(浙江大学机械工程学院,杭州 310027)
液压驱动下肢助力外骨骼是一种典型的人机交互类机器人,在跟随人体行进的同时,可提高人的负重能力。为实现最优化的结构设计以降低对系统压强、液压缸尺寸的要求,通过仿生学分析人类正常步行时的步态数据,依据准拟人化设计准则,采用CAD设计软件、数值计算等方法,给出了液压驱动膝关节的设计过程,并通过MATLAB等仿真软件进行了验证。基于确定的模型参数,进行了结构设计及平台搭建,并进行了穿戴试验。仿真及试验结果表明,该方法设计的外骨骼膝关节可以满足步行及负重需求。在负重由10增加为20 kg时,即负重增加一倍时,膝关节的轨迹平均跟踪误差减小了0.05%,跟踪误差最大值增加了20.7%,但是相对于整个膝关节的活动范围,该误差仅占总活动范围的1.2%。该研究为优化液压驱动下肢助力外骨骼提供了参考方法,并可为直线执行器驱动外骨骼其他关节的优化设计提供参考。关键词:机器人;设计;优化;计算机仿真;液压驱动;膝关节;外骨骼;准拟人化
0 引 言
BLEEX通过对膝关节的机构建模,得出膝关节液压缸力臂与关节转角及安装位置的关系,根据临床步态数据(clinical gait analysis,CGA)数据得出的膝关节力矩-角度图,采用迭代法确定液压缸的安装位置,进而确定了膝关节的结构[20];赵彦峻等[21]着重分析了外骨骼机构确定之后的动力学仿真分析,并没有提出膝关节液压缸安装位置确定的方法;蒋靖[22]从机构静力学的角度分析了外骨骼机构,也未提及膝关节液压缸的设计方法。由于下肢助力外骨骼与穿戴者连接为一体,因此结构设计,尤其是液压执行器的安装位置的最优化设计非常重要,它会影响关节助力的幅值以及穿戴者的穿戴体验[23-24]。
1 仿生学设计
图1 液压驱动下肢助力外骨骼结构示意图Fig.1 Structural representation of hydraulic driven lower-limb power-assistance exoskeleton
统计数据指出人体下肢各关节的活动范围,结合图1的关节角度示意,定义膝关节或髋关节伸展角度为正,弯曲角度为负,设计的角度活动范围为:膝关节-10°~159°,髋关节-40°~110°。然而人体正常行走时的活动范围与上述数据并不一致,参考临床步态数据(75 kg,1.4 m/s),人体正常步行时的关节角度,如图2所示。常见的下肢助力外骨骼系统在设计时通常只考虑髋关节及膝关节的主动自由度,考虑到负载经由外骨骼传导至地面,增加膝关节在其他方向运动的驱动给整个系统质量及能耗带来的额外增加,本文所述的外骨骼只有髋关节和膝关节在矢状面内的自由度由液压缸驱动,其与自由度是被动自由度。因此图2只包含矢状面内的运动信息。
图2 临床步态数据Fig.2 Clinical gait data
通过对CGA曲线进行分析,可以得到图2所示的膝关节角度、力矩曲线。图2横坐标表示人体正常行走时,以一侧下肢从脚趾离地开始到该侧脚趾再次离地的一个完整步态周期。质量75 kg的人在以1.4 m/s的速度正常步行时,膝关节的活动范围大约在-5°~70°,考虑到膝关节其他弯曲状况的存在以及为了避免角度过大造成穿戴者的关节不舒服甚至受伤,本文设计的膝关节矢状面内的活动范围为0º~120º。
1.1 结构设计
1.1.1 膝关节建模
图3 膝关节几何模型Fig.3 Geometric model of knee joint
1.1.2 力矩分析
图4 液压缸安装位置效果Fig.4 Effects of different mounting locations of cylinder
图4 中的坐标标号与图3含义相同。虚线AB表示膝关节伸展时,即θ=0°,液压缸的最大长度;虚线AB'表示膝关节弯曲最大角度时,即θ=120°,液压缸的最小长度。由图4可知,图4c中液压缸完全伸展及最大收缩时的方向变化较小,考虑到力的方向稳定性,选取图4c的布置方式,即r1>r2。基于以上分析,定义r1/r2=k,并且,k>1。结合图3,令r2=a cm,则有r1=k·a cm,代入式(4),得到力臂值如式(6)。
由式(6)借助MATLAB可以得到力臂值R与膝关节角度 (θ1+θ2+θ)和系数k的关系,如图5a所示。由于下肢外骨骼采用准拟人化设计准则,可以参考75 kg体质量人群的CGA数据,通过图2b中的力矩曲线,可知在膝关节弯曲约20°时,即θ=20°,力矩最大,由于外骨骼膝关节的最大活动范围120°可知,力矩最大点位于图5a中的平滑区域C,在该区域,k≥5后,力臂值R近似于直线,考虑到实际安装尺寸的限制,因此得k=5。接下来需要确定θ1及θ2,结合k=5和式(6)并借助MATLAB可得(θ1+θ2+θ)与力臂的对应关系,如图5b所示,力臂值R随着角度(θ1+θ2+θ)的增大先增大后减小,类似于开口向下的抛物线。
当θ1+θ2+θ=103°时,力臂值最大,最理想的情况是当θ=20°时,力臂值最大,然而此时θ1+θ2=80°,与θ1+ θ2≤60°相矛盾,因此,可知无法实现力臂值最大值与膝关节力矩最大值在同一弯曲角下存在。结合图5可知,(θ1+θ2)越大,在θ=20°时越接近于力臂值最大值,因此可得出θ1+θ2=60°。
图5 力臂曲线分析Fig.5 Graphic analysis of arm of force
1.1.3 液压缸倾角分析
图6 液压缸不同安装角的效果Fig.6 Effects of different mounting angles of hydraulic cylinder
由式(6)可知,a取值越大,力臂越大,但同样液压缸的长度也会越大,同时a的取值还受下肢长度的限制。统计数据表明人体下肢的尺寸关系如式 (8)。例如当人体身高H为175 cm时,L大腿为43 cm,L小腿为43 cm。
图7 液压缸倾角图Fig.7 Pitch angle of hydraulic cylinder
由式(8),结合图3有:r1cosθ1<41,a<8.5,选取a=5 cm,根据图3,可列出液压缸的最大推力及最大拉力公式,如式(9)所示。
1.1.4 参数确定
选取常用液压压强6.5 MPa,并将图2中得到的
θ =20°时Tmax=60 N·m代入式(9),可得缸径Dact=1.94 cm,取整为:Dact=2 cm。同理根据图2弯曲时的最大力矩:θ=0°,Tmax=40 N·m代入式(9),可得活塞杆杆径Drod= 0.988 7 cm,取整为Drod=0.9 cm。
1.2 结构仿真
