

外文研究 2017年3期


Aninitialexplorationintodialogicalpropertyofimpliedmeaning(p. 1)

HUAHongyan(College of International Studies, Southwest University, Chongqing 400700, China)

The theory of dialogic communication advocated by Bakhtin proposes that essence of language lies in dialogue, which in turn brings about the fact that dialogism is the primary nature of discourse, and that production of meaning is a dialogic process that involves two or more than two utterances engaged in dialogic activity. Implied meaning, a certain kind of discourse, is itself dialogic, and its dialogic process exists between the two agents, or two voices. Inference of implied meaning is achieved by means of the cognitive process of “awareness of dislocation—negotiation—convergence”. The above is the notion of dialogical property of implied meaning.

Theappearanceandtheevolutionofthestructureof“Ruguo......dehua”(p. 7)

XUShijing(Faculty of Linguistic Sciences, Beijing Language and Culture University, Beijing 100083, China)

The structure of “ hua” first appeared in the Republican period. “Ruguo” was evolved from a trans-layered structure during Ming and Qing dynasty; “de hua” was used as a hypothetical particle from the late Qing Dynasty. They entered the construction of “hypothetical conjunction+......+hypothetical particle” through the mechanism of construction coercion. However, “de hua” may be replaced by other hypothetical particles in future, which won’t influence the existence of the construction.

AreviewofthestudiesofdiscoursefunctionsofChineseaspectualmarker(p. 14)

RENFangning(College of English, Beijing Language and Culture University, Beijing 100083, China)

The study of the discourse functions of Chinese aspectual markers, which can be traced back to 1980s, is attracting attention from more and more scholars home and abroad. The previous studies focused on the functions that Chinese aspectual markers operate in marking the peak event, setting the foreground and background, and promoting the temporal progression of the discourse. This paper attempts to make a generalization of the previous studies in the hope of shedding some light for a more systematic study in the future.

ReanalysisoftopicstructureinJingpolanguage(p. 19)

WANGXiaona(School of Foreign Languages, Shenyang Normal University, Shenyang 110034, China)

Based on the classification of topic and focus in the framework of Neelman & Vermeulen (2012), the present paper aims to reanalyze the topic structure of Jingpo language and looks into the nature of the functional particle ko31by way of analyzing an enormous amount of Jingpo language data. The study concludes that ko31is a multifunctional particle, not only a topic marker, but also a contrastive focus marker. And by comparison with Chinese counterpart, Jingpo language reflects a strong correlation between reduplication and topic structure. What’s more, there are two different and independent inflectional markers for subject and topic in Jingpo language and the distinction between subject and topic is unambiguous. But the Chinese-like dangling topic structure has not been found in Jingpo language.

AminimalistapproachtothederivationofthesyntaxofDeinmandarinChinese(p. 27)

OURuping,CHENMingfen&PANJunfeng(College of Foreign Languages, Hainan University, Haikou 570228, China)

The syntax ofDehas been widely discussed in linguistic research. Yet reviews show that there remain controversies on the current analysis of the syntax ofDein Mandarin Chinese. The present study sets to analyze the derivation of the syntax ofDeunder the theoretical framework of Minimalist Inquiries. It is proposed that though the syntax ofDeis flexible in use and rich in meaning, their internal structures are identical in nature; in the complex “NP1+V-De+NP2+VP” constructions, NP2 should be treated as the subject of small clause formed by “NP2+VP”. Phase theory proposed by Chomsky (2008) serves as the theoretical evidence for the proposal.

AnanalysisofcreativitytechniquesinPoemoftheAirbyTsvetaeva(p. 34)

XULaidi(Faculty of Foreign Languages, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China)

ThePoemoftheAiris one of Tsvetaeva’s most important poems. The poet expressed his point of view on life and death by describing the ascension of the soul of the heroine after her death and reconstructing the seven layers air and the poetic paradise. This article puts an emphasis on the study of its creative techniques by analyzing the text of thePoemoftheAir. In the creative techniques ofPoemoftheAir, you can find elements of romanticism, symbolism and kubofuturizm.

