

世界建筑 2017年3期




1 创意文化园北区/OCT-LOFT North Area


Over dozens of early factories, dormitories and storages left vacant from the 1980s are kept on the site of OCT. Hexiangning Art Museum's decision of setting up a non-proft contemporary art center in one of these warehouses in 2003 became the starting point of the regeneration of this industrial site. URBANUS intends to substitute and fill up these existing industrial buildings with new programs. Combining with existing structure, a new layer of linked public spaces and facilities are created by architectural approaches such as addition, extension, wrapping and penetration. The factories are gradually uesed for galleries, bookshops, cafes, bars, artist ateliers and design shops. In the first phase, URBANUS controls the overall design scheme while allowing users' creation displaced; such approach adapts with the characteristic of creative industry and factory regeneration, encouraging interaction between the planning team and the users. Repositing the overall branding image, planning retail format and control the ratio of each typology became the main strategy for the second phase of renovation. A second level corridor system became creative space for exchange and communication which mixed and superimposed public programs together. It encourages interdisciplinary dialogues and thoughts exchange to take place, making the site a base for creative art and design.□

项目信息/Credits and Data

业主/Client: 深圳华侨城房地产有限公司/Shenzhen OCT Properties Co., Ltd.

地点/Location: 深圳市南山区华侨城东部工业区/Oversea Chinese Town (OCT), Nanshan District, Shenzhen

设计时间/Design Period: 2003-2011

建成时间/Completion Time: 2012

规模/Size: 南区用地/South Area: 55,465m2,建筑面积/ Building Area: 59,000m2

北区用地/North Area: 95,571m2,建筑面积/Building Area: 150,000m2

摄影/Photos:吴其伟,陈旧,孟岩/WU Qiwei, CHEN Jiu, MENG Yan

2 总平面/Site plan

3 轴测图/Axonometric drawing

4 E6入口/E6 entrance

5 南区主入口大门/South main entrance



Jury Statement

OCT-LOFT has become a cultural landmark in Shenzhen over the past years, with the Shenzhen Biennale as an opportunity for urban industrial district renewal. Architectural design is a gentle intervention.The park is the perfect example for urban design and renewal that not only promotes building renovation but also provides a strategy to stimulate the benign mechanisms of self-growth and opening up. This has far-reaching significance. The jury agrees that the project demonstrates a comprehensive quality in line with the requirements of a new era for practical, efficient, and environmental ("green") design, and moreover, perfectly fts the evaluation criteria of the award.□

OCT-LOFT Renovation, Shenzhen, China, 2012

Master Plan and Landscape Design: MENG Yan, LIU Xiaodu/URBANUS

6 OCT当代艺术中心首层平面/OCAT foor 0 plan

7 OCT当代艺术中心剖面/OCAT section

8 OCT当代艺术中心/OCAT

9 OCT当代艺术中心内景/OCAT interior view

10 A3连廊/A3 passage

11 A3连廊二层平面/A3 passage foor 1 plan

12 A3连廊内侧立面/A3 passage elevation

13 A3连廊/A3 passage

14 公共平台/Public platform

16 公共平台剖面/Public platform section

17 公共平台/Public platform

18 旋转连廊/Spiral passage

19.20 公共平台/Public platform


7.1声道定制影院+KTV案例 顺德华侨城
多塔连廊人行荷载TMD 舒适度减振控制