

福建基础教育研究 2017年7期











必修一第3单元“Journey down the Mekong Part 1 and Part 2”;必修三第2单元“Come and eat here①and②)”以及必修三第3单元“Themillion pound bank note Act1,Scene 3 and Act1,Scene 4”,这些带续集的文章特别适用于在第一篇文章结尾对故事进行续写,这样既充实了对文章的理解又激发了学生续写文章的热情,而且有后续文章可对照成功率,学生倍感兴趣。


必修二第2单元“The story of Atlanta”和必修二第4单元“How Daisy learned to help wildlife”;以及必修三第1单元“A sad love story”;必修四第1单元“Why not carry on her good work?”这些都是很好的读后续写的选材。


选修六第4单元“The earth is becoming warmer-but does it matter?”选修七第2单元“Satisfaction guaranteed”以及选修六第2单元Using language中的“I’ve saved the summer”这些文章续写起来难度较大,需要学生采用完全开放式的写作方法,根据文章的思路自己发挥,以培养学生的创新思维能力。




读后续写是读写相连,密不可分的,充分的阅读为后续的写作做足了准备。因此,为了更好地阅读文章,教师应该有效梳理文章结构,构建“支架”。支架式教学模式是基于建构主义理念的核心教学模式之一。[2]在初期,教师应给学生相应的指导,搭建“支架”。随着学生学习的深入与水平的提高,教师的作用会相应地降低,直至最后完全由学生自己独挡一面进行读后续写。例如,必修二第4单元“How Daisy learned to help wildlife”故事的情节是这样的:坐飞行毯旅行的小女孩Daisy亲眼目睹了藏羚羊、非洲象和热带雨林猴子的不同生存环境,清醒地意识到保护野生动物工作的重要性和紧迫性,其结尾是:The carpet flew home.As they landed,things began to disappear.Two minutes later everything had gone--the monkey,too.So Daisy was not able to make her new drug.But what an experience!She had learned somuch!And there was alwaysWWF……为了学生更好地理解文章并进行续写,笔者顺势构建了如下问题支架:

Whatelse do you know aboutendangered animals?

Do you have some knowledge about protecting thewild animals?

Have you experienced any animal-savingwork?

这样做的目的是为了让学生的思路与原作者的意图保持一致,帮助学生学会揣摩作者意图,按事情发展的逻辑续写结尾,训练学生在读后续写中使用半开放性质的写作手法。同时教师还可构建发散思维支架,让学生展开联想,发挥自己的想象力,使文章的结尾丰富多彩,具有评判性,以锻炼学生的开放性写作手法的能力。如必修三第1单元“Using language-A sad love story”文章主要讲述了Li Fang在情人节那天,在咖啡店苦等Hu Jin,但没有等到她,在回家路上伤心地把准备送给Hu Jin的礼物扔掉,这时他却看见了Hu Jin,文章的结尾写道:Whatwould he do?He had thrown away her Valentine gifts!She would never forgive him.This would not be a happy Valentine’s Day!文章结尾既没有写明Hu Jin是否原谅了Li Fang,也没介绍他们是否分手,给读者留下很多联想的空间。笔者在教学这篇文章时,是这样梳理文章结构,为学生续写做准备的:The background time of the story is Valentine’s Day.When we talk about the Valentine’s Day in China,we think of the story of Qiqiao Festival.It describes the story between Niulang and Zhinu.We can develop the end of story between Li Fang and Hu Jun according to the plot of Chinese love story.并提出了如下发散思维问题:

Would Hu Jin forgive Li Fang?If not,what would happen?

Would Hu Jin believe LiPing had been waiting for her allnight finally?If so,whatwould happen?



笔者在读后续写教学进程中提供10个原文中的关键词,要求学生选用5个以上续写文章,这样能让学生在读后续写中加强关键词的训练。例如:必修四第1单元中的“Why not carry on her good work?”一文介绍的是作者受林巧雅无私奉献医学事业的事迹所感动,立志效仿她学医的故事,文章的结尾是这样的:By this time I was very excited,why not study atmedical college like Lin Qiaozhiand carry on her good work?Itwas still not too late forme to improvemy studies,prepare for the university entrance examination,and……就此笔者在文中画出了如下10个关键词让学生运用:can’twait to,specialist in, follow,Lin Qiaozhi,it is……that,further,carry on,I,good work,tired并要求在续写完成后用下划线划出自己所使用的5个以上的关键词。

根据文章的情节和原文中划出的关键词以及两段开头语(I was finally admitted to a medical college in Xiamen University和Several years later……),可以推断续写的内容应是作者“我”受林巧稚无私奉献的医疗美德所影响,成了一个医疗工作者并以她为榜样,开展自己的日常工作。因此,在续写使用关键词时,要充分考虑这些特点进行文章构思,使关键词起画龙点睛作用,使文章的思路、人物的思想活动、性格特点前后一致。而且为了更活地使用关键词可将它们按记叙文的特点以人物、时间、地点、具体名词和抽象名词进行分类。如,人物I,Lin Qiaozhi;具体名词medicalworker和抽象名词further information等,这样能使关键词的功能突显出来,教师还应进一步指导学生巧用关键词来描绘所发生的动作和人物的心理活动,如can’t wait to visit; follow her steps;tired,lying on the ground……


I was finally admitted to medical college in Xiamen University,one in Lin Qiaozhi’s hometown.I can’twait to visit Lin Qiaozhi Museum to explore further information about her.There I learned more details which are relevant to her.They made me more determined to be a medical worker.I learn from her that if someone wants to be a specialist inmedical career,he/shemustbe rich inmedical knowledge,hard-working,unselfish,devoted to helping others without asking for reward.Several years later,I became a doctor in the countryside.Because of the poor condition,I have to work overtime.Sometimes I am tired, lying on the ground.But inspired by the spirit of LinQiaozhi,Iam full of energy.It is her devotion to her work and her unselfish action that drivesme to be a doctor.Why not follow her steps to provide more people help?Only in thisway can Icarry on her good work.


