

物理学报 2017年12期

王日兴 叶华 王丽娟 敖章洪

1)(湖南文理学院洞庭湖生态经济区建设与发展省级协同创新中心,常德 415000)

2)(湖南文理学院电气与信息工程学院,常德 415000)



1)(湖南文理学院洞庭湖生态经济区建设与发展省级协同创新中心,常德 415000)

2)(湖南文理学院电气与信息工程学院,常德 415000)




1 引言




本文对自由层具有垂直磁各向异性的倾斜极化自旋阀结构中自旋转移矩驱动的磁矩翻转和进动进行了理论研究. 通过线性展开包含自旋转移矩项的基于宏观磁矩的Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert(LLG)方程,使用线性稳定性分析方法[14,15,17−21],获得了垂直自由层倾斜极化层自旋阀结构的磁性状态相图.相图中包括多种不同的磁性状态.通过数值求解微分方程,给出不同磁性状态磁矩随时间的演化轨迹,证明了相图的正确性.

2 理论模型和线性化展开


图1 理论模型和坐标系Fig.1.Theoretical mode and coordinate system.

式中,m和mp分别为自由层和极化层磁矩的单位矢量,mp=(px,py,pz)=(sinθpcosϕp,sinθpsinϕp,cosθp), θp和ϕp分别为极化层磁矩的极角和方位角;τ=4πγMst为重新定义的时间变量,其中,γ为旋磁比,Ms为自由层的饱和磁化强度;α为吉尔伯特阻尼常量;有效场heff=(κmy+hy)ey,包括各向异性场、退磁场和外磁场,其中,有效的各向异性场κ=hk−1,hk=Hk/(4πMs),hy=Hy/(4πMs),Hk和Hy分别为沿y轴方向的各向异性场和外磁场,ey为沿y轴方向的单位向量;J为电流密度,定义电流从极化层流向自由层时J取正值,从自由层流向极化层时J取负值;自旋矩项对应的系数Jp=[3(1+P)3/(2P3/2)− 8]4πdeM2s/,其中,P为自旋极化率,d为自由层的厚度,e为基本电荷,为普朗克常量;λ为描述自由层和极化层磁矩之间的夹角对自旋转移矩影响的无量纲的参数,其表达式为λ=(1+P)3/[3(1+P)3−16P3/2].



在没有施加电流时,从(1)式中可以看出系统的两个平衡点分别为m=ey和m=−ey,对应球坐标系中的坐标为 (π/2,π/2)和 (π/2,3π/2). 当垂直于自旋阀结构施加电流时,自由层磁矩将到达一个新的平衡位置(θ0,ϕ0).在微小扰动的作用下,磁矩将绕此新平衡位置做微小振动,设磁矩对新平衡位置的偏离分别为δθ和 δϕ.因此,可以令θ= θ0+δθ,ϕ= ϕ0+δϕ.将其代入方程(2),保留δθ和 δϕ的线性项,可以得到关于新平衡位置(θ0,ϕ0)的方程组


3 结果与讨论

假设磁矩做周期性振动,令δθ= ∆θeiωt和δϕ=∆ϕeiωt,其中∆θ和 ∆ϕ为振幅.将其代入方程组(4),可得


下面我们将以自由层为垂直磁各向异性的[Co/Ni]×4多层膜为例,对系统的平衡点进行稳定性分析. 材料参数为[9]:旋磁比 γ=1.75 × 107Oe−1·s−1(1 Oe=79.5775 A/m), 阻尼系数α=0.1,各向异性场Hk=10154 Oe,饱和磁化强度Ms=650 G(1 G=10−4T),自由层的厚度d=3 nm,自旋极化率P=0.35.对于此种材料,λ=0.6048,Jp=1.89×108A/cm2,有效的各向异性场κ=0.2431且沿y方向.

3.1 以外磁场hy和电流密度J为控制参数的磁性相图

图2 (网刊彩色)以外磁场hy和电流密度J为控制参数的磁性状态相图(蓝色实线和红色虚线分别代表自由层磁矩沿y和−y方向的失稳电流)Fig.2.(color online)The phase diagram of magnetic states de fi ned in parameter space spanned by external magnetic fi eld hyand current density J(the blue solid line and red dash line represent the instability current of free layer magnetization along y and−y directions,respectively).

通过求解关于平衡位置的方程组(4),并由∆ =0和 T=0,在图2中,我们以外磁场hy和电流密度J为控制参数,给出了极化层磁矩方向为θp=60◦,ϕp=90◦时,自由层具有垂直磁各向异性的倾斜极化自旋阀结构的磁性状态相图,图中蓝色的实线和红色的虚线分别为自由层磁矩沿y方向和−y方向的失稳电流.由图2可知,失稳电流随外磁场的增加而增加.通过调节外磁场和电流密度,可以获得不同的磁性状态.其中:有两个稳定态,分别在y方向和−y方向附近,我们定义其为准平行稳定态(quasi-P)和准反平行稳定态(quasi-AP).当平衡方向失稳以后,系统将出现伸出膜面的进动态(out-of-plane precessional state,OPP).在其他区域,系统两个稳定态共存,定义此区域为“quasi-P or quasi-AP”.当自由层磁矩的初始磁化方向沿y方向时,磁矩为“quasi-P”态,而沿−y方向时,磁矩为“quasi-AP”态.



