

农业工程学报 2017年15期




(西南大学工程技术学院,重庆 400715)

采用强度折减有限元法计算边坡稳定时,以变形为基础的失稳判据具有显著的物理意义和工程意义。该文采用变步长的折减方法,基于位移变化率-强度折减系数曲线的转折突变作为失稳判据,并研究特征点的敏感性及选取范围。计算结果表明,当折减系数为1.42时,坡顶水平位移变化率、竖向位移变化率和总位移变化率均发生急剧性的转折。与位移相比,位移变化率-强度折减系数的曲线存在明显的转折突变,可更准确、明显地判断边坡稳定的安全度。至坡顶一定距离范围内的特征点,如位于非塑性区域且非滑动土体时,其位移变化率-强度折减系数的曲线发生转折突变,但曲线在转折点附近存在振荡现象。通过位移变化率计算得到的54个安全系数,平均值为1.420,变异系数为0.005 3,不同特征点根据水平位移变化率、竖向位移变化率和总位移变化率得到的安全系数基本一致。当特征点至坡顶的距离≤1倍坡高时,特征点的位移>12 mm,且位移变化率均较大,此时特征点对位移变化率较敏感;当特征点至坡顶的距离>1倍坡高时,特征点位移在5~18 mm之间,但位移变化率大幅度降低,此时特征点对位移变化率的敏感性大幅度降低。考虑边界约束的影响及特征点的敏感性,建议特征点的选取范围为:与坡顶距离为1倍坡高的范围。


江胜华,汪时机,李伟清,鲍安红. 基于位移变化率和强度折减有限元的边坡失稳判定方法[J]. 农业工程学报,2017,33(15):155-161. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.15.020

Jiang Shenghua, Wang Shiji, Li Weiqing, Bao Anhong. Slope instability evaluation method using finite element method of strength reduction and displacement rate[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(15): 155-161. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.15.020

0 引 言




1 基于位移变化率的强度折减有限元法








以某土体试样为例,粘聚力c=42 kPa,内摩擦角φ=17°,Rf=1.0,Ei=200 MPa,在标准三轴试验中取σ1=500 kPa,σ3=300 kPa。根据式(1)-式(6),其应变及应变变化率与强度折减系数的关系见图1。图1中,强度参数的折减,采用0.1、0.01和0.001的变步长。

图1 应变和应变变化率与强度折减系数的关系Fig.1 Relationship between strain, strain rate and strength reduction factor



2 计算分析

2.1 计算模型与计算流程

为便于分析讨论,取某土坡作为算例。该边坡的坡角为45°,斜坡部分高H为20 m,斜坡范围由2层土组成,各土层厚度均为10 m。上层:容重γ=20 kN/m3,弹性模量E=960MPa,泊松比μ=0.33,粘聚力c=36 kPa,内摩擦角φ=13°;下层:容重γ=25 kN/m3,弹性模量E= 1 000 MPa,泊松比μ=0.30,粘聚力c=42kPa,内摩擦角φ=17°。边坡长为105 m,高为40 m,坡脚至左边界的距离L=1.5H=30 m,坡顶至右边界的距离为R=55≥2.5H= 50 m,坡顶至底部边界的距离B=2H=40 m,满足边界范围的要求[28-30]。按照平面应变建立有限元计算模型,采用四边形一阶单元,四边形网格的长宽比为1.0~2.057,网格尺寸为1.375~2.828 m,网格尺寸与坡高(20 m)的比值为0.068 8~0.141。边界条件为:下部固定,左右两侧约束水平位移,上部为自由边界。计算模型见图2。

图2 边坡有限元模型Fig.2 Finite element model of slope

采用Fortran编制主程序,将有限元软件作为子程序进行调用,有限元软件通过批处理在后台运行。包括4个模块:1)主程序,为Fortran95格式,包含流程控制,根据强度折减系数调整抗剪强度参数,调用有限元计算,提取计算结果、处理计算结果等;2)强度折减有限元,为ANSYS的APDL文件,每一次计算时,自动读取抗剪强度参数,并输出计算结果;3)抗剪强度参数的外部文件;4)有限元计算结果的外部文件。在强度折减系数的搜索过程中,从1.0K=开始,采用0.1、0.01、0.001和0.000 1的变步长进行逼近,得到不收敛时对应的强度折减系数,并在此基础上,得到位移变化率与强度折减系数的关系,计算流程框图见图3。

