On 1 March 2017, Dr.Qi Youcun from NSSL/NOAA visited CAMS and delivered the presentation titled “Initial Operating Capabilities of the Quantitative Precipitation Estimation in the Multi-Radar Multi-Sensor (MRMS) System”.Dr.Qi reported on the research progress in application of the MRMS in precipitation estimation, data quality control, echo processing, precipitation area identification, etc.The presentation was presided over by Dr.Liang Xudong, CAMS Researcher.
2017年3月10日,美国驻华使馆科学官Annataria Marriotti博士和Shi Wenming先生应邀访问中国气象局,并参观了气科院大气化学重点实验室。车慧正副所长向来宾介绍了气科院大气成分在基础观测、实验室分析、环境模式建立及应用等方面的研究现状。
On 10 March 2017, Dr.Annataria Marriotti and Mr.Shi Wenming, science fellows from US Embassy in China, visited CAMS Key Laboratory on Atmospheric Chemistry during their visit to China Meteorological Administration.Dr.Che Huizheng, Deputy Director of the Lab, introduced the research status of atmospheric composition at CAMS in basic observation,laboratory analysis, environmental modeling as well as application, etc.
2017年3月22日,英国伯明翰大学资深专家Gregor Leckebusch博士访问气科院灾害天气国家重点实验室,并做了题为“极端气象事件及未来评估的不确定性”的学术报告。Gregor Leckebusch博士介绍了其团队在极端气象事件及其风险评估方面的主要成果,分析了模式对未来预估的不确定性及降低各类不确定性的可能途径。报告会由任福民博士主持。
On 22 March 2017, Dr.Gregor Leckebusch, senior scientist from University of Birmingham, UK,visited CAMS State Key Laboratory on Severe Weather (LaSW), and delivered an academic presentation titled“Meteorological Extremes and Uncertainties of Future Assessments”.Dr.Gregor Leckebusch reported on the main outcomes of his team in assessment of meteorological extremes and risks, together with analysis on the model uncertainties of future assessments and possible means of mitigating various uncertainties.The presentation was presided over by Dr.Ren Fumin from CAMS.
On 29 March 2017, Dr.Duan Yihong, President of CAMS, hosted the visit of Dr.Ander, Director of Office of China Affairs, US University of Maryland.They discussed on the plan for joint establishment of overseas research center, as well as research directions, means and demands from both sides in the future.
2017年4月12—13日,WWRP/WMO研究发展项目“华南季风降水试验 (SCMREX) ”国际研讨会在北京召开。来自美国、日本、印度、马来西亚、太平洋科学联合会以及国内的40多位专家参加了会议,专家们围绕华南强降水的触发和维持机制、物理方案的评价和改进等进行了深入的交流。项目首席科学家罗亚丽研究员主持了开幕式。
On 12−13 April 2017, the International Workshop of the South China Monsoon Rainfall Experiment (SCMREX,a Research & Development Project of WWRP/WMO) was held in Beijing.More than 40 domestic and overseas experts attended the workshop, including those from US, Japan, India, Malaysia, as well as Pacific Science Association.In-depth discussions were held with a focus on the trigger and maintenance mechanisms, physical schemes assessment and improvement etc., for the extreme rainfalls in South China.Dr.Luo Yali, CAMS Researcher and chief scientist of the Project, chaired the opening of the workshop.
2017年5月17日,出席北京“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛的智利代表团成员Raul Cordero和Sarah Feron访问气科院,与中方学者就极地气象观测和研究进行了深入探讨。Raul Cordero是智利圣地亚哥大学物理学院大气科学系主任,也是南极臭氧洞研究专家。学术交流后,祝从文所长与Cordero教授在数据交换、协同开展观测以及共同申报南极合作项目等方面达成初步合作意向。
On 17 May 2017, Raul Cordero and Sarah Feron from the Chilean Delegation attending the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation held in Beijing, paid a visit to CAMS and discussed with CAMS experts in depth about polar meteorological observation and research.Raul Cordero, dean of Physics School, University of San Diego, Chile, is an expert in Antarctic ozone-hole research.After the discussion, Dr.Zhu Congwen, Director of CAMS Institute of Climate System Research, reached preliminary intent of cooperation with Prof.Cordero in data exchange, collaborative observation and joint application for Antarctic projects, etc.