图8 设计机构产生的力矩与所需力矩对比Fig.8 Comparison of torque produced by designed knee joint and desired torque
2 试验与分析
基于上述分析确定的液压缸尺寸及安装位置,搭建了可穿戴式下肢助力外骨骼平台,设计加工的膝关节结构如图9所示。并设计了滑模控制器进行了膝关节位置跟踪的穿戴试验[29-33],穿戴者分别在外骨骼背板质量约为10 kg(工况一)及再加额外质量10 kg(工况二)2种工况下进行试验。为了使试验具有可对比性,穿戴者尽量做2次相同的运动,图10a为膝关节位置曲线,图10b为2次的轨迹跟踪误差曲线。
图9 膝关节结构图Fig.9 Structure block of knee joint
图10 膝关节位置跟踪试验Fig.10 Position tracking experiments of knee joint
分析上述试验数据,并定义2个评价指标[34],如式(10)与式(11)。式中L2[e]表示轨迹平均跟踪误差,(°);emax表示最大跟踪误差,(°);T为运行时间,(s);e(t) 为位置跟踪误差。
穿戴下肢外骨骼后,在负重由10变为20 kg时,膝关节的轨迹平均跟踪误差并没有增加,却由0.330 7°降低到0.329 2°,缩小了0.05%;最大误差由0.514 8°增加到0.621 4°,增加了20.7%,但是相对于整个膝关节的活动范围,该误差仅占总活动范围的1.2%,且与负载增加了100%相比,也可忽略。从侧面反映了机械结构的有效性。
3 结 论
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Structure design and experiment of knee joint of hydraulic driven lower-limb power-assistance exoskeleton robot
Jin Xinglai, Zhu Shiqiang※, Zhang Xuequn, Zhu Xiaocong, Pan Zhongqiang
(College of Mechanical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China)
As a kind of typical human-machine interaction robot, the powered lower-limb exoskeleton driven by hydraulics can augment wearer’s power while following wearer. This kind of exoskeleton has a broad application in military field, rescue occasions, and so on, however, there are still many technical difficulties which need to be studied, such as structure optimization. There are 3 kinds of design concepts among the exoskeleton structure design. To guarantee the flexibility and decrease the dead weight of exoskeleton, quasi-anthropomorphic design was adopted, which means the lower-limb exoskeleton is similar to leg but does not need one-to-one match. According to quasi-anthropomorphic design rule, 7 degrees of freedom for single leg were set to satisfy the freedom need of wearer. Among these 7 degrees of freedom, only 2 degrees are active which are located in sagittal plane of knee joint and hip joint. During designing the active freedom of knee joint, the core parameters are the size of hydraulic cylinder and the torque which can be produced. So it is significant to study a method which can lead to a minor size of hydraulic cylinder while producing the same torque. To optimize the structure of knee joint and its hydraulic system, the computer aided design (CAD) method and the numerical calculation method were adopted to design the structure of the hydraulic cylinder and its installation position. According to the schematic diagram of structure, the relationship of torque, arm of force, and installation position was built. Design indicators were obtained through analyzing the clinical gait analysis (CGA) data, which was widely used in lower-limb exoskeleton research. To find out the optimized parameter, MATLAB was used to present graphics which depicted the nonlinear relationship which was built before. According