《西游记》是中国古代四大名著之一,不仅在中国长盛不衰,也是世界文学的瑰宝。最近,瑞士人林小发(Eva Lüdi Kong)凭借其翻译的《西游记》首个德文全译本,获得第十三届莱比锡书展奖翻译类大奖。这是德语地区图书行业重要奖项。书展主办方在颁奖理由中写道,作为中国最脍炙人口的文学作品,在此之前,《西游记》没有以德文的形式出版过,最多也只出版过一个简略的节译本。“现在它全部的丰富性和多样性能得以呈现,这是林小发的功绩。”主办方评价她“不仅仅是把一种语言翻译成另一种,更在不同时代和不同思维方式的峭壁中搭起了一座桥。这正是‘世界文学的真意,一种来自全世界、面向全世界的文学。”
Eva Lüdi Kong received Leipzig Book Fair Prize for Translation in 2016. Her translation in German was (Travel into the West). It is a complete translation of an at least 400 year old Chinese novel known as .
The translators honor was made widely known to Chinese people by a retranslation of the first chapter of the German book back to Chinese, done by Wang Lei, na editor with Yilin Books specialized in translated foreign literary books. The retranslation went virile in Chinese social media. Many commented that it read like by English author and scholar Tolkien. The original Chinese story, its authors unknown, entertained grassroots people living in cities across China during its slow evolution into a classical novel. It offers fun and satire. When it was translated back from the German version, the text offered a touch of magnificence of western classics and tragedies, commented Li Yunfei, a scholar specialized in the study of the Chinese masterpiece.
Eva Lüdi Kong wasnt prepared for this kind of response from Chinese readers. But on second thought, she didnt find it surprising.
It had taken her a good 17 years to translate the Chinese novel. The translating is somewhat aptly compared the journey of hardships and trials the four pilgrims takes in the novel.
In China, the translator is known as Lin Xiaofa, her Chinese name, with her real name largely unknown. Her Chinese name is easy to read and remember.
She is a citizen of Switzerland. She fell in love with the Chinese language in 1983 when a troupe of Chinese acrobats from Guangxi, China visited her hometown. The Chinese words printed on a show program took her fancy. The 15-year-old girl began to study Chinese.
She has spent 25 years in China and a big part of the 25 years she spent in Hangzhou, the capital city of Zhejiang, a province south of Shanghai. In the 1990s, she studied calligraphy and printmaking at China Academy of Art in the city. She ran into in a bookstore in Shanghai. The ancient Chinese worldview as revealed in the novel fascinated her.
In 1999, she began to translate the book after reading the Chinese original and the two German translations. Pretty soon she ran into problems she wasnt able to solve. She enrolled into a graduate course at Zhejiang University where she studied ancient Chinese literature. “She knew exactly what she wanted from the graduate course. She wanted to get her translation right,” recalls Lou Songhan, the graduate supervisor at the university. Her graduation paper was about the Chinese novel.
Lou recalls that Lin Xiaofa was pretty good at Chinese. “I dont know a word of German. I communicated with her in Chinese. We mainly talked about . Teachers thought highly of her at her defense of the graduation paper,” remembers Lou. “I feel proud of her. She is great! The work she did was extremely challenging.”
Before Eva Lüdi Kongs translation, there had been two abridged translations of the Chinese book in German. One was done in 1962 based on the Chinese original and a 100-chapter Russian version. The other was translated from a 1942 English translation by Arthur Waley (1889-1966). There are only 30 chapters in this English translation titled . Eva Lüdi Kongs translation was based on a Chinese edition published by Zhonghua Book Company. This somewhat “sanitized” edition, based on a text of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), is shorter than the most popular edition created in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), with the deletion of some poems that describe landscape and with the removal of some vulgar words and expressions.
Before Eva Lüdi Kongs translation, very few people in Germany knew about . In Germany, Chinese Qigong or Taiji enjoyed better popularity; those who took interest in traditional Chinese medicine may have heard of some excerpts from the novel. It was a pity that such a great literary masterpiece was so little known in the world of the German language, commented the translator.
That probably explains why she wasnt able to find any publisher who took interest in her translation after she had finished the first ten chapters. She hesitated whether she should continue with the translation project. She was under the impression that few people in Germany and Switzerland had ever heard of the ancient Chinese novel. For most people in these countries, the Chinese novel simply didnt exist, she commented succinctly.
What she studied in Hangzhou certainly appears in the book, as teied by the 50-plus-page notes in the rear part of the book eventually published in German. The notes include a list of gods in Taoism and Buddhism as occurred in the novel. Also among the notes are a brief introduction to the provenance of the novel and how it became popular in China and spread to foreign countries in history.