读后续写不但要求学生会使用关键词,还要求顺势利用段落开头语。续写是分两段进行的,每一段的开头语都已给出。在续写第一段时,要根据开头语使续写内容与原文进行无缝隙对接,使之前后呼应,浑然天成。第二段实际上是续写的结尾,要根据开头语顺着情节发展灌注人物的思想情怀。例如:必修三第2单元Come and eathere(1)介绍的是Wang Peng和Yong Hui开了两家菜谱大相径庭的餐馆,因此产生了生意上的竞争。文章结尾是这样的:The competition between the two restaurants was on!笔者给每段提供了这样的开头语:

Towin his customers back,Wang Peng….

But Yong Huiwouldn’t let it go and they had a talk one afternoon……

根据第一段的开头语,续写时要考虑Wang Peng为赢回顾客的心理活动和可能采取的行动。根据第二段的开头语可推断Wang Peng的心理活动应该是自私的,不阳光的,而且其行动也将是站不住脚的,因此可将故事的结局设计为两种可能:一是合而双赢,二是相互拆台,互相打压,结果双方鸡飞蛋打。


To win his customers back,Wang Peng first felt very unhappy because of his empty restaurant.Thinking of his situation,he then spied on Yong Hui’s menus after following his customer to Yong Hui’s curiously.He went back hopefully to take action to run his business at a discountwith a sign intending towin his customersback.

But Yong Huiwouldn’t let it go and they had a talk one afternoon.Yong Hui suspected Wang Peng had done something bad to take away her customers.Wang Peng explained to her what he had done only meantmaking a living and didn’tmean to hurt others,and suggested to her that they should combine their advantages.Their misunderstanding melted.They had a co-operation and gradually fell in love each other to become a couple,living happily.


But Yong Huiwouldn’t let it go and they had a talk one afternoon.Over the talk,Yong Huiaccused Wang Peng of his spying on her business.But he wouldn’t give in. They had to stop the talk without results.From then on they tried to win their own customers back by lowering prices and wouldn’t forgive each other.In the end they both had to shut their restaurants.Some years later,they met in the street in ragswith regret.

又如,在进行“How Daisy learned to help wildlife”续写时,笔者提供了如下段落开头语,以使文章前后衔接,激活学生的想象力,施展运用语言的能力。

The next day,Daisy sent an e-mail to WWF,saying that……

WWF also told Daisy themedicine she referred to in the e-mail……


The next day,Daisy sent an e-mail to WWF,saying what she had seen during her trip,describing the emergency that the animals are faced and sought advice on how to protect endangered animals.A few days later,the reply to the e-mail in the distant area came.They thought highly of Daisy’s action,appreciated Daisy’s efforts and urged Daisy to help her classmates and friends and relatives to realize the importance ofwildlife protection and try to protect the nature environment which is vital for animals to survive.They sent her a famous sentence about protecting animals from Yao Ming∶When the buying stops, the killing can too.

WWF also told Daisy themedicine she referred to in the e-mail was being developed.Noticing the benefits of protecting the nature environment,Daisy was in relief and decided to do something asWWF suggested.



尽管读后续写文章体裁多为记叙文,但议论文或诗歌也是可以培养学生写作和思维能力的。因此教师要尽可能地在训练学生记叙文写作的同时,拓宽渠道进行其它体裁文章的读后续写训练,提高写作水平,比如选修六第2单元“Using language,I’ve saved the summer”.这是一首诗歌,它传达的是“I”would give it all to you;give you all I own and help you down the road till you’ve found your own,笔者在指导学生对该文章进行读后续写时,先引导学生梳理结构,搭建顺势“支架”:Who is the speaker in the poem?And who is he/she speaking to?

Student A∶A parent(mother/father)is speaking to a young adult child(son or daughter)The reasons can be learnt from bellows∶I’ve saved the summer……and I’vesaved some sunlight.

Teacher∶Many of the phrases imply that the speaker is an older person who has experienced their own journey through life and who is offering love to the young person to help him/her begin on his/her own journey through life. Please givemore examples.

Student B∶When the speaker says∶Till you are older……he/she is implying that he/she is much older than the young person.So he/she is speaking to a younger adult.

Student C∶We know that the speaker is probably a parent because he/she is offering the child unconditional love.It can be learnt from the following sentence∶But if you have a need for love,Iwillgive all Iown.



读后续写中的阅读材料会影响学生续写表现,材料选得好可直接产生良性学习效应。[3]因此,教师除了利用教材内容让学生进行读后续写训练外,还应该筛选一些内容丰富,情节生动,适宜高中学生阅读特点的文章来加强训练,丰富写作经验,提升应对策略。如2017年浙江省高考英语试卷读后续写文章内容是这样的:Mac和两个朋友骑自行车去阿拉斯加,途中两个朋友车坏了得留下修理,鼓励Mac先骑行上路,他们后续赶上,结果Mac在途中遭遇狼的追赶,文中详细地刻画描写了Mac为摆脱狼的纠缠所展示的心理活动和动作过程。Paul和Becky驾车看到危急情况并帮助他摆脱困境。题目要求根据情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事,它提供了这样的关键词:Mac,friends, bicycle,pedaled,home,wolf,jumped,cars,climbed,Paul。两段文章的开头语分别是:

Paragraph 1∶The car abruptly stopped in frontofhim.

Paragraph 2∶A few minutes later,the other two cyclists arrived.







