

中国管理科学 2017年6期

乐 琦

(江西财经大学信息管理学院,江西 南昌 330013)


乐 琦

(江西财经大学信息管理学院,江西 南昌 330013)



1 引言



2 预备知识

定义1 设E是一个非空集合,则称I={|x∈E}为E上的直觉模糊集[18],其中μI(x)和γI(x)分别为E中元素x属于I的隶属度μI:E→[0, 1]和非隶属度γI:E→[0, 1],且满足0≤μI(x)+γI(x)≤1,∀x∈E。


定义1 设E是一个非空集合,则称I={|x∈E}为E上的直觉模糊集[18],其中μI(x)和γI(x)分别为E中元素x属于I的隶属度μI:E→[0, 1]和非隶属度γI:E→[0, 1],且满足0≤μI(x)+γI(x)≤1, ∀x∈E。

注1 此外,称πI(x)=1-μI(x)-γI(x)≤1为E中元素x属于I的犹豫度。显然0≤πI(x)≤1, ∀x∈E。特别地,若πI(x)=0,则I退化为传统的模糊集。

注2 为方便起见,直觉模糊集I={|x∈E}简记为I=<μI(x),γI(x)>。

注3 针对直觉模糊数I=<μI(x),γI(x)>,依据分值函数[20],可计算I=<μI(x),γI(x)>的分值为sI=μI(x)-γI(x)。显然,-1≤sI≤1,分值sI随着差值μI(x)-γI(x)的增大而增大。因此,分值sI可作为衡量直觉模糊数I=<μI(x),γI(x)>大小的一个重要指标[21]。


定义3 设Υ为双边匹配,则Υ=ΥTwo∪ΥOne[25-26],其中ΥTwo为匹配对集合,ΥOne为单身对集合。

3 基于直觉模糊集和匹配意愿的双边匹配决策






















4 技术供需匹配算例



表1 直觉模糊集矩阵

表2 直觉模糊集矩阵

表3 分值矩阵

表4 分值矩阵

表5 匹配意愿矩阵

表6 系数矩阵

表7 匹配矩阵

注9 需要指出的是,在文献[24]中,直觉模糊偏好关系是由每个主体针对对方主体集合进行两两对比的得到的,是由一个m×m方阵和一个n×n方阵构成,而本文的直觉模糊偏好形式是由两个m×n方阵构成。因此,本文与林杨和王应明[24]的研究视角是不一样的,用林杨和王应明[24]的方法不能解决本文所考虑的问题。

5 结语


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Two-sided Matching Decision Considering Matching Aspiration under the Intuitionistic Fuzzy Circumstance


(School of Information Management, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, Nanchang 330013, China)

The two-sided matching problem has always been concerned by the scholars in the fields of economic management and so on. Due to the complexity and fuzzy uncertainty of objective things, the preferences given by two-sided agents are in the format of intuitionistic fuzzy sets sometimes. The two-sided matching decision problem based on intuitionistic fuzzy sets and matching aspirations is an urgent need research new topic in psychology and decision science with rich actual backgrounds, and still has forward position and exploration. The theory of intuitionistic fuzzy set has been widely applied in the field of decision, but the application in the field of two-sided matching decision are relatively rare. Therefore, how to introduce the related theories of intuitionistic fuzzy set and matching aspiration into the two-sided matching decision problem and develop scientific and effective decision method have important theoretical significance and practical application value with respect to the research on two-sided matching decision. In this paper, the two-sided matching problem is investigated based on intuitionistic fuzzy sets and matching aspirations. The concepts of intuitionistic fuzzy set and two-sided matching are firstly introduced. Then, the two-sided matching problem based on intuitionistic fuzzy sets and matching aspirations is described. In order to solve this problem, the intuitionistic fuzzy set matrixes are transformed into score matrixes. Based on score matrixes and matching matrixes, a two-sided matching model considering scores under the constraint conditions of one-to-one two-sided matching is developed. Moreover, the score deviations and the score reciprocal-deviations are calculated based on score matrixes. Then the matching aspiration matrix can be calculated by using the maximum score reciprocal-deviation principle. The two-sided matching model considering scores is converted into a two-sided matching model considering scores and matching aspirations according to the matching aspiration matrix. The “optimal” two-sided matching can be obtained by solving the model. Lastly, the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed two-sided matching decision is illustrated with an example of technology supply-demand matching. The research achievements of this paper develop and prefect the decision theories and methods for two-sided matching based on intuitionistic fuzzy sets and matching aspiration. But this paper discussed preliminarily this case that the preferences of two-sided agents are intuitionistic fuzzy sets. When the preferences of two-sided agents are in the format of interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy sets, triangular intuitionistic fuzzy numbers, or trapezoidal intuitionistic fuzzy numbers in the two-sided matching problem, the above problem has yet to be further researched and explored.

two-sided matching; intuitionistic fuzzy set; matching aspiration; maximum reciprocal-deviation; two-sided matching model





江西省自然科学基金资助项目(20171BAA208003, 20161BAB201025,20151BAB201026);国家自然科学基金资助项目(71261007)


C 934



林文月 “人生是一场直觉”