


谷文艳, 陈洪涛, 姚庆祯, 张晓琳

(中国海洋大学化学化工学院,山东 青岛 266100)


谷文艳, 陈洪涛**, 姚庆祯, 张晓琳

(中国海洋大学化学化工学院,山东 青岛 266100)





1 采样及分析方法

1.1 采样站位


1.2 样品处理及测定方法

2 结果与讨论

2.1 黄河下游营养盐的季节变化

2010年4月—2011年3月黄河利津站流量的变化范围为62—1 850 m3/s。从图1可以看出,黄河下游径流主要集中在7~10月,占全年水量的72.8%,其他月份入海水量较少。

图1 2010年4月—2011年3月黄河利津流量变化




图2 2010年4月—2011年3月黄河下游各形态氮浓度月际变化

图3 2010年4月—2011年3月黄河下游磷酸盐浓度月际变化

图4 2010年4月—2011年3月黄河下游硅酸盐浓度月际变化


2.2 黄河下游水体中营养盐含量与径流量的关系

表1 2010年4月—2011年3月黄河下游营养盐含量与径流量的相关性

注:*表示在0.05水平(双侧)上显著相关;样本数为12。*said it had significant correlation at the 0.05 level (double side);Sample of 12.

① Water discharge

2.3 黄河下游营养盐的入海通量








表2 2010年4月~2011年3月黄河下游各形态营养盐通量

注:表中溶解无机氮通量均以N计,磷酸盐均以P计,硅酸盐以Si计。Flux of Dissolved inorganic nitrogen are calculated in N, phosphate in P, silicate in Si in the table.


表3 2010年4月~2011年3月黄河下游营养盐月入海通量与径流量的相关性

注:**表示在0.01水平(双侧)上显著相关,*表示在0.05水平(双侧)上显著相关;样本数为12。said it had significant correlation at the 0.01 level (double side),*said it had significant correlation at the 0.05 level (double side);Sample of 12.

① Water discharge

3 结论




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责任编辑 徐 环

Seasonal Variation and Fluxes of Dissolved Nutrients in the Lower Reaches of the Huanghe

GU Wen-Yan, CHEN Hong-Tao, YAO Qing-Zhen, ZHANG Xiao-Lin

(College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266100, China)

The monthly variations and fluxes of dissolved inorganic nutrients were studied, based on continuously observation data in the lower main channel of the Huanghe (Lijin station) during the period from April,2010 to March,2011.The results showed that concentrations ranged from 190.4 to 361.3 for dissolved inorganic nitrogen(DIN),177.1 to 332.5 μmlo/L for nitrate,0.74 to 13.81 μmol/L for nitrite, 2.27 to 26.44 μmol/L for ammonia nitroge,with averages of 277.5,269.3,4.90 and 5.26 μmol/L,respectively.Concentrations of phosphateand silicateranged from 0.027 to 0.138 μmlo/Land from 92.5 to 146.0 μmol/L,with averages of 0.094 and 118.1 μmol/L respectively. The concentrations of DIN were lower in the flood season than those in the dry season,whilewas opposite.was the predominant species of DIN and fluxes ofwere the main contributors of DIN transport fluxes from the river into the Bohai. The concentrations ofhad positive linear correlation with fresh water discharge. Nutrient fluxes in the flood season were the main contributors to the annual loads and nutrient transport patterns highly depended on freshwater discharge.

Huanghe; nutrients; concentration; monthly variation; flux

国家自然科学基金项目(41276070)资助 Supported by Natural Science Foundation of China(41276070)




** 通讯作者:





谷文艳, 陈洪涛, 姚庆祯, 等. 黄河下游溶解态营养盐季节变化及入海通量研究[J]. 中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版), 2017, 47(3): 74-79.

GU Wen-Yan, CHEN Hong-Tao, YAO Qing-Zhen, et al. Seasonal variation and fluxes of dissolved nutrients in the lower reaches of the Huanghe[J]. Periodical of Ocean University of China, 2017, 47(3): 74-79.


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