薯切片进行筛选,取大小、厚度均匀一致的样品进行试验测试,干燥红薯的初始质量为240 g,在山东大学千佛山校区热力楼楼顶进行红薯开放式太阳能干燥试验测试,干燥红薯及预测模型中的各种参数值如表1所示。

试验测试时间为2017年5月7日8:30—17:00,试验测试参数包括太阳能辐射强度、室外空气温湿度、红薯表面温度、红薯干燥过程中质量的变化。太阳能辐射强度采用TBQ-2太阳能总辐射表(锦州阳光气象科技有限公司,量程:0~2 000 W/m2;精度:2%)进行测试。室外空气温湿度由温湿度自计议174H(德图仪器国际贸易(上海)有限公司,量程:温度(–20~70 ℃)、相对湿度(0~100%);精度:相对湿度(±3%)、温度(±0.5 ℃))进行测试。红薯表面温度采用T型热电偶(美国Omega公司,量程:–200~350 ℃;精度:±0.5 ℃)进行测试。温度传感器采集的数据通过数据采集器ADAM4117(研华科技(中国)有限公司)进行记录,记录时间步长为10 min。红薯质量测试仪器为电子天平(上海花潮电器有限公司,量程:0~10 kg;精度:±0.1 g)。

表1 干燥红薯及预测模型中的各种参数值Table 1 Various parameters of drying sweet potatoes and predictive model





表2 干燥试验测试参数的不确定度值Table 2 Parameters uncertainly value in drying experiment





试验测试期间的太阳能辐射强度、物料干燥质量及空气温湿度变化如图4所示,从图中可以看出,测试期间太阳能辐射强度变化范围为398.91~979.9 W/m2,干燥过程中红薯的质量从240 g减少到57 g,其干燥速率为21.53 g/h。室外空气温度与相对湿度变化趋势相反,空气温度的变化范围为27.2~41.2 ℃,相对湿度的变化范围为12.1%~23.4%,温度与相对湿度变化趋势相反的原因是空气温度升高,由焓湿图知,在空气含湿量一定时,空气相对湿度会相应的降低。测试期间的室外气象数据作为已知数据输入到程序中进行方程求解,试验测试的红薯质量及表面温度变化用来验证模拟结果的准确性。

图4 太阳能辐射强度、物料干燥过程中质量及室外空气温湿度逐时变化曲线Fig.4 Hourly variation curves of solar radiation intensity, drying materials mass and ambient air temperature and relative humidity


表3 干燥曲线模型Table 3 Models of drying curve


图5 物料干燥过程中其表面温度和质量模拟值与试验值对比曲线Fig.5 Comparison curves of simulation and experimental value of drying materials surface temperature and mass

表4 拟合系数值Table 4 Fitting constant value

根据上述模型参数及气象参数,所建立的预测模型模拟计算的物料表面温度和干燥质量变化分别与试验值对比如图5所示。由公式(13)、(14)计算试验值与模拟值之间的决定系数与均方根误差,干燥物料表面温度模拟值与试验值之间的决定系数为0.96,均方根误差为0.97 ℃。干燥物料质量模拟值与试验值之间的决定系数为0.89,均方根误差为28.35 g。从而说明所建立的预测模型的准确性较高。


比较图5a中物料表面温度与图4b中空气温度发现物料表面温度达到峰值时间滞后空气温度峰值1 h左右,主要是因为物料的比热容比空气的大,温度升高比较缓慢。


4 结 论



2)通过对红薯的干燥特性曲线进行拟合,发现page模型能够较准确的反映红薯开放式太阳能干燥特性;在试验测试期间,太阳能辐射强度变化范围为398.91~979.9 W/m2,干燥过程中红薯的质量从240 g减少到57 g,其干燥速率为21.53 g/h。

3)以红薯为干燥物料,利用试验测试数据对构建的预测模型进行验证,物料表面温度、干燥过程中物料质量的试验值与模拟值之间的决定系数分别为0.96、0.89,均方根误差分别为0.97 ℃、28.35 g,该结果表明预测模型能够较准确反映出物料开放式干燥过程中的物料表面温度及其质量变化。但受干燥实际过程中环境因素及物料物性的影响,构建的预测模型需要进一步完善优化,未来研究可以将物料的微观模型纳入到该预测模型中,以提高模型的预测准确性。

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Modeling of materials heat and moisture transfer in open sun drying and experimental validation

Hao Wengang1, Lu Yifeng1, Lai Yanhua1,2※, Zhang Zongmin1, Lü Mingxin2
(1. School of Energy and Power Engineering, Shandong University, Jinan 250061, China; 2. Suzhou Institute of Shandong University, Suzhou 215021, China)

Open sun drying has been widely applied in the developing country. It is a popular, effective and economic method for drying and preservation of agricultural products and food, but it has some drawbacks such as degradation of materials quality and larger drying period in ambient environment. In order to solve the problem of uncontrollability and randomness in the process of open sun drying, heat and moisture transfer model of open sun drying materials was studied with theoretical knowledge of heat and mass transfer in this study, and heat and moisture transfer mechanisms of open sun drying materials were analyzed. The heat exchange process of dry materials in the open sun drying process mainly included the absorption of solar radiation heat, the convective heat exchange with the surrounding environment, the heat transfer of long wave radiation and latent heat by water evaporation. Thermal resistance and thermal energy diagram of drying materials was built. Heat balance equation of materials was also built based on energy balance principle, and model parameters were determined by comprehensively considering solar radiation intensity, ambient air temperature and humidity, and ambient wind velocity; the dynamic temperature change of material surface and the water transfer rate of material were predicted, the program was solved by using MATLAB software, and the initial values required for the solution of the model were derived from the experiment data. To verify the accuracy of prediction model, sweet potato was selected as drying material in the open sun drying test. The tested samples of sweet potato were sliced uniformly in terms of size and thickness, the initial mass of sweet potato was 240 g, and the thermal performances and drying characteristics of sweet potato in the open sun drying were investigated in the Qianfo mountain campus of Shandong University. The test period was from 8:30 to 17:00 on May 7, 2017. The test parameters included solar radiation intensity, outdoor air temperature and humidity, surface temperature and mass change of sweet potato during the drying process. Fourteen mathematical models were tested to specify the suitable model for describing the drying behavior of the tested samples, and it was found that the Page model was convenient to describe the drying characteristics of sweet potato in open sun drying. During the test period, the solar radiation intensity ranged from 398.91 to 979.9 W/m2, the air temperature ranged from 27.2 to 41.2 ℃, and the sweet potato mass decreased from 240 to 57 g. The determination coefficient were respectively 0.96, 0.89 between the simulated and experimental values in terms of drying materials temperature and mass, and root mean square error were respectively 0.97 ℃, 28.35 g, and the change trend of simulated and experimental value was consistent, but there were certain differences between them, and especially the difference of dry material mass was large. The main reason for this phenomenon was the model calculation parameters and experimental data had some irrationality. It is concluded that the model can predict accurately the material dynamic change of surface temperature and drying mass rate in the process of open sun drying of materials, and this model can be used in the process control of open sun drying.

heat transfer; models; drying; open sun; unsteady state; drying characteristics


S625.1; TU111.3






郝文刚,男,山东烟台人,博士生,研究方向为太阳能干燥的传热传质强化问题。济南 山东大学能源与动力工程学院,250061。

※通信作者:赖艳华,女,山东济南人,教授,博士生导师,主要从事能源高效利用及制冷技术研究。济南 山东大学能源与动力工程学院,250061。

