摘 要:为了研究微织构球头铣刀铣削钛合金加工表面的表面粗糙度,采用正交试验法,进行了微织构球头铣刀铣削钛合金的试验,得出了微坑织构参数与表面粗糙度之间的变化规律并分析了影响机理。利用极差分析法确定了各因素对表面粗糙度影响的主次顺序。通过回归分析原理,建立了表面粗糙度预测模型。统计检验结果表明,所建立的表面粗糙度预测模型是显著的。并对表面粗糙度的预测值与试验观测值进行了对比,证实了模型的可靠性。
中图分类号: TG506
文献标志码: A
文章编号: 1007-2683(2017)03-0141-06
Abstract:In order to study the surface roughness of titanium alloy by microtextured ballnosed end mill within milling, based on orthogonal test, the experiment of milling titanium alloy with microtextured ball end milling cutter was carried out. The variation regularity between the texture parameters and the surface roughness was obtained and the mechanism was analyzed. The influence of various factors on the surface roughness is determined by the range analysis method. Based on the principle of regression analysis, the predictive model of surface roughness was established. The statistical test results show that the prediction model of surface roughness is significant. The predicted values of the surface roughness were compared with the experimental observations, which confirmed the reliability of the model.
Keywords:microtexture; orthogonal test; surface roughness; predictive model
5 结 论
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(编辑:王 萍)