

世界建筑导报 2017年1期


John McAslan + Partners











建筑事务所进入商业建筑设计领域即一鸣惊人:公司最早的两个项目都是大型商业建筑——马克斯马拉时尚集团位于意大利的总部大楼和土耳其的Yapi Kredi银行。

这两个项目规模宏大:马克斯马拉时装集团总部占地45,000平方米,因为该建筑的“一致性以及明晰地揭示建筑、功能和人之间的关系”而受到该集团主席的称道。公司为的Yapi Kredi运营中心所做的总体规划和设计在位于俯瞰马尔马拉海的一个陡峭斜坡上成功地完成了富有安全感的商业建筑群,在10个相连建筑内建造了运营、培训和会议设施,可供2,500多名员工使用。










约翰·麦卡兰建筑事务所承担的文化项目还包括宗教建筑和博物馆的新建或改造工程。这些包括贵格会设在伦敦的总部友谊之家(Friends House)、卫理公会博物馆、肯尼亚Kericho大教堂和多哈的JumaaDaily清真寺。





英国约翰·麦卡兰建筑事务所完成的住宅项目从建筑类型、人口统计以及国内和国际市场等方面来看非常丰富,而且都是引人瞩目的工程,包括伊斯坦布尔的双塔、属于公司在伦敦Dalston Junction交汇处的重建工程总体规划组成部分的公寓楼和白金汉门附近以印度砂岩外墙为特征、刻有乔治亚·罗素艺术作品的惠灵顿之家(Wellington House)。在莫斯科,公司目前正在开发一个高端项目——博雅卡酒店工程。

高品质的住宅设计提升了重要城市中心位置的价值,也标志了城市中心区域的新志向。约翰·麦卡兰建筑事务所对位于保护区内议会大厦和泰特艺术馆附近的Millbank大厦的改造工程将建成一座高端酒店和公寓大楼。这项改造工程中还有一些项目位于城市东郊,包括位于雷丁镇的有184个住宅单元的Chatham Place开发项目和位于景宁镇的有320个住宅单元的Hallsville小区。事务所大部分的住宅项目按照高标准设计(事务所目前正在姆登山开发伦敦最独特的住宅小区,按英国建筑研究所绿色建筑评估体系评级,这里的环境属于“优秀”级),但也有工人骨干、属于国家资助对象的家庭和首次购房者建造的住宅与生活设施。这些住宅项目的物理和社会环境决定了不能按照标准化的“标签”式设计方案建造:项目必须根据具体的位置、客户的商业目的和特定的民用设施需求或文物保护要求等进行设计。













电力输配也与公路、铁路和其他基础设施同步发展:事务所为伦敦2012年奥运场馆能源中心的获奖设计就是一个典型例子,该项目为功能性建筑增加了别具一格的特色。的确,基础设施工程的设计必须尽量富有创新性和前瞻性。事务所设计高端基础设施的能力在景宁镇Jubilee Line地铁站的多种交通模式换乘站项目的设计中首次得以展示。事务所目前正在设计的最重要的项目之一是伦敦邦德街CROSS RAIL车站及其公共空间设施的设计,从2018年开始该车站的日运输量将达到230,000人次。此外,事务所的CROSS RAIL市区整合研究明确了位于伦敦最重要的商业热点的新车站和原有车站之间的关系以及车辆交通与步行方式之间的关系。







支撑所有的设计项目的理念是好的设计的确能够起到不同凡响的作用。事务所为这一非常缺乏建筑材料的、社区学校数量众多但差异甚大的马拉维设计了一套设计模板。同样,事务所还为杰出的印度记者Raghu Rai拍摄一系列有关在德里又脏又乱的加兹布尔垃圾填埋场工作和生活的Kabari拾荒者的照片提供了赞助。他们后来拍卖了这些照片,拍卖所得用来为丹敦环境研究和行动小组筹集资金,支持他们在该垃圾填埋场进行的教育活动。





John McAslan + Partners is a leading, award-winning international architectural practice based in London, with further ofces in Edinburgh and Doha. An extensive portfolio of award-winning projects in the UK and overseas includes cultural, heritage, infrastructure, hospitality, commercial, residential, education, urban design and landscape sectors. The practice’s second London ofce, the N17 Design Studio, in the heart of Tottenham, explores local urban regeneration projects and ofers local young people apprenticeships and work placements.