图3 强度折减系数的自动搜索流程图Fig.3 Flowchart of automatic searching for strength reduction factor


2.2 坡顶位移、位移变化率与强度折减系数的分析

坡顶P1的位移和位移变化率随强度折减系数的变化曲线见图4,其中,ux、uy和u分别为水平位移、竖向位移和总位移,单位为mm,u˙x=duxd K、u˙y=duyd K和 u˙=dudK分别为水平位移变化率、竖向位移变化率和总位移变化率;K为强度折减系数。


在K=1.43时,边坡的塑性区发生贯通;在K=1.433 7时,有限元计算不收敛。可见,位移变化率转折突变对应的强度折减系数,与塑性区贯通和计算不收敛的失稳判断基本一致。


图4 坡顶位移和位移变化率与强度折减系数的关系Fig.4 Relationship between displacement, displacement rate and strength reduction factor (P1)

2.3 特征点的选取范围及敏感性分析

为分析不同位置的特征点位移变化率与强度折减系数的关系,给出距离坡顶的竖直距离为1倍坡高(1.0H=20)的断面处P9,坡顶右侧2倍坡高(2H=40)的断面处P10和P14的总位移及总位移变化率随强度折减系数的关系,见图5。由于水平位移变化率、竖向位移变化率和总位移变化率随强度折减系数的关系基本一致,故图5仅给出了总位移及总位移变化率随强度折减系数的关系。在K=1.433 7时,边坡的剪应变增量分布图和位移向量场见图6。

图5 P9、P10、P14总位移和总位移变化率与强度折减系数的关系Fig.5 Relationship between total displacement, displacement rate and strength reduction factor (P9, P10, P14)


由图6a可知,在K=1.433 7时,剪应变增量分布区域主要为塑性区。由图6b可知,在K=1.433 7时,在塑性区或滑动土体,特征点位移存在明显的滑动趋势。比较图6a和图6b可知,在非塑性区域且非滑动土体的特征点亦存在明显的总位移,由于该边坡为沉陷式边坡,以竖向位移为主,但至坡顶的距离越远则总位移越小。在18个特征点中,特征点1(即坡顶)的总位移最大,为20.23 mm,特征点17的总位移最小,为2.87 mm。

图6 极限状态时边坡的剪应变增量分布图和位移向量场Fig.6 Shear strain increment distribution and displacement vectorfield of slope in limit equilibrium state


表1 强度折减系数与位移变化率的关系Table 1 Relationship between strength reduction factor and displacement rate

由表1可知,大多数特征点,根据水平位移变化率、竖向位移变化率和总位移变化率得到的3个安全系数相等。同时,通过18个特征点的水平位移变化率、竖向位移变化率和总的位移变化率随着强度折减系数的曲线关系,可得到54个安全系数,其取值基本一致,平均值为1.420 2,变异系数为0.005 3,变异系数小于1%。另一方面,根据位移变化率得到的安全系数,略小于塑性区贯通对应的安全系数(1.43)及计算不收敛对应的安全系数(1.433 7)相比,误差为0.94%,基本一致。



图7 特征点的相对距离与总位移、总位移变化率的关系Fig.7 Relationship between relative distance and total displacement, total displacement rate

由图7可得,在K=1.433 7时,当特征点至坡顶的距离≤20 m(1倍坡高1.0H=20)时,特征点的位移>12 mm,且位移变化率较大,此时特征点对位移变化率较敏感;特征点至坡顶的距离>20 m(1倍坡高1.0H=20)时,特征点位移在5~18 mm之间,但位移变化率大幅度降低,此时特征点对位移变化率的敏感性大幅度降低。由于强度折减系数有限元的最佳计算边界为,坡顶至右侧边界为2.5倍的坡高,坡脚至左侧边界为1.5倍的坡高,坡顶至底部边界为2倍的坡高[29-30],根据上述的敏感性分析,且综合考虑边界约束的影响,建议特征点选取范围为:与坡顶的相对距离为1倍坡高的范围。

