

世界建筑 2017年7期

何培斌/HO Puay-peng


The Building: School of Architecture, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

何培斌/HO Puay-peng

1 外景/Exterior view(图片来源/Source: 雅砌建筑设计有限公司/ARCH Design Architects)





The School of Architecture of the Chinese University of Hong Kong was founded in 1991, the second school offering professional education in architecture in Hong Kong. The School started as a department of architecture within the Faculty of Social Science, having a total of around 250 students for five years of undergraduate and master degree education. There was no other discipline being offered. The department was housed in a generic academic building together with some departments of the faculty. In 2010, the department was officially renamed as School of Architecture, with plans to offer bachelor programme in urban studies and master degree programmes in sustainable design,urban design, conservation design and others. The intake for undergraduate programme has also been increased. This necessitated the increase in the physical space of the School.

This development coincided with the government's initiative to have a four-year undergraduate study period, rather than three years in the past. Government funding was provided for infrastructure enlargement and thus the university decided to have part of the new facilities catering to the need for the School. With a detailed campus planning process, the university identified a small piece of land on campus that might be used to build the School building, and School was happy that the university had determined that it should have a new and stand-alone building. This is rather unusual in Hong Kong for a small school like ours with only 450~500 students.

There were two requests from the School for this project and the University graciously agreed.One was that the architectural design for the new building had to be procured through a limited competition. The other was for the architectural library to be relocated to the new building, which is very much against the trend in amalgamating all libraries within the university under one central library. We regarded the library as a focal point for an architectural school and thus requested that it should not be separated from the teaching spaces of the School.

2 建筑学院1:200模型/1:200 model

3 中庭空间轴测/Axo for the atrium

(2,3图片来源/Source: 雅砌建筑设计有限公司/ARCH Design Architects)小型香港事务所由郑炳鸿和乙增志领导,二人均在建筑学院执教。在计划制定过程中,雅砌建筑与我院在功能及建筑解决方案方面展开了紧密合作。





4 中庭/The atrium(摄影/Photo: 何培斌/HO Puay-peng)

5 剖面/Section

A limited competition was conducted in two phases with small creative firms invited to participate internationally, and around 80 submissions were received. Six fi nalists were selected by an international judging panel which ended with a more detailed proposal from the fi nalists and the design proposal from ARCH Design Architects Ltd.won the competition.The small Hong Kong practice is helmed by Wallace Chang and T.C. Yuet, both teaching at the School. In the development of the plan, the firm worked closely with the School in both functional as well as architectural solutions.

The site allocated for the architecture building is bounded by the main road of the campus leading from the MTR University station to Central campus,and the railway line on the other side. Site area is 2,375m2and within the tight site, the total gross floor area built is 7,720m2. The project period was around 3 years, with the building completed in summer 2012.

The concept of the design is to create a community for architectural learning.The building has to also be an exemplary architecture so as to serve as a model for students passing through the space. As a learning community, gathering is very important, and a central atrium is created to facilitate two levels of communal spaces. At the lower level with the entrance is a space with a stepped grand stand for sitting, working, chatting,presentation and exhibition. The space is also used for evening lectures and events with a large projection screen. Classrooms and fabrication labs are located on the entrance level. On the upper level of the atrium are large spaces for reviews, critics,exhibitions, lectures and conferences, running the length of the building, which can be sub-divided into 6 acoustically-insulated spaces or fully opened as one space. During events, the whole space is turned into a vibrant hub which can be seen from corridors and studio located above.

Beside the atrium are two blocks of accommodation,the smaller one on five floors facing the main road has offices and research labs of the faculty members and graduate students. The larger one houses interconnected studio on two fl oors facing the railway track. The studios are fully opened plan so that students from di ff erent years and di ff erent disciplines can rub shoulder with each other and peek over the desk to see what is being done by classmates. On each floor, there are two glass cubicles to contain laser cutting machines and small workshop, printing room,spray room etc. This will allow the students to have

6 聚集空间/Greeting space

(图片来源/Source: 雅砌建筑设计有限公司/ARCH Design Architects)


7 入口大厅作为活动场地/Entry hall as an event venue(摄影/Photo: 何培斌/HO Puay-peng)

8 细部/Details(图片来源/Source: 雅砌建筑设计有限公司/ARCH Design Architects)

9 入口台阶/Stair in the hall(摄影/Photo: 何培斌/HO Puay-peng)

清水混凝土的质感以及胶合板和生铁的运用使其融入了当代建筑语言,而其原始的空间形象也迫使人们将目光转向其生动的视觉环境。同时,中庭还是一个包容性空间,构建成为一个保护和培育未来建筑师的社区。□direct access from their studio to tools of production for their works. There are two balconies too so that students can have a breathing space facing a large fl ame-of-the forest tree. Glass partition between the studio and the atrium also allows visual connection to the community hub. On the roof of the studio block is an open terrace overlooking ToloHarbour which can be used as event space and relaxing space.A community garden was later created on one side of the roof.

Facing the atrium, opposite the entrance on the studio level, is the Architecture Library.The library is only 5 steps away from the studio and has a glass reading area facing the length of the atrium. Again,those studying in the library would have visual contact with the community hub in the atrium as well as the roof of the studio block.The Architecture Library has a collection of more than 10,000 volumes of architecture, urban design, landscape design and art history books. In addition, there is also a fine collection of rare books in Western and Chinese architecture history. The position of the library is critical, as it is symbolically placed in a central position as one looks up from the atrium floor, and right next to the studio. The library was equipped to function as a 24-hour library without supervision, thus it has been constantly well used and particularly late into the early morning.

The atrium is lit with full skylight fitted with photovoltaic cells for generating heated water for the two showers in the building. A stair climbs up the atrium with bridges crossing over the tall Piranesispace. A cubic box serving multiple functions is placed along one of the central bridges used frequently as an impromptu teaching and discussion space, perhaps the prototype is a pavilion along the meandering path of a classical Chinese garden.Indeed, the path that can be followed in the atrium functions as the path of exploration, a path of stepby-step revelation of the spatial experience of the void embedded in the School building. Obviously,students are encouraged not to take the elevator but walk up the atrium for conserving energy.

The rawness of the fair face concrete, the use of plywood timber and rusted iron fit into the contemporary architectural language in addition to feeding the image of a primal space forcing the attention of the users on the visual and kinetic environment. At the same time, the atrium is an embracing space, protecting and nurturing, and creating a community of would-be architects.

香港中文大学建筑学院创院院长/Founding Director, School of Architecture,The Chinese University of Hong Kong


