

世界睡眠医学杂志 2017年4期



Foundation year:1995

Number of members:55

Composition of members(degree, specialties,subspecialties, etc.):The subscribed members are 55; 16 members are psychiatrists, 23 pulmonologists, 10 neurologists and 3 internists. Two of our members are psychologists and one member is a bioengineer.

Historical perspective of the society:HSRS was established in 1995 in Athens. The founding members were 27; 8 of them were psychiatrists,9 neurologists and 10 pulmonologists. Since its foundation until November 2011, president of the Society was Constantin R. Soldatos, Professor of Psychiatry in the Athens Medical School. In November 2011, Dr. Dimitris Dikeos, Associate Professor of Psychiatry in the Athens Medical School was elected as the new president of the Society and Professor Constantin Soldatos was declared honorary president of the Society. The Board consists of Emmanouil Vagiakis (Vice President, Pulmonologist), Antigone Papavasileiou (Secretary, Neurologist), Costas Psarros (Treasurer, Psychiatrist), and the members-atlarge E. Daskalopoulou-Vlachogianni (Pulmonologist), S. Schiza (Pulmonologist), and A. Bonakis (Neurologist).

Honorary members of our Society include: Michel Billiard, Professor of Neurology, Thomas Roth,Professor of Psychology and Anthony Kales Professor of Psychiatry.

Important sleep physicians/researchers in the history of the NSS:Constantin R. Soldatos, Professor of Psychiatry in the Athens Medical School.

Number of Sleep Medicine Centers(link to their titles and locations):In Greece, there are 33 Sleep Medicine Centres, widely distributed in the country.

For details:

Number of Sleep Research Centers (link to their titles and locations):There are 13 Sleep Research Centres, 6 in Athens, 4 in Thessaloniki, 1 in Crete, 1 in Larisa and 1 in Alexandroupoli. For more details visit our website

Accreditation/Certification procedure:Currently there is no official accreditation for sleep specialists in Greece. Sleep Centres get a certificate of approval by a special committee of the Hellenic Thoracic Society.

Educational programs:The Hellenic Sleep Research Society has organised three National Congresses on sleep disorders, as well as several national educational activities such as seminars, workshops, etc.

Present activities,working groups, task forces

The Hellenic Sleep Research Society has officially participated in numerous scientific events organised by other Societies. Over the last years, on World Sleep Day and on the European Narcolepsy Day,the Hellenic Sleep Research Society has organised events mainly in public places, and it has actively participated in press conferences, TV and Radio programs. The main aim of these actions is to better inform the general public about sleep disorders, their symptoms and about the overall approach to them. To this end, the Society has also produced and distributed several booklets on sleep disorders.The Hellenic Sleep Research Society participates in the Assembly of National Sleep Societies of the European Sleep Research Society.

(黄志力 供稿)


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