

广东教育·高中 2017年1期




1.(2007全国大纲I卷)....Seeing their mother take to the air, the birds eagerly flapped(拍打)their wings and 55 . She flew the plane freely in the sky, her young birds following.

55. A. looked away B. set out C. went by D. turned back

解析:set out 表示“动身,出发”,look away表示“把视线移开”,go by表示“经过,(时间)流逝”,turn back表示“往回走”,根据语境,此时小鸟也开始展翅飞翔,故选B。

2.(2010全国新课标卷)I saw him 39 his watch and decided,since I was not busy—my patient didnt 41 at the appointed hour, I would examine his wound.

39. A. taking off B. fixing C. looking at D. winding

41. A. turn up B. show off C. come on D. go away

解析:39. take off“脱下,(飞机)起飞”,look at“看”,根据文意选C。41题turn up意为“到达,出现,露面”,show off意为“炫耀”,come on意为“加油”,go away意为“走开,离开”。由“我不忙”可知病人还没到来,故选A。

3.(2010全国大纲I卷)He replied that she 46 knew who he was,that she had not been able to recognize him for five years now.

46. A. so far B. neither C. no longer D. already

解析:so far“到目前为止,迄今”,no longer“不再”,由句意可知她已经不再知道他是谁了,故答案是C。

4.(2011全国大纲II卷)Another place where unplanned short sleep 27 is in the lecture hall where a student will start snoring(打鼾)so loudly that the professor has to ask another student to shake the sleeper awake.

27. A. goes on B. ends up C. lasts D. returns

解析:go on“發生,出现”,end up“以……告终”,由句意可知答案是A。

5.(2011全国大纲II卷)If the drivers are lucky, they are not seriously hurt. One womans car, 38 , went into the river.

38. A. in time B. at first C. as usual D. for example

解析:in time“及时,迟早”,at first“起初”,as usual“和往常一样”,for example“例如”,由句意可知答案是D。

6. (2012全国大纲II卷)I had 25 five interviews with a company and one day between bus runs they called to say I did not get the job.

25. A. prepared for B. attended C. asked for D. held

解析:prepared for“为……做准备”,attended“参加”,ask for“向……要,征询”,hold“举行”,本题选B。

7.(2012全国大纲II卷)As I pulled the bus over to 28

a little girl, she handed me an earring saying I should keep it

30 somebody claimed(认领)it.

28. A. wave at B. drop off C. call on D. look for

30. A. in case B. or else C. as if D. now that

解析:28题,wave at“向……挥手”,drop off“让某人下车”,call on“号召,拜访”,look for“寻找”,结合语境无疑B是最佳答案。30题,in case“以免,以防”,or else“否则”,as if“好像”,now that“既然”。选项A最符合文意。

8.(2012全国大纲I卷)The Latino, trying to express friendship, will keep moving closer. The Norwegian, very probably seeing this as pushiness, will keep 49 —which the Latino will in return regard as coldness.

49. A. stepping forward B. going on

C. backing away D. coming out

解析:step forward“前进”,go on“继续”,back away“后退”,come out“出来”。挪威人将不停地后退,故选C。

9.(2013全国新课标I卷)I went to a group activity, “Sensitivity Sunday”which was to make us more 36 the problem faced by disabled people. We were asked to“adopt a disability”for several hours one Sunday.

36. A. curious about B. aware of

C. interested in D. careful with

解析:curious about“对……好奇”,aware of“意识到”,interested in“对……感兴趣”,careful with“对……小心,注意”。活动的目的是让我们意识到残疾人所面临的问题,故选B。

10.(2013全国新课标Ⅱ卷)On winter days, Mr. Greenberg

46 gloves. During the rest of the year, he buys gloves. People who have heard about him send him gloves, and he has many in his apartment.

46. A. searches for B. stores up C. gives away D. puts on

解析:search for“搜寻,寻找”,store up“储存”,give away“分发,免费送出,赠送”,put on“穿上”。Mr. Greenberg是分发手套,而不是储存手套,故选C。

11.(2014全国新课标Ⅱ卷)As they went down, the weather got worse. Then another trouble occurred. They couldnt see or hear each other and, 48 , Simon lowered his friend over the edge of a precipice(峭壁).

48. A. by mistake B. by chance C. by choice D. by luck

解析:by mistake“错误地”,by chance“偶然地;意外地”,by choice“出于自愿的”,by luck“幸运地”。因为天气恶劣,他们看不清楚也听不清楚,因此Simon错误地把他的朋友Joe用绳子放到了悬崖边上,故选A。

12.(2015全国新课标Ⅰ卷)This has been a wonderful experience for our family. For days the kids have been looking for others we can 56 !

