

世界建筑导报 2017年1期





设计时间:2009年 — 2010年






Location: Jiading Dist., Shanghai China

Program: Scientifc and Technological Research and Development

Project Size: 36 600 m2

Design Time: 2009 - 2010

Completion: 2015

Architect: Atelier Deshaus

Design Team: Chen Yifeng, Liu Yichun, Song Chongfang, Wang Longhai, Fan Beilei Structural & Eletromechanical Engineer: Shanghai Architectural & Research Institute

Client: Shanghai Auto City Development Co. Ltd.

Photography: Su Shengliang


The R&D and innovative port of Anting International Automobile City, which is situated northwest to the suburb of Shanghai, is a project mainly programmed for the research and development of automobiles. The total construction area is over 150,000 sqm. Atelier Deshaus undertook the design project for the site D out of the fve parcels of the site.


An overall plan for the project has detailed a general arrangement for the parcels and outline and foor numbers for each individual building. However, the program was ambiguously set, without specifcation for use, that two major functions are roughly presented in the program, workshop for pre-manufacturing and ofces for research and development, without any other specifed use envisioned. The site, characterized by nothing but anonymity, provides no reference for the design. A sense of alienation haunts the site, just like any other new towns developed in the suburb. In an efort to get rid of that sense of alienation, we intended to bring a sense of belonging to the “home” for the researchers, engineers, apart from fulflling the functional


needs and fexibility for various modes inhabitation.


That intention constitutes the basic point out project revolves. The basic strategy is to defne the project as settlements with luxuriant ecological hierarchy. Each piece of settlements consist of two overlapped parts. The upper part, ranging from 2nd foor to 4th foor, accommodates the ofce units for research and development., a bar plaza in the middle has the focus of the whole settlements comprising piles of ofce units. Units was intentionally set back layer by layer thus a gesture embracing the sky comes into being, a third dimension besides the depth and width was constituted. That artifcial topology of terrace is also integrated by the outdoor staircases, as the extension of the inner court yard, or plaza if you would like. It is thus a place for rest ,chat and events intended for the staf.


Crawling on the ground foor are the pre-fab workshops, rooms of equipment and service rooms, altogether 8 volumes in various sizes. Organized around the inner courtyard, detached from each other by a 4-meter aisle at minimum for logistic circulation, the corner-rounded glass rooms are sandwiched between the earth and the platform overhanging, in a space strongly identifed with the horizontal dimension. The upper part bright, explicit, organized, opening up to the sky while the lower part dark, ambiguous, subtle and crawling over the ground. Thus a sense of verticality comes into being in the settlement , initiating an explicit respond from earth to sky.

海德格尔在《艺术作品的本源》中提到:“作品存在就是建立一个世界” 。对于建筑作品,建立一个世界也许可以具体化为营造一个场所。在这里,功能不再仅仅被视为在物质层面满足定量的需求,而且也应包括令人尊敬的使用。而归属感的营造,就是这个令人尊敬的使用的重要组成部分。

Martin Heidegger suggested in “the origin of the work of art” that “to be a work means: to set up a world”. As architectural work is concerned, to set up a world could be materialized as to set up a place. In this case, the quantifed fulfllment in the material level is no longer the whole matrix of Function, rather a functioning in which the users may feel esteemed should be involved also. Following that to create a sense of belonging becomes the key to the very functioning.


Ambiguous program settings and anonymous sites have altogether formulated a typical tone of Chinese contemporary architecture practice in the radical urbanization. Apart from fulflling the functional and regulatory requirements, is there any possibility, in a common project like this, to create a sense of belonging wherein the users feel esteemed and rooted? This constitutes the basic proposition the project tries to respond, with phenomenological refection.100


诚心为“侨” 营造“家”温暖
蒋佩琪 在大陆打拼更有归属感
擅长营造美好的音色 Marantz SA-10 S1/PM-10 S1