

课程教育研究·新教师教学 2016年28期








“窄式阅读”是指学习者通过阅读同一风格、同一主题或某位作家的多部作品来提高阅读能力的一种策略。早在1980年代初Stephen Krashen等语言学家就提出了窄式阅读(narrow reading)的概念。这种阅读与精读和泛读的方式和要求不同,它主张阅读同一主题,同一作者或同一体裁的作品(reading on the same topic,books by the same author,and in the same genre)。



Burner等(1956)提出,认知策略(Cognitive Strategies)主要是指发现与解决问题过程中的思维策略。加涅等(1999)指出“认知策略是一种‘控制过程,是学生赖以选择和调整他们的注意、学习、记忆和思维的内部过程”。



笔者选用China daily,USA today等官网上最新的阅读题材作为高中英语阅读课素材,根据学生的认知水平和阅读策略和技能的培养的要求,精心设计阅读文本,基于窄式阅读的原则,通过具体的教学实践探究提升高中英语阅读能力的策略和技能。

(一) 元认知策略





过程监控(process monitoring)是指学生边阅读边思考,观察识别阅读材料提示的重要



Read the following passage and finish the tasks as required.

Colored mugs matter

① The secret to a better cup of morning coffee might simply be choosing the right colored coffee mug.

② The color of a coffee mug can have something to do with the way coffee tastes, according to a recent study, which was conducted in Australia and tested the influence that three different colored mugs—one white, one blue and one clear glass, had on the perception of different tastes. The researchers served 18 participants the same cup of coffee, in one of the three similarly shaped but differently colored containers, and then asked them to rate their sweetness, smell, bitterness, quality and acceptability.

③ It turns out specifically that the white mug was associated with a more intense or bitter tasting cup of coffee, and the clear glass mug was not. The blue mug, meanwhile , proved to be “kind of an in-between”. The opposite was true for perceived sweetness—participants noted less sweetness when drinking from the white mug than they did when drinking from both the blue and clear glass mugs.

④ Research published this year shows that the color of a plate had a clear effect on taste intensity and sweetness. And the color red specifically has even been associated with lower levels of consumption .

⑤ A red strawberry looks redder when placed against a white plate than it does against a black one. And there are associations with that redness that in turn can affect taste, Spence explains. “ Red might indicate heightened sweetness, because red fruits tend to be riper than green fruits, ”he said. And that indication can be enough to cause a large difference in taste.

⑥ In the case f coffee, specifically, the researchers believe that the color brown might be something people associate with bitterness. “ The white mug may have influenced the perceived brownness of the coffee and this, in turn, may have influenced the perceived intensity and sweetness of the coffee,” the researchers wrote. That would help explain why clear coffee mugs tended to have the opposite effect.

1. The passage is mainly about .


2.After being served the coffee, the participants were asked to .

A. distinguish the colors of the mugs B. exchange the ideas about the tastes

C. judge the mugs influence on the coffee D. give an overall description of the coffee

【教学建议】对于文章的重点细节,指导学生采用寻读的阅读技能,按文章的顺序跳跃式地寻找有关的具体内容加以阅读理解。本题的相关内容在文本第二段的最后一句话“…and then asked them to rate their sweetness, smell , bitterness, quality and acceptability.” 因此学生读到这里便可以做出选择。

3. Please draw the structure of the whole passage.

① ④



4. Have a quick look at the title and predict what the passage is mainly about.


5.What is the authors attitude towards the study?


6.Explain the underlined ones.



Read the following passage and finish the tasks as required.

①Cars get dirty, even under the best of conditions. Who would not want a car that is always clean because drops of water and oil just roll off? Now, scientists say it may not be too long before self-cleaning paints become more common in many industries.

②It has been long known that rainwater slides off the leaves of some plants without leaving a mark. Soon, the same may be true for raindrops on your car.

③Scientists can now reproduce that quality, or property, of tropical plants like the taro and lotus. Researchers are able to do this because of developments in nanophysics: the studies of very small particles.

④Yao Lu is a researcher from China's Dalian University of Technology. He currently works at University College London. He used titanium dioxide nanoparticles to create a new kind of water-repellent paint. Water droplets do not leave a mark on the painted surface.

⑤Yao Lu's supervisor is inorganic chemistry professor Claire Carmalt. She says that when water hits a surface covered with this paint, it does not just slide off.

⑥"It actually forms near spherical-shaped balls which, as they roll across the surface, act like miniature vacuum cleaners, picking up dirt and bacteria. And we can take that paint and we can adhere it into hard surfaces, like glass or metal, or soft surfaces like cotton and paper, just using simple adhesives."

⑦Up until now, the biggest problem with water-repellent paints was their vulnerability to mechanical damage. In other words, the machinery or other equipment covered with the paint was easily damaged. This was solved with a special adhesive or glue that sticks to the titanium dioxide nanoparticles.

⑧The new kind of paint can be used on a number of materials, from clothing and paper to steel and glass. Researchers say the paint could be used in a factory or other large-scale manufacturing. They predict this product could be used in a number of areas, including auto manufacturing and even hospitals.