The international portfolio includes the redevelopment of the historic Stanislavsky Factory in Moscow, the Museum of Russian Impressionism within the wider redevelopment of the historic Bolshevik Factory site in Moscow, the British Embassy in Algiers and the restoration of the Iron Market in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, as well as 16 projects in Doha, Qatar, such as a Cultural Forum, the frst Mandarin Oriental Hotel to be constructed in the Middle East, the newly completed Jumaa Mosque, a school, four Heritage Museums and a signifcant residential complex. Other notable international projects include a current masterplan for the Royal British Columbia Museum in Victoria, Canada, and the redevelopment of the British School in Rio de Janeiro.

The practice has an established reputation both for new build projects and for the imaginative regeneration of historic buildings. Notable examples of the latter include the acclaimed transformation of King’s Cross Station (which has won some 30 national and international awards). John McAslan + Partners has won in excess of 120 international awards, including some 25 RIBA Awards, and has been named Architectural Practice of the Year and World Architect of the Year on a number of occasions. The practice has won three Europa Nostra Awards, the EU’s Prize for Cultural Heritage, and is also a recent recipient of the prestigious Queen’s Award for Enterprise (International Trade).

The practice creates architecture which improves people’s lives, and over the years has developed a design approach which is both rational and poetic. The underlying ethos is that buildings should be underpinned by a powerful idea; that the idea should be an intelligent and logical response to functionality and a sense of place; and the power of that idea should be embedded in the built form. That way, clients get the buildings they need and society gets the architecture it deserves.

John McAslan believes that the city is one of humanity’s most impressive and precious cultural achievements, that cities are more than a collection of buildings - cities are about connections, transport, communications, public spaces and joy. The practice is committed to locating its projects frmly within their contexts as a considered response to site, materiality, amenity, scale and culture.

The practice has no ‘house style’ as such - but there is a strong collective ‘DNA’which is rooted in process, not form. John McAslan and his team are functionalists. They believe in the value of research and that a good building is an expression of a clear and rational diagram.

As John McAslan observes: “we tread carefully and build with conviction; we tackle problems head on and think laterally; we deconstruct the brief and let a design emerge from a close examination of the pieces; we don’t necessarily take ‘no’ for an answer; we believe the power of architecture extends much further than the dimensions of individual buildings; we believe architecture is about making life better.”

John McAslan + Partners has an established reputation for identifying fresh solutions to challenging briefs - the result is a diverse and award-winning portfolio.

Commercial projects

The practice’s original entry into the commercial design sector was auspicious: two of the practice’s early projects were signifcant commercial buildings - headquarters for the Max Mara fashion conglomerate in Italy, and the Yapi Kredi Bank in Turkey.

These projects are on a massive scale: the Max Mara campus is 45,000 sqm, and has been praised by its chairman for “its coherence, and the clear vision of the relationship between buildings, functions, and people.” The practice’s masterplan and design of the Yapi Kredi operations centre, on a steep site overlooking the Sea of Marmara, produced a highly secure business campus with operational, training and conference facilities in 10 linked buildings which accommodates more than 2,500 staf.

These projects gave the practice early insights into commercial imperatives, and the balanced relationships between ambitious design, commercial image, and operational efciency.

The practice’s Commercial Studio has since delivered other high-profile projects such as the award-winning renovation and remodelling of the Grade II* Peter Jones department store in Sloane Square, London, an excellent example of how stylish programmatic and spatial adaptations can carry a legendary, but functionally clogged, retail icon into the 21st century.

Other notable projects include the redevelopment of a prestigious 19th-century building on New Bond Street in London’s West End, and the innovative design for Al Jazeera’s London media headquarters within The Shard at London Bridge.