56. A. rely on B. respect C. learn from D. help

解析:rely on“依赖,依靠”,respect“尊敬,尊重”,learn from“向……学习”,help“帮助”。几天来孩子们一直在寻找他们可以给予帮助的人,故选D。

13.(2015全国新课标Ⅱ卷)The lessons they learned may not be 60 what they would have gotten in school, but are certainly more personal and meaningful, because they had to work them out on their own.

60. A. harmful to B. mixed with

C. different from D. applied to

解析:harmful to“对……有害”,mixed with“与……混合”, different from“与……不同”,applied to“应用”。亲身实践学到的知识可能和在学校学到的不同,故选C。

14.(2016全国新課标I卷)Larry pulled over, set the brake and 47 the fire extinguisher(灭火器). Two good bursts from the extinguisher and the fire was put out.

47. A. got hold of B. prepared

C. took charge of D. controlled

解析:get hold of “抓住”,prepare“准备”, take charge of“负责,掌管”,control“控制”。Larry一把抓起灭火器来开始灭火,故选A。

15.(2016全国新课标I卷)The man who had his bright lights on 48 and told Larry he had made an emergency call.

48. A. came down B. came through

C. came in D. came over

解析:come down“下来”,come through“安然度过”,come in“进来”,come over“过来,顺便来访”。那个男人走过来,故选D。

16.(2016全国新课标I卷)They told her to stay still until the emergency personnel arrived, but she thought the car was going to 54 . Larry told her that he had already put out the fire and she should not move 55 she injured her neck.

54. A. explode B. slip away C. fall apart D. crash

55. A. as if B. unless C. in case D. after

解析:54题,explode“爆炸”,slip away“溜走”, fall apart“崩溃;破裂”,crash“撞毁”。Larry以为这辆车即将要爆炸,故选A。55题,as if“好像”,unless“除非”,in case“以免,以防”,after“……后”,根据句意,C是最佳选项。

17.(2016全国新课标I卷)Once fire and emergency people arrived, Larry and the other man 56 and let them go to work .

56. A. stepped forward B. backed off

C. moved on D. set out

解析:step forward“向前迈进”,back off“后退”,move on“向前迈步”,set out“出发,着手”。Larry和其他人往后退一点让其他人工作,故选B。




1. 学会联想,举一反三


take up占据;占用 take down取下;记下

take away拿走 take off脱下;起飞

take on呈现;承担;招聘 take back拿回;收回

take over接管;接替;继承 take in吸收;接纳;欺骗

take out拿出 take apart拆开 把……带到…… take notes做笔记

take pictures/photos照相 take care of照顾

take ones time慢慢来 take it easy不要紧;放松点


look up仰望;查阅 give up放弃

put up贴起;举起 stand up站起

stay up熬夜 take up占用;占据

pick up捡起;搭载 keep up保持

turn up调高;出现 bring up抚养大

break up分裂;瓦解 call up打电话

come up出现;发生 cut up切碎

get up起床 hold up举起;妨碍

set up建立 grow up成长;长大

shut up闭口;住嘴 build up树立;建立

send up发送;发射 end up以……告终

pile up堆积 hang up挂断电话

dry up干涸 blow up充气;炸毁

sum up总结 use up用完

eat up吃光 warm up热身

make up编造;构成 cheer up(使)振作

show up出現 go up上升;上涨

draw up 起草……

2. 同义近义,归纳记忆

总共 in all / in total

打开 turn on / switch on

敲门 knock at / know on

听说 hear of / hear about

展览 on show / on display

拆毁 tear down / pull down

处于危险 in danger / at risk

取笑 laugh at / make fun of

呼吁/号召 call on / appeal to

梦想 dream of / dream about

意外地 by accident / by chance

到达 get to / arrive in / arrive at

害怕 be afraid of / be scared of

赚钱 make money / earn money

参观/访问 call on / pay a visit to

在现场 on the spot / on the scene

谋生 make a living / earn a living

解决/计算出 work out / figure out

乱七八糟的 in a mess / out of order

替代;代替 instead of / in place of

充满/装满 be filled with / be full of

过时的 out of date / out of fashion

集中精神 focus on / concentrate on

指控 accuse...of... / charge...with...

處理 deal with / do with / cope with

寻找 look for / hunt for / search for

充当/担任 serve as / act as / work as

匮缺/短缺 be short of / be lacking in

单独;独自 by oneself / on ones own

区分 tell...from... / distinguish...from...