1.The best title of the passage is__________________________________.

【教學建议】笔者基于窄式阅读,选取了同一体裁——科研报告类的文本,使学生进一步熟练地掌握及运用略读、寻读、细读的阅读技能,对于文本的最佳题目和主旨大意的把握,鼓励学生一如既往地采用略读的阅读技能,重点关注文本的第一、二段,“self-cleaning paints will become common in many industries.”

2.How does the idea of self-cleaning paints come up?

A. By general assumption B. By accumulated wisdom

C. By careful observation D. By comparative analysis

3. How much do we know about water-repellent paints?

A. They have wide application. B. They are easily damaged.

C. They are used in various ways D. They have no economic possibilities.


4. How is the passage organized?

① ②③④⑤⑥⑦ ⑧


5. What is the authors attitude towards the campaign?


6. Explain the underlined ones.

【教学建议】划线词汇water-repellent可以从下面这句Water droplets do not leave a mark on the painted surface推断出是“防水”之意,vulnerability则由下文中的easily damaged得到启发。


(Brush 1991)在阅读策略的习得过程中,教师应该及时地给予学生指导,但应逐渐减少提示以培养学生的独立使用策略的能力。让学生善于自我提问,检验自己的答案正确与否,多角度分析推理,懂得运用有效策略处理综合性问题。



结果监控(result monitoring)即对元认知活动的评价,是对阅读材料的特点以及个人的理解能力做出分析。当某一个阅读任务完成后,教师可留出时间让学生概括他们的阅读过程,即对自己为解决问题而采取的阅读策略进行评价,或校对原来的预测,或评估原设的阅读目标是否已经实现,或总结自己的表现并提出该如何将这些使用过的阅读策略迁移到新的阅读任务中去。无论学习者对自己的阅读活动做出肯定还是否定的自我评价,对下一次的阅读任务都起着积极的作用。


Read the following passage and finish the tasks as required.

Children may sulk and play up when being dragged round the shops by their parents, but retail therapy is actually good for their brains.

The interaction between child and parent while shopping helps young people develop social skills and promotes happiness - even if a bawling toddler shows few signs of it at the time.

According to the joint study by Oxford University and the Open University, shopping trips are just as beneficial for the childs development as painting or drawing activities.

They also found shopping is better for a childs social skills than watching TV or reading.

The two universities made these conclusions after studying the results of an economic survey in Germany.

This survey looked into the daily routines and habits of 800 parents with two and three-year-olds.

It recorded higher perceived levels of happiness among the children who had taken part in activities such as arts and crafts, and shopping.

Researchers Professor Paul Anand and Dr Laurence Roope added that the more retail therapy the toddlers were exposed to, the happier they seemed to be, and the more developed their everyday skills became.

Shopping may be beneficial because it involves changes of scenery from shop to shop, which improves the child's motor and social skills more than a sedentary activity, the report continued.

Reading and storytelling together ranked high for happiness, but being left to read on their own, or watch TV, had a 'negative impact' on the child's development.

Professor Anand from the Open University said that during shopping trips ‘children are getting visual stimulation, they've getting out of the house and into a new environment.

‘They're bumping into other families where social skills come into play and they may get the chance to do something physical in a shop like run around.

The researchers now want to test their theories on older children to see what activities influence development among other age groups.

The research was presented at the annual conference of the Royal Economic Society.


1. What does the research show us?

2. What is the future plan of the researchers?



1. How did the colleges came to the conclusions?

2.Why is shopping helpful?

3.What other ways that bring fun to kids?

4.Explain the underlined sentence.


Read the following passage and finish the tasks as required.

Michelle Obama, Kate Moss and Samantha Cameron are three of the most stylish women on the planet but it seems they have their daughters rather than their style know how to thank for that.

New research has revealed that women with daughters tend to be more stylish than mothers of sons; a fact partly due to the style advice their daughters offer as they get older.

As a result, more than half of the women surveyed (51 percent) say they trust their daughters' opinion more anyone else's.

Even more impressively, 78 percent of women over the age of 50 say they would be more than happy to let their daughters choose a complete outfit for them.

By contrast, just five per cent of women say they would turn to their sons for style advice, while 28 percent believe that mothers of boys are less fashionable than women with girls.

'Women who don't have daughters may become less interested in style as they grow older but having a daughter, who is conscious of her own style, may keep alive her interest in looking great,' comments psychologist Honey Langcaster-James.

'And, because of their close bond, they also have a source of support, encouragement, and sometimes brutal honesty when it comes to their style decisions.

'More than a quarter of women believe that mums who have sons are less fashion conscious than mums with daughters.

'The most common reasons for this are that daughters are more critical, offer good advice and inspiration, and add an element of competition to look the best whereas sons seemed not to care and arent as harsh as daughters.'

And it isn't just sons who can find themselves ignored when they proffer an opinion on fashion, with just eight percent of women over 45 admitting to taking advice from their husbands.

Interestingly, although mothers tend to rely on their daughters' style tips, their confidence isn't reciprocated, with 40 percent of women between the ages of 19 and 34 saying they wouldn't allow their mothers to shop for them unsupervised.