to the optimization method, the hydraulic driven knee joint of the lower limb exoskeleton was designed and assembled. During the normal walking phase, there are 2 kinds of torques in knee joint, which contain flexure torque and extension torque. Flexure torque is used to bend shank to avoid the collision of foot and floor while extension torque is used to extend shank to drive the body forward. The both kinds of torques are also important for a person to walk. So simulations were designed to compare the torque produced by hydraulic driven knee joint and the torque needed in normal walking which was got through CGA data. The simulation found that the designed hydraulic driven knee joint could meet the torque demand. Meanwhile, the comparison experiments were also designed and implemented. Hydraulic driven knee joint was driven to follow the motion of wearer in 2 conditions. In the first condition, the wearer just needed to bear the exoskeleton’s own weight, which was about 10 kg. In the second condition, another 10 kg load was added on the exoskeleton. It should be noted that all load was transferred to the ground through lower-limb exoskeleton, which meant the added load wouldn’t add other burden to wearer. This is the work mechanism of powered lower-limb exoskeleton. In the comparison experiments, the wearer was demanded to move a similar trajectory while it was impossible to move the same trajectory. Experiments showed that the average error was decreased by 0.05% while the maximum error was increased by 20.7%. Considering the load was increased by 100% and the motion range was large, these results clear demonstrated how the designed hydraulic driven knee joint satisfied the demand of walking with load. In conclusion, a method is proposed to fulfill the optimization of the knee joint structure of the hydraulic driven lower-limb exoskeleton, and it can obviously instruct other joint design of exoskeleton which is driven by linear actuator such as linear motor and electric cylinder.
robots; design; optimization; computer simulation; hydraulic driven; knee joint; exoskeleton; quasi- anthropomorphic
靳兴来,朱世强,张学群,朱笑丛,潘忠强. 液压驱动下肢助力外骨骼机器人膝关节结构设计及试验[J]. 农业工程学报,2017,33(5):26-31.
10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.05.004 http://www.tcsae.org
Jin Xinglai, Zhu Shiqiang, Zhang Xuequn, Zhu Xiaocong, Pan Zhongqiang. Structure design and experiment of knee joint of hydraulic driven lower-limb power-assistance exoskeleton robot[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(5): 26-31. (in Chinese with English abstract)
doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.05.004 http://www.tcsae.org
靳兴来,男,山东泰安人,博士生,主要从事外骨骼机器人的系统开发及控制系统研究。杭州 浙江大学机械工程学院,310027。
※通信作者:朱世强,男,浙江义乌人,教授,博士,主要从事机器人技术研究。杭州 浙江大学机械工程学院,310027。Email:sqzhu@zju.edu.cn