动身去 head for / leave for / set off for

利用 make use of / take advantage of

存钱 / 放在一边set aside / put away

过着……生活 live a ... life / lead a... life

用这种方法 in this way / by this means

位于 lie in / be located in / be situated in

与……合作 team up with / cooperate with

小心/提防 look out(for)/ watch out(for)

依赖/指望 depend on / rely on / count on

以……为代价 at the cost of / at the price of

成功做到 succeed in doing / manage to do

马上/立即 at once / right away / in no time

高度评价think highly of / speak highly of

胜任 be equal to / be qualified for / be up to

对……表示尊重 show respect for / look up to

向……道歉 apologize to / make an apology to

反对 disagree with / object to / disapprove of

着手(做) set about(doing)/ get down to(doing)

留意到/注意到 pay attention to / take notice of

求助于 turn to sb.(for help)/ seek help from sb.

对……有信心 be confident of / have confidence in

吓死某人 scare sb. to death / frighten sb. to death

遇到麻烦/陷入困境 be in trouble / get into trouble

有时候 at times / from time to time / once in a while

关系密切 have much to do with / be closely related to

去……旅游 have a trip to / make a trip to / take a trip to

导致/带来 lead to / result in / bring about / contribute to

各种各样的 all kinds of / a variety of / a wide range of

对……厌倦be tired of / be bored with / be fed up with

忙于某事 be busy with / be occupied with / be engaged in

热衷于 be crazy about / be keen on / be enthusiastic about

偶遇/邂逅 run into / knock into / come across

对……有益/有利 be good for / be beneficial to / do good to

在一定的程度上 in a way / in some way / to some degree

对……负责 be responsible / be in charge of / take charge of

给……留下印象 make an impression on / leave an impression on

对……有害 be harmful to / be bad for / do harm to / do damage to

对……感兴趣 be interested in / take an interest in / show an interest in

对……有影响 have an effect on / have an impact on / have an influence on

总之 in brief / in short / in conclusion / in a word / all in all / on the whole

实际上/事实上 in fact / in truth / in practice / in reality / as a matter of fact

擅長/精通 be good at / be skilled in / do well in / have a good command of

习惯/适应 get used to / get accustomed to / adapt (oneself) to / adjust(oneself)to

3. 一词多义,多加留神

turn down 调小;拒绝 look up 向上看;查阅

refer to提及;参考;查阅 pick up 捡起;顺便学会

stand by 支持;袖手旁观 take off 脱衣服;起飞

call on 号召;拜访 turn up 调高;出现

put on穿衣;上演;增重 go through 浏览;经历

lie in位于;在于 call for 要求;号召;需要

put away 拿好;存钱 give away 分发;泄漏;赠送

lead to 通向;导致 get through 完成;通过

out of order出了故障 set out 着手;出发

take in 吸收;招纳;招聘 turn over翻转;颠覆

let out发出;泄漏 take care 小心;保重

look into 往……里面看;调查 pay off 还清;有回报

work out 计算出;解决 break down 出故障;分解

break in插嘴;闯入 get away 走开;逃脱

get over 克服;恢复 hold back 阻挡;控制

hold up 举起;阻挡 keep an eye on 留意

pick out 挑选;认出 set off 出发;引爆

look through浏览;仔细检查 take down 取下;记下……

appeal to 呼吁;对……有吸引力

4. 貌合神离,切勿混淆

in a word总之 / in words口头上

a most一个非常的 / the most 最……的

in class 在课堂上 / in the class 在班上

by sea 通过海道 / by the sea 在大海边

in office任职 / in the office 在办公室里

make sense 有道理 / make sense of 理解

hear from 收到……来信 / hear about 听说

charge ... with 指控 / charge...for... 要价/收费

before long不久之后 / long before 很久之前

a second 再一次;又一次 / the second 第二次

by bus 乘坐公共汽车/ on the bus 在公共汽车上

be tired of对……厌倦 be tired from 因……疲惫

think about思考;考虑 think of思考;想起;认为

in charge of 负责;主管 / in charge of 由……负责/掌管

in front of 范围外的前面 / in the front of范围内的前部

take advantage of利用 / take advantage over 比……有优势

for a moment片刻;一会儿 / for the moment目前;暂时

be concerned about担心;关心

be concerned with 与……有关

be strict with sb. 对某人要求严格

be strict in sth. 对某事严格

out of question 毫无疑问;没问题

out of the question 不可能

have a word with sb. 与某人谈话

have words with sb. 与某人吵架

hand in 上交 / 把……交给

call on拜访(某人) / call at参观(某地)


1. 單句填空 根据以下的语境填上合适的介词或副词。

(1)She is a fashionable girl who is particular_______ clothes.