DoubleimplicationofthefemaleimageinVera(p. 40)

YANJiqing(College of Foreign Languages, Henan University, Kaifeng 475001, China)

The prize-winning workVera, the winner of “The Russian Booker” in 2015,describes the heroine Vera. It shows us the development and changes in the history of the Russian society from the first half of twentieth Century to the present day, traces the road of life and spiritual exploration,that Vera’s parents, grandparents and Vera have travelled. The image of Vera has dual symbolic meanings. Vera’s fate not only is a symbol of Russian women’s fate,but also a microcosm of the entire Russian nation’s fate. This paper tries to analyse the causes of the unfortunate fates, points out that the return to the real life and the faith of love are the self-return path for Russian women and the entire Russian nation.

Tragedyandartisticbeautyin“MuséedesBeauxArts”(p. 47)

YANGQunqun&OURong(School of Foreign Languages, Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou 311121, China)

W. H. Auden’s famous poem “Musée des Beaux Arts” is a typical ekphrastic poem inspired by Peter Bruegel the Elder’s four paintings. Since the publication of this poem, the scholars at home and abroad have done various studies on the form, the theme of this poem, the motif of “the Fall of Icarus”, etc. However, little attention has been paid to the combination of the tragedy and artistic beauty in the poem. Through the appreciation and absorption of the art of painting, Auden stoically reveals the suffering and tragedy in the war time. With the employment of the ekphrasis, Auden achieves the perfect integration of the tragedy and artistic beauty.

AReviewofthescholarshiponAchebe’sThingsFallApart(p. 53)

ZHANGXinxin&DUZhiqing(College of Foreign Languages, Huaqiao University, Quanzhou 362021, China)

Universally acknowledged as “one of the founding texts of modern African literature”, the Nigerian novelist Chinua Achebe’s representativeThingsFallAparthas been favored by numerous scholars, at home and abroad. This paper attempts a review (1980—2016) ofThingsFallApartmainly composed of three parts concerning the characterization, themes and artistic forms of the novel, which objectively outlines the characteristics as well as problems in the academic research by both foreign and Chinese scholars.

Translators’faithfulnessandfitnessinthetranslationofADreamofRedMansion(p. 59)

ZHAOLianbin(Foreign Languages Department, Changzhi University, Changzhi 046011, China)

Based on the two target-texts ofADreamofRedMansion, the author aims to study the translator’s faithfulness to the source-text and the fitness to the target-text readers, and how the translator can meet the both with proper translating strategies. The special target-text readers are foreigners, which directly leads to the translator is either closer to the source-text or closer to the target-text readers. Even so, neither of the behavior can show the mistakes of the translators.

TheEnglishtranslationofTheAnalectsinthebackgroundof“scripturalreasoning”andtheinternationalcommunicationofChineseculture:WithJamesLegge’sTheAnalectsasanexample(p. 67)

FENGHua(Departent of Humanities and Social Science, Beijing Language and Culture University, Beijing 100083, China; School of International Business Communication, Dongbei University of Fiance and Economics, Dalian 116025, China)

Originated from Abraham tradition, “scriptural reasoning” is a new way of reading scriptures from different religious perspectives. Although the possibility of using “scriptural reasoning” in reading and interpreting Chinese classics is still debatable, and needs complicated analysis, more than one hundred years ago, James Legge as a representative of the London Missionary Society undoubtedly used the methods of “scriptural reasoning” in translatingTheChineseClassics. The study of Legge’sTheAnalectscan offer a new perspective of examining and understanding the Chinese tradition, and thus realizes the introduction of Chinese learning to the west after the three hundred years’trend of eastward transmission of western sciences.

ReviewofandreflectiononCECIC-basedinterpretingstudies(p. 73)

TANGFang(Center for Translation Studies & School of Interpreting and Translation Studies, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou 510420, China)

Since the end of last century, corpus has been introduced into interpreting studies. In recent years, huge progress has been made in China’s Corpus-based Interpreting Studies (CIS), which largely expands the scope of interpreting studies and makes up for the disadvantages of previous research methods. Taking the most productive interpreting corpus—CECIC—as an example, the author hopes to reflect the development of CIS in China through a review of studies based on CECIC. The shortcomings of relevant studies and the future research prospects have been elaborated in the end.