3 结 论



3)至坡顶一定距离范围内的特征点,如位于非塑性区域且非滑动土体,则其位移变化率-强度折减系数的曲线发生转折突变,但曲线在转折点附近存在振荡现象。通过位移变化率计算得到的54个安全系数,平均值为1.420,变异系数为0.005 3,不同特征点根据水平位移变化率、竖向位移变化率和总位移变化率得到的安全系数基本一致。

4)当特征点至坡顶的距离≤1倍坡高时,特征点的位移>12 mm,且位移变化率均较大,此时特征点对位移变化率较敏感;当特征点至坡顶的距离>1倍坡高时,特征点位移在5~18 mm之间,但位移变化率大幅度降低,此时特征点对位移变化率的敏感性大幅度降低。考虑有限元计算中边界约束的影响,结合特征点的敏感性,建议特征点的选取范围为:与坡顶相对距离为1倍坡高的范围。

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Slope instability evaluation method using finite element method of strength reduction and displacement rate

Jiang Shenghua, Wang Shiji, Li Weiqing, Bao Anhong
(College of Engineering and Technology, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China)

Finite element method of strength reduction is an important and effective measure to evaluate the stability safety of geotechnical engineering. Also, finite element method of strength reduction is widely used in slope stability computation, and failure criterion using deformation has obvious significance in aspects of physical and engineering meaning. However, there is no consensus among researchers regarding location selection of critical points, step-size of strength reduction, determination from horizontal displacement, vertical displacement and total displacement. Also, there is no consensus with regard to how to judge the limit state of slope when there is no obvious knee point on the curve of displacement versus strength reduction factor. The strength reduction of variable step-size is proposed in the paper. The curves of displacement, displacement rate versus strength reduction factor, are calculated automatically with the main program of Fortran and subroutine program of ANSYS software. The knee point on curve of displacement rate versus strength reduction factor is chosen as the failure criterion, and the sensitivity and location range of critical points are also studied. When strength reduction factor is 1.42, there is definite and specific knee point on curve of horizontal displacement rate, vertical displacement rate and total displacement rate of slope top versus strength reduction factor, which shows displacement rate is more accurate and sensitive than displacement in terms of slope failure criterion. When the critical point is in the vicinity of slope top and it is not located in plastic zone or sliding soil mass, there is also abrupt turning on the curve of displacement rate versus strength reduction factor with oscillation phenomenon although the critical points are relatively far from the slope point; and the corresponding safety factor is also about 1.42. Eighteen critical points are selected from different locations of slope, and by means of curves of horizontal displacement rate, vertical displacement rate and total displacement rate versus strength reduction factor, 54 safety factors are obtained. Consequently, the mean value of 54 safety factors is 1.420 and the variation coefficient is 0.005 3, which show that different critical points have nearly same safety factors and there is little difference between safety factors judged by horizontal displacement rate, vertical displacement rate or total displacement rate. When the distance from critical point to slope top is smaller than 20 m, about the height of slope, the total displacement of critical point is larger than 12 mm and the total displacement rate is large, which indicate that the critical points have high sensitivity. When the distance from critical point to slope top is larger than slope height, the total displacement of critical point ranges from 5 to 18 mm but the total displacement rate decreases drastically, which show that the critical points are also not sensitive either. Considering the influence of boundary range and the critical points’ sensitivity, it is suggested that the distance from the critical points to slope top should be less than the slope height. The step-size of strength reduction should be decreased gradually and small step-size should be used when the slope deformation is close to instable sliding.

slope stability; models; boundary conditions; finite element method; strength reduction method; displacement rate







国家自然科学基金(51208078,11572262);重庆市前沿与应用基础研究计划(cstc2015jcyjA30008);中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(XDJK 2015B007)

江胜华,男,湖北仙桃人,副教授,博士,主要从事岩土工程监测与安全评价等领域的研究。重庆 西南大学工程技术学院,400715。


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