(2)I was rather angry ___________ him because he didnt keep his word and let out my secret ___________ public.

(3)Im not familiar ____________ your hometown. Can you introduce it ___________ me ___________ detail?

(4)He is not capable ___________ doing the job well. In other words, he is not equal ___________ the job.

(5)Everyone speaks highly ___________ him because he is always so devoted ____________ whatever he does.

(6)Mary is short ________ money. In other words, she is lacking _________ money.

(7)All the students in our school have access __________

the books in the library.

(8)Your viewpoint is similar _________ mine, but totally different _________ theirs.

(9)Yesterday he was present ____________ the opening ceremony, but now he is absent ___________ the lecture.

(10)Its rude manners to be curious ____________ others private business.

(11)The survey was carried out ____________ the form of small group.

(12)The books are not placed ___________ good order. They are __________ a mess.

(13)After the destructive earthquake, the citizens found the whole city ___________ ruins and everything ____________ bad condition.

(14)I have tried repeatedly to persuade him to quit smoking, but ____________ vain.

(15)Vegetables and fruits are rich ___________ vitamins, which is beneficial ____________ our health.

2. 单句改错 找出以下每句话的错误并在它们下面改正过来。

(1)We are thankful for him for helping us out of trouble.

(2)My brother is fond of painting while Im keen about writing.

(3)The traffic accident resulted in the carelessness of the driver.

(4)Poor as he is, the little boy has a strong desire about knowledge.

(5)Whats your reaction of the matter? Are you for it or against it?

(6)My father is in the charge of the project and he is doing a good job.

(7)You should change your attitude to your work and be more serious to it.

(8)He was infected with viruses and died of a disease known for cholera.

(9)With the entrance exam to college drawing near, we are in great pressure.

(10)We all speak highly of the nurse who is always patient to all the patients.

(11)Do you have any difficulty for your new job? If so, please turn me for help.

(12)Never shall we be ignorant of the traffic rules, or we may get in trouble and our lives may be in risk.

(13)Standing in the stage for the first time, I was unconfident to myself, but soon I calmed myself down.

(14)Although the old man is on poor health and lives a poor life, he always stays optimistic about life.

(15)Mr. Wang, our physics teacher, is always enthusiastic for teaching and is responsible at what he does.

3. 同義转换 选出与以下每句话中画线部分意义最接近的选项。

(1)The government appeals to all the citizens to take immediate action to protect the environment.

A. keeps back B. puts forward C. takes in D. calls on

(2)So tough is the problem that I dont know how to cope with it on my own.

A. give up B. deal with C. make out D. look for

(3)In the distance I saw someone walking towards me, but I couldnt figure out who it was for the thick fog.

A. make out B. take out C. get out D. pick out

(4)Last week, Lucys mother fell ill, so she had to attend to her younger brother and sister at home in place of her mother.

A. take part in B. take care of C. get back D. tend to

(5)In case of a rainy day, she always sets aside some money in a bank each month.

A. puts away B. gives away C. gets away D. takes away

(6)We waited and waited. In the end, the last bus turned up.

A. brought up B. held up C. showed up D. got up

(7)I live in harmony with the people around and we never quarrel with each other.

A. stay far away from B. share a lot with

C. get along well with D. live up to

(8)Your books are in a mess. Please sort them out on the bookshelf.

A. out of work B. out of order

C. out of date D. out of balance

(9)My parents have an impact on my growth and development greatly.

A. have an effect on B. have an operation on

C. have pity on D. have mercy on

(10)Dont count on her so heavily. She seems not so reliable.

A. put on B. look on

C. keep on D. depend on

(11)As a matter of fact, I disapprove of what he said at the meeting this afternoon.

A. go against B. agree with

C. object to D. look into

(12)The hope to do away with the unfair and unreasonable system immediately.

A. put an end to B. get ready for

C. make sense of D. stay away from

(13)Without doubt, most of us subscribe to the view that all men are born equal and that everyone should be treated with equality.

A. stick to B. agree with

C. turn out D. pick up

(14)They headed for the town early in the morning hoping to get there on time.

A. looked forward to B. set off for

C. made preparations for D. got down to

(15)Having been out of work for a week, he is hunting for a new job here and there.

A. breaking down B. ending up

C. taking on D. looking for

4. 完成句子 根据括号中的中文意思写出相应的词组(答案不限一个)。

(1)___________(小心)when you cross the street, or you might be hit by a coming car.

(2)Some students seem to be ___________(厌倦)wearing the same school uniform every day.

