A Search for Meaning and Memory Through Unique Landscape Environments
With offices in Singapore, London, and New York, Dr. Colin K Okashimo, landscape architect and sculpture artist offers a global perspective on the trend of landscape architectural design as it relates to the hospitality industry and high end residential developments.
"In my recent travels I have had an opportunity to work with a number of industry leaders in hospitality including CEOs and presidents of property development companies, real estate consultants, both large and boutique architecture, interior and landscape design firms as well as art consultants and public relations experts. Here are my findings…."
· 独立且频率高的商务休闲旅行者设定了最高层次的客人期望新标准。这仍然没有改变。现在,这已加快设计业的发展,将设计业推到更加复杂的新高度。我认为可用“五良好”来概括这些商务休闲旅行者:良好的教育、良好的旅行经验、良好的阅读习惯、良好的信息渠道以及良好的关系……并且,他们的需求越来越高。他们坚持的基本理论是:“如果目的地环境与我自己国家的生活标准一样或者甚至更差,那我为什么要到这个地方来呢?
· The independent, frequent business and leisure traveler is known to set the benchmark in terms of new standards for the highest levels of guest expectation. This has not changed. If anything it has accelerated and pushed the design industry to new levels of sophistication. These travelers have what I refer to as “The Five WELLS”: WELL educated, WELL travelled, WELL read, WELL informed and WELL connected …and they continue to demand more. Their rationale being “why would I travel if my environment is the same or even worse than my living standard in my home country?”
· 客人需要的体验不但要“新奇新鲜”而且需要与到访的目的地存在有意义的关联。许多生活酒店品牌承诺给客人带来这种体验,但是没有几家酒店实际上为客户奉上真正有意义和令人难忘的最终产品。大多数情况下,只有短时记忆影响是比较肤浅的。
· Guests want an experience which is not only ‘new and fresh’ but more importantly an experience that is meaningfully relevant to the place where they visit. Many lifestyle hotel brands promise this experience but few actually deliver an acceptable level of meaning and memory into the finished product. In most cases it is superficial and shallow with short term memory impact.
· 高端住宅开发在许多方面是豪华酒店和度假区的延伸,也强调可实现更加有意义解决方案的方法;那些没有快速被时尚抛掉的项目往往都采用经得起时间考验的设计。我的研究成果表明,豪华物业在这方面做得比较成功,因为,我发现,作为“低调”的酒店,可以让人们品味设计的细微差别。
· High end residential developments are in many ways an extension of the luxury hotels and resorts which also need to address the ways that more meaningful solutions can be realized; those that do not quickly fade out of fashion — with a design that truly stands the test of time. My findings have shown that the luxury property segment seems to more successfully address this perhaps because it is perceived as a ‘toned down’ hotel version and therefore allows one to appreciate the subtleties of the design nuances.
· 我认为,在酒店设计方面,存在一些独立情况,这些情况已对用户的意义和记忆优先原则造成重大冲击。通过独特工艺和方法,更加深入研究并花更多时间探究独创性解决方案的设计师们已经做到了这一点。像一位旅行者在旅行某个城市时想要探究这个陌生城市或环境那样,在设计某种真正“源于具体场地”的东西时,设计师必须怀有同样的好奇心。这样的结果是环境能为用户提供更加有意义和更加难忘的体验。这需要对相关场地的文化、历史、环境和/或社会有所了解,也需要采用极其安静而不是吵闹和喧哗的方式来完成;因此,需要让设计来激发想象力。
· I believe that there are isolated instances in hospitality design that have made some serious inroads in prioritizing meaning and memory for the user. This has been achieved by the designers dwelling deeper into their research and spending more time investigating creative solutions through unique processes and methodologies. Like a traveler wanting to investigate a new city or environment when he or she visits, the designer must have that same level of curiosity and wonder while designing something that is truly ‘born from the place’. The result is an environment offering the user a more meaningful and memorable experience. It needs to have a level of sensitivity regarding the culture, history, environment and/or society of that place and it needs to be done in a powerfully quiet way, not blatant and not obvious; thereby allowing the design to stir the imagination.
· 大多数物业景观环境设计开始时并没有强调如何将意义和记忆注入到客户或住户体验中的方式。这个重要方面被人们忽视了,或者只使用“整洁、漂亮和最新”这些词语来包装,毫无意义和记忆可言。遗憾的是,明明有大量机会做到这一点,可是少有人利用这些机会。
· Design of the landscape environment in most properties does not even begin to address ways in which meaning and memory can be instilled into the experience of the guests or residents. This critical aspect has either been overlooked or when addressed, is merely decorated with ‘the neat, the cool and the latest’ with little or no meaning and memory. Regrettably there exist tremendous opportunities left unexploited.
· 据我观察,许多著名的景观设计似乎都在强调整体流行模式决定设计元素的理念。虽然从上文观点来看,这种模式比较受欢迎,但是没有充分强调客户体验以及如何将客户体验与场地重要性联系起来。经验研究应该给设计带来灵感,而不是在景观上强行加入固定模式,不能为客人体验带来丰富内容。
· It is my observation that many of the notable landscape designs seem to emphasize the idea that an overall prevalent pattern dictates the design elements. This pattern is better appreciated from viewing from above and does not adequately address the guest experience and how that relates to the importance of the place. Experiential research should inspire the design not preconceived patterns imposed on the landscape with nothing rich to offer in terms of guest experience.
· 有人曾问我能够为当前行业内的新兴设计公司提供什么建议。我的回答是,找到你自己的内心的设计声音,始终要考虑用户想要从物业场地获得什么样的体验。最后,问问你自己“哪些方面的设计能够让客人离开时带走深刻记忆,成为回头客?”
· People have asked me what advice I can offer for current and emerging design firms in this industry. My answer is to find your own inner design voice, always consider the user/guest experience in terms of what they will learn and feel about the location of the property. And lastly ask yourself “what aspect of this design will provide the memories that guests will take away with them to make them yearn to return?””