Studiesontheestablishmentofprofessionalinterpretationteachingsystem(p. 80)

BAOXiaoying(Continuing Education Institute, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai 200083, China)

The establishment of teaching system is the key to the achievement of teaching goals and quality. In an age with an ever-increasing demand for interpretation, the training of qualified interpreters has become an important task of higher education and an issue in the field of interpretation teaching.ChineseTranslatorsJournalhas introduced the interpretation teaching system of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies since the end of 2016, launching the debates of the topic. This paper studies the interpretation teaching systems in Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Shanghai International Studies University, Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey and Newcastle University, holding that interpretation teaching system should be established in compliance with the communication competence theory and putting forward some suggestions.

Reflectionsontheparadigmsintranslationstudies:AninterviewwithProfessorMarySnell-Hornby(p. 86)

ZHANGMi(Foreign Languages College, Jiangxi Normal University, Nanchang 330022, China)

The status of translation studies as an independent discipline has been widely acknowledged, and translation studies is moving towards interdisciplinary research. During the development, many “turns” or “paradigms” have occurred, which have provided external driving force for translation studies and also triggered reflections on the paradigms in translation studies. In this interview, the author discusses the following questions with Professor Snell-Hornby: the definition of paradigm in translation studies; the differences and relationship among paradigm, perspective, and turn; the new paradigm(s) that may occur and the interdisciplinary research in translation studies. It is hoped that this interview can provide some insights for translation studies.

How“totellChinastories”:TheenlightenmentofXiJinping’sinstructionontheoutboundtranslationofChineseliterature(p. 92)

ZHANGDandan&HANXiao(College of Foreign Languages, Qiqihar University, Qiqihar 161006, China)

General Secretary Xi Jinping recently raised hopes, in his instruction toPeople’sDailyOverseasEditionon its 30thanniversary, that the newspaper “tells China stories well and spreads China voices well”. This paper is to expound upon the enlightenment this instruction can provide for the cause of the outbound translation of Chinese literature with the ultimate aim to construing the soft power of Chinese culture. The discussion will evolve around three major themes: to learn from past translation experience, to translate with ingenuity, and to promote with confidence.

Approaching“TheDanBrownCraze”fromanativeandculturalperspective:AreviewofTheDanBrownCraze:AnAnalysisofHisFormulaforThrillerFiction(p. 99)

QILiang(The Post-doctoral Program of Foreign Languages and Literature Studies, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai 200083, China; School of Foreign Languages and Literature, Suzhou University of Science and Technology, Suzhou 215009, China)

XIAOMinghui(School of Foreign Languages, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, China)

TheDanBrownCraze:AnAnalysisofHisFormulaforThrillerFictionco-authored by Prof. Zhu Zhenwu and Prof. Zhang Aiping is China’s first systemic study on Dan Brown, also Chinese scholars’ first attempt to voice their views on Dan Brown internationally. Based on native perspectives, the book is marked by its in-depth exploration of the aesthetic and cultural uniqueness of Brown’s work, revealing the governing dynamics of Brown’s phenomenal success. It contributes a great deal to China’s research on popular literature and American literature, offering insights into the internationalization of Chinese scholarships on foreign literature.

AreviewofAnalysingPowerinLanguage:APracticalGuide(p. 102)

GUOXu(School of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, Guangzhou 510006, China)

OUYANGHuhua(Faculty of English Language and Culture, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou 510420, China)

AnalysingPowerinLanguage:APracticalGuidegives a deep insight into the relationship between language and power based on the Positioning Star of David, which was developed in this book. By combining systemic functional linguistics, sociological and ethnomethodological methods, the author provided us with some practical concepts, theories, methods and skills for text analysis in a critical manner. It hence bears fundamental significance for our understanding of texts as gateways to discourse analysis.