(3)In fact, she didnt ignore you on purpose just now. She just didnt ___________ (留意/注意)you.

(4)Lets stop chatting. Its high time that we ___________ (着手)doing our homework now.

(5)I find it almost impossible for me to complete such a challenging task ___________ (独立/独自).

(6)If possible, please ___________(探望/拜訪)me at any time when youre available.

(7)There are a wide range of goods ___________(展示) on the counters in this supermarket.

(8)Have you ___________(听说)such a scary story like this before?

(9)Its foolish to develop economy ___________(以……为代价)destroying the environment.

(10)The traffic police were questioning the eyewitness ______

(在现场)who knew the whole story .

(11)Dont forget to ___________(关上)the gas after taking a bath.

(12)___________(实际上),not everyone is fond of learning English, as you have just pointed out.

(13)In the very beginning, he didnt ___________(习惯/适应)the life here, but as time went by, he enjoyed the local lifestyle step by step.

(14)I ___________(邂逅)one of my former classmates when taking a trip to Macao.

(15)___________(总之),Im not in favor of his view that men are superior to women.


1. 单句填空

(1)about“对……挑剔/讲究”用be particular about。

(2)with; in 表示“生某人的气”用be angry with sb.,“在公共场合;公开地”用in public。

(3)with; to; in“对……熟悉”用be familiar with,“把……介绍给……”用,“详细地;具体地”用in detail。

(4)of; to“能够做某事”用be capable of doing = be able to do sth.,“胜任……”用be equal to sth。

(5)of; to“对……评价高”用think / speak highly of,“致力于”用be devoted to / devote oneself to。

(6)of; in“……短缺”用be short of = be lacking in= lack。

(7)to 因have access to有“可利用;可得到;可接触;可达到”之意。

(8)to; from“和……类似”用be similar to,“与……不同”用be different from。

(9)at; from“出席;在场”用be present at,“缺席”用be absent from。

(10)about“对……好奇”用be curious about。

(11)in“以……形式”用in the form of。

(12)in; in“井井有条;有条不紊”用in order,反义词out of order或 in a mess“乱七八糟的”。

(13)in; in“处于废墟”用lie in ruins,“状况好/差”用in good / bad condition。

(14)in“徒劳;白费劲”用in vain。

(15)in; to“在……丰富/富含”be rich in,反义词是 be low in,“对……有益”用be beneficial to=be good for=do good to。

2. 单句改错

(1)把第一个for改为to 因为“感激某人”用 be thankful / grateful to sb。

(2)把about改为on 因为be keen on是固定搭配,表示“热衷于……”。

(3)把in改为from 因为result in是“导致”,而result from才是“由……引起”。

(4)把about改为for 因为have a strong desire for是固定搭配,表示“渴望得到……”。

(5)把of改为to 因为reaction或react后接介词to,表示“对……的反应”。

(6)把第一个the去掉 因为人负责某事用in charge of,而in the charge of往往是事物充当主语。

(7)把第二个to改为about 因为be serious about是“对……认真严肃”。

(8)把for改为as 因为(be) known as是“被认为是/被称为”的意思。

(9)把in改為under 因为表示“压力很大”用be under great pressure表示。

(10)把to改为with 因为“对……有耐心”用be patient with。

(11)把第一个for改为with,在turn后加to 因为表示“在……遇到困难”用have difficulty / trouble with表示;因为turn to表示“向某人求助”。

(12)把in改为into或把get改为be,把第二个in改为at 因为“遇到困难/陷入困境”可用 get into trouble或be in trouble来表示;因为at risk表示“处于危险中”。

(13)把in改为on,把to改为of 因为on the stage“在舞台上”;因为be confident/ unconfident of表示“对……有/没有信心”。

(14)把on改为in 因为in good / poor health表示“身体健康/欠佳”。

(15)把for改为about;at改为for 因为be enthusiastic about“对……有激情”;因为be responsible for“对/为……负责”。

3. 同义转换


4. 完成句子

(1)Watch out / Look out / Take care

(2)tired of / fed up with / bored with

(3)pay attention to / take notice of

(4)set about / got down to

(5)by myself / on my own

(6)call on / pay a visit to

(7)on show / on display

(8)heard of / heard about

(9)at the cost of / at the of

(10)on the scene / on the spot

(11)turn off / switch off / shut off

(12)In fact / In reality / In practice / In truth / As a matter of fact

(13)get used to / get accustomed to / adapt (himself) to / adjust (himself)to

(14)came across / ran into / knocked into / met with / encountered with

(15)In short / In brief / In a word / In conclusion / In summary / On the whole / All in all

责任编辑 蒋小青