Ongoing projects include the redevelopment of the Millbank Tower, in a Conservation Area near the Houses of Parliament and Tate Britain. This scheme will turn the Grade II listed building, into a high-end hotel and apartments complex; and in London’s Jermyn Street, one of the city’s most prestigious shopping addresses, JMP’s design proposal for the mixed-use redevelopment of a corner site in the St James’s Conservation Area is suitably restrained and elegant.

In Russia, the practice’s commercial projects feature a mixture of new build and the sensitive redevelopment of large sites of historic or cultural signifcance. The 30,000 sqm mixed-use transformation of the redundant Stanislavsky Factory complex in Moscow introduced the idea of landscaped backland space to the city and won numerous international awards. The practice is currently reconfguring the historic Bolshevik Factory in Moscow as a new 50,000 sqm commercial development. Other Moscow projects include the 6ha Olympia Park business and sports complex, which has attracted high-profle corporate tenants, including BMW, and the high-rise MEBE headquarters scheme, which has a LEED Gold energy conservation rating.

Cultural projects

Over the years John McAslan + Partners has demonstrated great interest in reconstructing, and adding to, the expression of culture through architectural form.

Architects cannot defne culture’s many physical manifestations precisely, because it is protean - like history, it is perpetually evolving, objectively and subjectively. Architects serve culture by adding greater contemporary relevance to the way signifcant buildings and places are experienced, but without damaging the spirit of their original character. The culture of cultural projects, so to speak, is uniquely sensitive.

When should architects simply accentuate what already exists? And when should they intervene with a strikingly innovative intervention? How does one weigh the existing architectural character of a cultural building against the possibility of its transformation into something signifcantly diferent? And how can the architect contribute to the delivery of these visionary, but often fnancially fraught projects?

John McAslan + Partners has addressed these challenges in cultural projects of every type and scale, from the Courtauld Institute and Tate Britain’s Millbank estate to the Royal Society of Arts. The practice’s central role in the forthcoming modernisation and sensitive reconfguration of the Grade A listed Burrell Collection in Glasgow involves a building which is arguably the most intriguing British fusion of Modernist and Postmodern architecture.

JMP’s cultural portfolio also includes new or transformed religious buildings and museums. These have included Friends House, the Quaker headquarters in London; the Museum of Methodism; Kericho Cathedral in Kenya; and the JumaaDaily Mosque in Doha.

Other major projects in Doha and Russia have provided opportunities to bring new approaches to the forms and programmes of key cultural buildings and sites in these fast-changing countries. In Doha, the practice’s projects include the CulturalForum and Heritage Quarter. In Russia, the renovation of the Moscow Arts Theatre on the historic Stanislavsky Factory site, and the design of a Museum of Russian Impressionism at the symbolic Bolshevik Factory site, have allowed the practice to contribute directly to 21st-century Russian cultural development. And in Canada, the development masterplan for the Royal BC Museum will greatly strengthen its urban presence, its public and academic appeal and its international image.

In Britain, the practice’s historically sensitive transformations of unique architectural masterpieces include the renovation and extension of the Grade I listed De La Warr Pavilion in Bexhill, considered by many critics to be the key example of 1930s modernist architecture in Britain. In Northampton, the forensically precise restoration and museum extension of 78-82 Derngate has ensured the survival of Charles Rennie Mackintosh’s fnal architectural work from 1916.

Cultural projects are uniquely challenging. The buildings or sites involved are usually of historic importance; the briefs that drive their proposed transformations are rarely clear-cut, and they require a great deal of re-examination with clients, and civic and heritage stakeholders. In London, for example, the practice’s transformation of the Grade II* listed ex-railway turntable building known as the Roundhouse not only created the capital’s most successful mixed performance venue, but also provided studio spaces specifcally for local youngsters. One critic described the outcome as“one of the most radical experiments we have yet seen in cultural interaction, a venture that aims to set a model for a multicultural society.”

Residential Projects

John McAslan + Partners’ residential portfolio is unusually diverse and outward looking in terms of building types, demographics, and national and international markets. The schemes range from the twin towers in Istanbul; apartment blocks as part of the practice’s masterplan for the regeneration of the Dalston Junction Interchange area in London; and Wellington House, near Buckingham Gate, featuring an Indian sandstone façade etched with artwork by Georgia Russell. In Moscow, the practice’s high-end Polyanka development is currently on site.