2017年6月1日,美国俄克拉何马大学张贵付教授访问气科院,并做了题为“偏振天气雷达∶ 未来展望”的学术交流报告。 张贵付教授列举了双线偏振雷达在灾害天气观测、水凝物粒子分类、定量降水估计等方面的应用,以及偏振参数在数值模拟检验和资料同化应用方面的最新发展。罗亚丽研究员主持了报告会。
On 1 June 2017, Dr.Zhang Guifu from University of Oklahoma, US, visited CAMS,and delivered an academic presentation titled“Weather Radar Polarimetry: Looking Forward to Future”.In the presentation, Dr.Zhang Guifu listed the application of dual-polarization radar in weather observation, water condensate particle classification and quantitative precipitation estimation, etc.as well as the latest development of polarization parameter application in numerical modeling verification and data assimilation.The presentation was presided over by Dr.Luo Yali, CAMS Researcher.
2017年6月8日,澳大利亚科学院院士、原澳洲南极局局长Ian Allison教授应邀访问气科院,并做了题为“南极洲埃默里冰架下的海洋环流及其基础融化/冻结状况”的学术报告。Ian Allison教授结合澳大利亚在Amery冰架上超过20年的观测,通过模拟研究了冰架和海洋之间的相互作用机制。报告会由丁明虎副研究员主持,秦大河院士、赵平副院长和祝从文所长参加了报告会。
On 8 June 2017, Prof.Ian Allison, Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science (AAS)and former Director of Australian Antarctic Division (AAD), visited CAMS and delivered an academic presentation titled “Ocean Circulation and Basal Melt/Freezing Beneath the Amery Ice Shelf, Antarctica”.Prof.Ian Allison introduced his research in the interactive mechanism between ice shelf and ocean through modeling, on the basis of Australia’s observation on the Amery Ice Shelf over 20 years.Dr.Ding Minghu, Associate Researcher of CAMS,presided over the presentation and several experts attended the presentation, including Dr.Qin Dahe, Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dr.Zhao Ping, Vice President of CAMS as well as Dr.Zhu Congwen, Director of CAMS Climate System Research Institute.
2017年6月23日,美国怀俄明(Wyoming)州立大学高级研究员邓敏博士应邀在 “灾害天气论坛”做了题为“热带深对流云团中云砧的发生频率及其区域差异”的报告。报告介绍了基于Calipso-lidar和Cloudsat-rador观测数据判别热带深对流、云砧的方法,以及数值模式分辨率对云模拟的影响等内容。徐晶副主任主持了报告会。
On 23 June 2017, Dr.Deng Min, senior researcher from Wyoming State University, US,visited CAMS and gave an invited presentation titled “Anvil Productivity of Tropical Deep Convection Clusters and Their Regional Difference” during the Severe Weather Forum.The presentation introduced the methods for identifying tropical deep convection and cloud anvil using Calipso-lidar and Cloudsat-radar observation data, as well as the impact of numerical model resolution on cloud modeling.The presentation was presided over by Dr.Xu Jing, Deputy Director of CAMS LaSW.
On 26 June 2017, Dr.Xue Lulin from US National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) visited CAMS and gave three reports titled“High Resolution WRF Simulation of an Extreme Winter Storm (Blizzard) in Colorado in a Current and Future Climate” “World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Solid Precipitation Inter-Comparison Experiment (SPICE)” and “In-situ Observation of Clouds Optical Array Probes” respectively.In his presentations,Dr.Xue Lulin introduced some research outcomes, such as the performance of high resolution WRF simulation of precipitation, impact of global warming on the snow in Rocky Mountains, inter-comparison result of snowfall observation equipment.The presentation was chaired by Dr.Guo Xueliang, CAMS Researcher.