图3 (网刊彩色)对于图2中不同区域a,b,c三点,自由层磁化矢量的三个分量mx,my和mz随时间的演化(蓝色和红色线条分别对应自由层磁矩的初始磁化方向沿y和−y方向) (a)磁矩从y方向翻转到−y方向;(b)磁矩从−y方向翻转到y方向;(c),(c′)伸出膜面的OPPFig.3.(color online)The time evolutions of three components mx,my,and mzin free-layer magnetization for three points a,b,and c in di ff erent regions of Fig.2(the blue and red lines represent the initial direction of free-layer magnetization along y and−y directions,respectively):(a)Magnetization reversal from y to−y;(b)magnetization reversal from −y to y;(c)and(c′)OPP.

3.2 以倾斜极化方向θp和电流密度J为控制参数的磁性相图


图4 (网刊彩色)以电流密度J和倾斜极化角θp为控制参数的磁性状态相图(蓝色实线和红色虚线分别代表自由层磁矩沿y和−y方向的失稳电流)Fig.4.(color online)The phase diagram of magnetic states de fi ned in parameter space spanned by current density J and the direction of tilted polarizer θp(the blue solid line and red dash line represent the instability current of free layer magnetization along y and−y directions,respectively).

4 结 论


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Magnetization reversal and precession in spin valve structures with a perpendicular free layer and a tilted polarizer layer∗

Wang Ri-Xing1)2)†Ye Hua2)Wang Li-Juan2)Ao Zhang-Hong2)

1)(Hunan Province Cooperative Innovation Center for the Construction and Development of Dongting Lake Ecological Economic Zone,Hunan University of Arts and Science,Changde 415000,China)
2)(College of Electrical and Information Engineering,Hunan University of Arts and Science,Changde 415000,China)

20 February 2017;revised manuscript

18 March 2017)

Spin-transfer e ff ects induced by spin-polarized current in the spin valve structures present a platform for studying di ff erent static and dynamic magnetization states sustained or driven by current.Especially,it can excite some new magnetic states and cause magnetization reversal and precession,which o ff ers some promising applications in data processing and microwave emission.However,most of researches so far have focused on the spin valve structure with parallel or perpendicular anisotropy.Compared with the spin valve structure with parallel or perpendicular anisotropy device,the spin valve structure with a tilted polarizer is also hopeful for its potential application in fast-switching and high-density magnetic recording.Moreover,the tilted polarizer provides a new way to control the spin torquedriven magnetization dynamics in spin valve structure.In this paper,the magnetization reversal and precession driven by the spin-transfer torque in spin valve structures with a perpendicular free layer and a tilted polarizer layer are investigated theoretically.By linearizing the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation including the spin-transfer torque,two coupled dynamically evolutive equations and new equilibrium directions are obtained.Performing stability analysis for all new equilibrium directions and taking[Co/Ni]×4 multilayers as an illustrative example,we obtain the phase diagrams of magnetic states de fi ned in parameter space spanned by external magnetic fi eld and current density.Several magnetic states,including quasi-parallel stable states,quasi-antiparallel stable states,out-of-plane precession,and bistable states are distinguished in the phase diagrams.Through adjusting the magnitudes of current density and external magnetic fi eld,the switching from stable states to precessional ones and the reversal between two stable states can be realized,and the reversal current increases with the external magnetic fi eld increasing.Meanwhile,we portray the phase diagram of magnetic states de fi ned in parameter space spanned by current density and the direction of tilted polarizer.In this case,the out-of-plane precession does not emerge as the current density and external magnetic fi eld are relatively small.A ff ected by the directions of spin polarizer,the reversal current of magnetization is lowest when the direction of spin polarizer is parallel to the easy axis of free-layer,and is largest when the direction of spin polarizer is perpendicular to the easy axis of free-layer.Selecting the di ff erent directions of the polarized-layer magnetization provides an alternative way to improve the efficiency of current-driven microwave emitting and magnetization reversal.By solving temporal evolution equations numerically,the behaviors of di ff erent magnetic states are shown and the validities of the phase diagrams are con fi rmed.

magnetization reversal,spin-transfer torque,stability analysis




©2017中国物理学会Chinese Physical Society

*Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.11347132),the Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province,China(Grant No.2016JJ3096),and the Research Foundation of Education Bureau of Hunan Province,China(Grant No.14C0807).



一种无磁化的5 T磁共振射频功率放大器设计