A third even said their mothers' lack of sartorial wisdom left them embarrassed.

There were, however, some things mothers and daughters agreed on, among them voting Sophie Ellis-Bextor and her mother Janet Ellis their favourite mother and daughter combination.

And although they might not appreciate the fashion advice, the survey, which was conducted by online retailer Gray & Osbourn, showed that daughters do still need their mothers with 71 percent saying they chat to their female parent every day.

' Overall, the research shows just how important relationships are between mothers and daughters,' added Langcaster-James, 'and just how much women appreciate an honest and trustworthy opinion.'



1. What can we conclude from Para1&2?

2. Whats the writers attitude towards the topic?



1. What are the most common reasons for the phenomenon?

2. What are the things agreed on between mothers and daughters?

3. Explain the underlined word.




作为两篇儿童教育主题的文本,学生可以摘录以下词组、句子或段落为以后同类话题的写作服务,“promote happiness, involve changes, rank high, come into play, close bond”学生还可以写读书笔记或读后感记录学习所得。






有声思维(Think-aloud Protocols)源于心理学研究。顾名思义,是将大脑里进行的思维活动有声化(张倩,2010),是研究者要求受试在进行实验任务时,尽可能地说出大脑的思考内容(李德超,2004)。有声思维使学生对阅读材料进行精细化加工,学生需要花费更多的认知努力进行信息的提取和重构,有助于增强认知体验,培养分析、推理和概括等思维能力。通过有聲思维,一方面教师可以向学生示范讲述自己的思维过程,展现自己在阅读中如何运用认知策略解决问题;另一方面教师可以让阅读能力较强的学生在解决问题的过程中描述自己的认知过程以及运用的策略,让学生说出每个阅读问题的关键词和注意事项,并把获得答案的思维过程口头表达出来。




Read the following passage and finish the tasks as required.

Everyone gets stressed out, but new research suggests that men and women cope with these situations in different ways.

According to the study, men become more egocentric and self-centered when stressed. They have trouble separating their own intentions and emotions from those of the people around them.

On the other hand, women who are under a lot of stress may become “prosocial.”

“There's a subtle boundary between the ability to identify with others and take on their perspective — and therefore be empathic — and the inability to distinguish between self and other, thus acting egocentrically,” study author Dr. Giorgia Silani explained in a release. “To be truly empathic and behave prosocially it's important to maintain the ability to distinguish between self and other, and stress appears to play an important role in this.”

The study participants were asked to do “moderately” stressful things, like speak in public or answer math problems in their heads. They were then asked to imitate certain movements, identify their own emotions or those of others, and judge something from another persons perspective.

“What we observed was that stress worsens the performance of men in all three types of tasks. The opposite is true for women,” Silani said.

The researchers said their original hypothesis was that stress would make people more self-centered across the board, so they were partly correct.

They also said they arent sure why this is the case.

"At a psychosocial level, women may have internalized the experience that they receive more external support when they are able to interact better with others," Silani said.

On a physiological level, the discrepancy could be caused by oxytocin, the hormone connected with social behaviors, she added. Other studies have shown that women produce more oxytocin in stressful situations than men do.

The international study was led by Silani, who is from the International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) in Trieste, Italy, in cooperation with researchers from the University of Freiburg in Germany and the University of Vienna.

The study was published in the journal Psychoneuroendocrinology.

1. What does the new research show ?

2. What is the difficulty man have when stressed?

3. What are stressful things the participants do ?

4. What does the underlined sentence mean?






阅读材料的选择既要关注高中生的兴趣爱好,更要兼顾到与时俱进。因此笔者经常浏览China daily,USA today等官网上最新的阅读题材,本文的教学片段全部截选于China daily,USA today等官网上最新的阅读题材,涵盖学生感兴趣话题,奇闻轶事,科研前沿,心灵鸡汤,环境保护等,并根据学生的认知水平进行改编和设计,这样才能激发学生阅读的热情,有效实现学生阅读策略及技能的学以致用。







(二) 运用模式要坚持理性实施,智慧调整





[1]Krashen, S.1981. Second Language Acquisition and Second Language Learning [M]

Oxford: Pergamon Press

[2]Bruner, J.,Goodnow, J.& Austin, A.1956. A study of Thinking [M]. NewYork:Wiley

[3]加涅, R.M(著);皮連生,王映学等(译).1999.学习的条件和教学论[M] 上海: 华东师范大学出版社

[4]陈琦,刘儒德. 2007.当代教育心理学 [M] 北京:北京师范大学出版

[5]陈新仁等.2013.语用学与外语教学 [M] 北京:外语教学与研究出版社

[6]李德超. 2004. TAPs翻译研究的前景与局限 [J] 外语教学与研究, (5):385-392

[7]张倩. 2010. “有声思维”教学:一种新的翻译教学尝试 [J]. 西安外国语大学学报,(4):84-100

[8]王笃勤.2002.英语教学策略论 [M] 北京:外语教学与研究出版社


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