2017年7月28日,政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)第2工作组副主席Andreas Fischlin应邀访问气科院,并做了题为“《巴黎协定》的相关科学研究”的报告。Andreas Fischlin教授详细介绍了全球1.5 ℃和2 ℃升温的提出、《巴黎协定》的主要目标等。他呼吁科学家一起参与1.5 ℃和2 ℃升温的研究,为IPCC特别报告提供坚实的科学基础。报告会由翟盘茂研究员主持。
On 28 July 2017, Prof.Andreas Fischlin, the vice chair of Working Group II (WGII) of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), paid an invited visit to CAMS and delivered the presentation titled “on the Science That Informed the Paris Agreement”.In his presentation, Prof.Andreas Fischlin introduced in detail how the question of global temperature rise of 1.5 ℃ and 2 ℃ was raised and main goals of the Paris Agreement.At the same time, he advocated the joint participation of scientists in the research of temperature rise of 1.5 ℃ and 2 ℃,to establish a solid scientific foundation for IPCC Special Report.The presentation was presided over by Dr.Zhai Panmao, CAMS Researcher.
On 27 July 2017, Dr.Li Dingmin from UK Met Office visited CAMS and delivered an academic presentation titled “the Latest Development and Ten-Year Plan of Met.Office Unified Model”.Dr.Li Dingmin introduced in detail the operational NWP system of Met.Office, including its current status, development plan in the last three years and developing outlook in the coming ten years.Prof.Wang Yuqing, Co-Director of CAMS LaSW, presided over the presentation.
2017年8月2日,德国约翰尼斯•古腾堡(Johannes Gutenberg)大学Michael Riemer博士访问气科院,并做了题为“热带气旋的垂直风切变:最新的概念进展和通风路径”的学术报告。Michael Riemer博士介绍了风切变对热带气旋强度的影响机制等内容。报告会由灾害天气实验室联合主任王玉清教授主持。
On 2 August 2017, Dr.Michael Riemer from University of Johannes Gutenberg, Germany,visited CAMS and delivered an academic presentation titled “Tropical Cyclones in Vertical Wind Shear: Recent Conceptual Developments and ‘Ventilation’ Pathway”.In his presentation, Dr.Michael Riemer introduced the impact mechanism of wind shear over tropical cyclone intensity.The presentation was presided over by Prof.Wang Yuqing, Co-Director of CAMS LaSW.
On 18 August 2017, CAMS Institute of Climate System Research held its 151th“Climate and Environment” Open Forum and invited Dr.Zhang Pengfei from Purdue University, US, to give a presentation titled “Prolonged Effect of the Stratospheric Pathway in Linking Barents-Kara-Sea sea Ice Variability to the Mid-Latitude Circulation in a Simplified Model”.The presentation pointed out the new pathway for impact of early stage Arctic sea ice over winter temperature abnormal in East Asia based on analysis.The forum was chaired by Dr.Liu Boqi, CAMS Associate Researcher.
2017年9月30日,荷兰瓦赫宁根大学环境研究所(WENR)高级研究员Allard de Wit博士访问气科院,并做了题为“新一代作物生长模型WOFOST介绍和演示”的报告。Allard de Wit博士介绍了国际著名作物生长模型WOFOST的历史和最新研究发展,以及遥感数据与WOFOST模型的同化方法。报告会由马玉平副研究员主持。On 30 September 2017, Dr.Allard de Wit from WENR, Holland, visited
CAMS and delivered the presentation titled “Introduction to and Demonstration of a New Generation of WOFOST Implementations”.In his presentation, Dr.Allard de Wit introduced the history and latest research findings of WOFOST, a world renowned model for crop growth, as well as the assimilation methods of remote-sensing data and WOFOST models.The presentation was presided over by Dr.Ma Yuping, CAMS Associate Researcher.