High quality residential design adds value to important city centre sites, and signals new aspirations in inner-city areas. JMP’s transformation of the Millbank Tower, near the Houses of Parliament and Tate Britain, and within a Conservation Area, will create a high-end hotel and apartment complex. The practice also has projects further east, such as the 184-unit Chatham Place development in Reading, and the 320-unit scheme in Canning Town’s Hallsville Quarter. Most of the practice’s residential schemes are designed to high specifications (in Campden Hill, for example, the practice is delivering some of London’s most exclusive living accommodation, enhanced by a BREEAM ‘Excellent’ environmental rating), but they also include housing and accommodation for key workers, state-supported families, and first-time buyers. The physical and social contexts of these residential projects precludes any possibility of standardised “trademark” design: the architectural responses is specifc to each site, the commercial aims of the clients, and specifc civic or heritage issues.

Projects in historic settings have included the creation of a residential-led development at the former 19th century Royal Military Academy in Woolwich, and a tableau of luxury apartment blocks on the iconic Stanislavsky Factory site in central Moscow. In Doha the practice’s residential schemes range from the Mandarin Oriental hotel and apartment complex in the new Msheireb quarter, and a new hotel for the Park Hyatt Group. These projects are remarkable for the way in which they have succeeded in fusing contemporary design with Qatari architectural precedents.

A specific design response to place, site, and commercial intention is a unifying characteristic of the practice’s residential architecture.


School design has become, arguably, the most testing feld of architecture. In Britain, rapid changes in strategies for learning, improved exam outcomes, and the relationship of schools with their communities have forced architects to think well outside the usual architectural ‘box’.

Some projects are impressive in terms of their elite academic status, such as the practice’s development masterplans for Dulwich College and St Paul’s Girls’ School in London, but the practice is equally proud of outstanding designs for schools in the state sector. The practice has relished this design range, and is as proud of the ultra-simple design template for village schools in rural Uganda as of its more architecturally striking proposals for the new British School in Rio de Janeiro.

The practice’s school projects respond, inevitably to competing educational methodologies. There is no sense of “trademark” design linking the Royal Society of Arts Academy in Tipton, the Thomas Tallis School, the Darwen Vale High School, Bolton, the Oasis Academy in Enfeld or the John Roan School in Greenwich. In each case, the practice’s architectural response derives from forensic examination of each school’s particular educational ethos and physical context.

In purely architectural terms, these design responses to a range of schools projects reveal something more than a thoroughgoing modernist order in design. A recent review in ‘The Guardian’ commended the practice’s skill: “This is what low-cost, unpretentious, environmentally sound, yet elegant and thoughtful new buildings - from schools to housing - should be like.”

Equally, designing in the Higher Education sector presents one of the most stimulating and important challenge for architects in the 21st century: better standards of learning and research, in better buildings at colleges and universities, are not only key to the reputations of these institutions, but are also vital ingredients in the social, urban and technical changes that are sweeping the world.

Rapidly evolving systems of teaching and learning have allowed the practice’s Education Studio to design a wide range of high quality buildings, in Britain and overseas. These range from campus hubs, to gateway buildings, such as the innovative EEE Building at the University of Southampton, transformations of existing buildings and campus layouts.

A key ongoing project is the design of the internationally prestigious Saïd Busi-ness School’s new Residential Executive and Leadership Facility in Oxford, which involves the sensitive transformation and extension of large Victorian industrial buildings. In the meantime, JMP’s scheme for new Music Practice Rooms for the University of Oxford has gained planning approval. At the University of Edinburgh, the practice’s 20,000sqm Geosciences Building will create stimulating visual links between students, researchers, and laboratories.


In the twenty-frst century we can no longer think with certainty about orderly divisions between categories such as urban, suburban, and rural. More than half the world’s people live in towns and cities, and that will increase signifcantly, year by year. The rate of urban growth in countries such as China, India, Brazil, and parts of Africa, is often astonishing. The “pinch” between public, private, and commercial or industrial space will become more constrained and challenging in terms of movement and economic development.