2017年10月10日,美国国家大气研究中心(NCAR)专家Roy Rasmussen博士一行应邀到气科院访问并商讨合作事宜。Rasumssen博士首先在气科院科技创新论坛做了题为“基于高分辨率WRF模型模拟的美国气候变化研究”的学术报告,并与参会科研人员进行了讨论。周广胜副院长主持了论坛。
On 10 October 2017, Dr.Roy Rasmussen and his team from NCAR paid an invited visit to CAMS for discussion over cooperative plan.During the Scientific and Technological Innovation Forum of CAMS, Dr.Rasumssen delivered an academic presentation titled “Climate Change Studies over the United States based on High Resolution WRF Model Simulations” and discussed with forum participants.Dr.Zhou Guangsheng, Vice President of CAMS, chaired the forum.
2017年10月18—19日,气科院和加拿大环境部科学技术局联合课题“城市和郊区大气碳气溶胶演变过程合作研究”加方专家李少萌博士访问气科院,分别做了题为“大气中生成的二次有机气溶胶有多少、多快∶ 加拿大油砂矿下风区域个例研究”和“加拿大阿勒特(Alert)地区气溶胶碳同位素:了解传输到北极地区黑碳的来源”的学术报告。报告会由孙俊英研究员主持。
On 18−19 October 2017, Dr.Li Shaomeng,who is from Science and Technology Branch, Environment Canada, and the Canadian expert responsible for Collaborative Research on Carbonaceous Aerosol Evolution Processes in Urban and Suburban Atmosphere,visited CAMS.Dr.Li Shaomeng gave two academic reports titled “How Fast and How Much Can Secondary Organic Aerosols be Formed in the Atmosphere: A Case Study of the Process Downwind of Oil Sands Region in Canada” and “Aerosol Carbon Isotope at Alert, Canada: Understanding Sources of Black Carbon Transported to the Arctic” respectively.The presentation was presided over by Dr.Sun Junying, Researcher from CAMS Institute of Atmospheric Composition.
2017年10月30日,瑞士积雪与雪崩研究所Machael Lehning教授到气科院进行为期3天的访问,就冬奥会涉及的雪冰科学问题进行了交流。Lehning教授是国际著名雪冰-大气相互作用过程模拟专家,其领导的雪冰运动研究团队,是世界上唯一一个研究雪场气象和雪冰的专业团队,为欧美多个大型滑雪场以及索契冬奥会提供科学服务。丁明虎副研究员主持了交流会。
On 30 October 2017, Prof.Machael Lehning from Swiss Federal Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research(SLF), Switzerland,visited CAMS and discussed about the scientific issues over snow and ice related to Winter Olympic Games.Prof.Lehning is an internationally renowned expert in snow-atmosphere interaction modeling.The research team of snow and ice sports under his leadership is the unique team of expertise in the world specializing in meteorological study for skiing and ice field, which has provided scientific service support to a number of large skiing resorts in Europe and America, in particular, Sochi Winter Olympic Games.The discussion was chaired by Dr.Ding Minghu, CAMS Associate Researcher.
2017年11月20—24日,欧洲科学院院士、美国中佛罗里达大学飓风暴雨中心主任张乃斌教授和英国詹姆斯赫顿研究所资深研究员Davide Cammarano应邀来气科院进行了为期5天的学术交流。2位专家就遥感信息提取方法及其在生态环境、干旱和洪涝监测等方面的应用,以及DSSAT作物模型和APSIM生态模型及其应用等问题做了11个学术报告。交流会由房世波研究员主持,来自中国气象局、中国农业科学院、中国科学院等40多个单位的100余人参加了学术交流。
On 20−24 November 2017, Prof.Zhang Naibin and Dr.Davide Cammarano were invited to a five-day academic exchange at CAMS.Prof.Zhang Naibin is member of the Academia Europaea as well as the Director of Hurricane and Rainstorm Center of University of Central Florida, US.Dr.Davide Cammarano is a senior researcher from James Hutton Institute of UK.The two experts gave 11 academic reports covering topics such as extraction method of remote-sensing data and its application in ecological environment, drought and flood monitoring, etc., as well as DSSAT crop model and APSIM ecology model with their application.The academic exchange was chaired by Dr.Fang Shibo, CAMS Researcher.More than 100 experts from over 40 units such as China Meteorological Administration, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and Chinese Academy of Sciences, etc.participated in the exchange.