The distribution of power also goes hand in hand with road, rail, and other kinds of infrastructure developments: the practice’s Energy Centres on London’s 2012 Olympic site are an award-winning example of good design that add distinctive character to functional buildings. Indeed, the design of infrastructure projects must be as innovative and future-proof as possible. The practice’s ability to design major highprofle infrastructure projects began with the multi-modal interchange at Canning Town Jubilee Line Underground station. One of the practice’s most important current projects is the new Crossrail Bond Street station in London, and its public realm thresholds, which will handle 230,000 passengers a day from 2018. In addition, the practice’s Crossrail Urban Integration Study clarifes the relationship between the new station and heritage, trafc and pedestrian connectivity in London’s most important retail hotspot.

The practice’s most acclaimed infrastructure project is the award-winning £547m modernisation, renovation, and extension of London’s Grade I listed King’s Cross rail terminal and multi-modal transport hub - delivered in time for the start of the 2012 London Olympics. The new concourse has rightly been described as the most innovative example of transport architecture since Stansted Airport and the Waterloo International Terminal in the early 1990s and is acknowledged as a gateway to London. While in Belfast, JMP’s Transport Hub will create a fully integrated bus and railway station on a 10ha site on the edge of the city centre - a key stimulus to further inner city regeneration.


Every architect searches for innovation, contextual meaning, functional success. They question briefs, examine locales and history and consult civil and technical specialists. But what if there isn’t a brief, as such? What if innovation, contextual meaning, and functional success cannot be developed using normal design processes? What if the experienced practice, and its experienced architects, fnd their skills and knowledge tested in the bluntest ways?

These questions are a given for John McAslan + Partners’ Initiatives team, which identifes, develops and supports research and community-based projects that can improve lives. Many of these initiatives are at small, experimental scales; one or two have attracted considerable public attention, nationally and internationally; but most have proceeded below the radar, so to speak.

The architects and students involved are, typically, ushered into situations of raw enquiry. Facing design challenges in often wholly unfamiliar contexts, they have to go back to basics. Even more signifcantly, they have to learn about communities, places, and needs that are not always familiar.

Typically, the majority of the Initiative projects are overseas, but a notable exception is the practice’s new studio in Tottenham. This project is a clear demonstration of the practice’s fundamental belief that architecture can help change people’s lives. Responding to the urban regeneration challenges facing Haringey Council following the 2011 riots, the studio, which opened in Spring 2014, ofers local young people apprenticeships and work placements, providing an insight into the way a design studio operates and, hopefully, encouraging them to explore career opportunities in the sector.

The conviction that good design can make a real diference underpins all projects. The practice has developed a design template for robust but versatile community schools in rural Malawi, where building materials are very limited. Similarly, the practice sponsored the illustrious Indian photo-journalist, Raghu Rai, to capture a series of images of the Kabari waste-pickers who work and live on the squalid Ghazipur landfll site in Delhi. The photographs were auctioned to raise funds for the Chintan environmental research and action group to support their educational programs on the site.

At the largest scale, in terms of physical size and international significance, the Initiatives team resurrected the unique 19th-century Iron Market in Port-au-Prince, the most important public gathering place in Haiti’s capital. This was a compelling exercise in rapid reaction and total commitment to design and project management - John McAslan + Partners was the frst British practice active in Haiti after the devastating 2010 earthquake.

One of the two wings of the 1891 French-built Iron Market had collapsed, and there was signifcant damage to the other wing and central tower. Led by the practice, the project team worked with a multi-disciplinary international team, including the Clinton Global Initiative, to deliver the fully repaired and functional Iron Market exactly one year after the earthquake. President Bill Clinton, who ofciated at the opening ceremony, highlighted the project’s civic importance: “The restored Iron Market is a valuable mark of Haiti’s progress on the road to recovery.”

Fundamental to the diversity of these JMP Initiatives projects is the opportunity they have given to think afresh about people, places, communities, and fnd ways - directly and simply - for architecture to improve the lives of people struggling to make the best of what they have.

朱马清真寺 Jumaa Mosque, Doha Qatar

彼得·琼斯 Peter Jones


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