

文教资料 2016年26期


摘    要: 文章通過对学习者语料库和参照语料库的对比分析,很好地呈现了学习者词汇“丰富性”现状,对形容词、副词、动词和名词方面展开了深入分析,提供了对策以帮助学习者进一步丰富作文词汇。

关键词:语料库    作文    对比分析


英语写作的研究一直是外语教学的重点。写作考察的核心技能之一就是能否正确使用词汇。“没有语法,人们可以表达的事物寥寥无几;而没有词汇,人们则无法表达任何事物”(胡壮麟,李战子,2004:47),由此可见英语写作中词汇学习的重要性。英语词汇的丰富性(lexical richness)是评估学习者产出性词汇运用能力的一个重要指标,它一般涉及词汇变化性、词汇密度、词汇复杂度和词汇独特性等(Laufer & Nation,1995)。

凭借多年的经验,笔者认为学生作文中的词汇存在如下特点:(1)过度使用英语简单高频词,如important, helpful, necessary, recently, I think, in my opinion等;(2)过度使用上义词(superordinate),如thing, people等;(3)词类使用不均,形容词使用较多,副词使用较少,仅仅very, extremely少数几个。国内外学者对英语作文词汇早已进行相关研究,但是大部分都是凭借经验之谈,只呈现问题现状,未见实质性的对策。


词汇一直都是英语写作的重要内容。传统的作文词汇评估受到技术手段限制,一直都停留在宏观分析和经验探讨的阶段。近些年来,语料库语言学的发展为作文评估提供了独特的视角,特别是在词汇评估上具有先天优势。Kennedy 从理论上肯定了语料库与词汇分析之间的紧密联系。





经过对比分析,发现学生作文中出现的形容词有wonderful, fantastic, interesting, important, essential, serious, terrible等52种,而对纽约时报参照语料库进行统计分析,发现103个不同类型的形容词,如severe, dire, notorious, catastrophic, essential, substantial等,部分例子如下:(a)Environmental degradation is now so severe, with such stark domestic and international repercussions, that pollution ...(b)...said Zhang Zhongmin, who has tried for 20 years to raise public awareness about the citys dire water situation.(c) Environmental woes that might be considered catastrophic in some countries can seem commonplace in China.

形容词是表达情感的,笔者将形容词简单分成积极形容词和消极形容词。限于文章篇幅,仅对消极方面的形容词进行对比分析,将在学习者作文语料库中极少出现,但是在纽约时报语料库中出现并且频次较高的形容词进行搭配分析,总结如下:Severe (problem, difficulty, damage, disease, pressure, condition); catastrophic (consequence, effects, decline); dire (situation, consequence, warning); rampant (pollution, inflation, corruption, population); looming (environmental disaster); notorious(example, case); inadequate (resource, facility, service); irreversible(damage, change); gloomy; throat-cut (competition, opposition, resistance)。


副词可以修饰动词或形容词,以进一步表达作者的态度和情感。因此,对动词的调查具有较为重要的现实意义。通过对比分析,学习者作文语料库常见的副词有very, extremely, terribly, interestingly, probably等有限的15个。除了very这个副词使用频率较高以外,其他副词使用频率极低。反观纽约时报参照语料库,副词的种类较为丰富,而且使用频率较高,具体副词如下:readily, undoubtedly, sharply, steadily, rapidly, considerably, extensively, widely, significantly, continually, markedly, greatly, keenly, substantially, thoroughly, fully, fundamentally, constantly, surely, efficiently, firmly, drastically, closely, immensely, certainly等。列举数例:(a)...urbanization that requires colossal inputs of energy, almost all from coal, the most readily available, and dirtiest, source.(b)...campaigns have been started to close illegal coal mines and shutter some heavily polluting factories.(c) It will accept no mandatory limits on its carbon dioxide emissions, which would almost certainly reduce its industrial growth.(d) even from people in the ruling party, to submit to oversight from the public, for which pollution has become a daily —— and increasingly deadly —— reality.

3.3 动词方面

谓语动词连接主语、宾语或表语,具有很强的及物性。通过对比分析,我们发现学习者惯用cause, lead to, contribute to, suffer from, result in, be good for, be beneficial to, support, agree, approve, destroy等,且这些动词的使用频率很高,像result in, lead to, support等词重复多次出现。反观纽约时报语料库,除了contribute to, result in, be beneficial to等词经常出现外,也经常出现其他动词。为了便于分析,笔者将这些动词主要分成消极和积极两大类,部分动词还附上了搭配词。消极方面的动词主要如下:exert a negative influence /pressure on, spoil, criticize, result in, pose (a burden on), pose (a challenge to sb), collapse, impinge on, deteriorate, exacerbate, incite(social unrest), alienate (business interests), curtail(economic development), abuse (environment, power), tear (sb) down, deplete等。积极方面的动词主要如下:Attach great importance to, guarantee, benefit, achieve, fulfill, give priority to, be beneficial for sb, broaden(ones horizon), be vital to sth, alleviate, embrace, spur (growth), combat(global warming), soar, generate (high rates of economic growth), ensure(social order), fuel (economic growth), eliminate, strengthen, moderate, be critical to sth, release(pressure), advocate等。部分例子如下:(a) In that period, China relied mainly on light industry and small-scale private enterprise to spur growth.(b) ...raising concerns that siphoning away clean water northward will exacerbate pollution problems in the south.(c) ...a political and environmental boon as pressure to combat climate change has increased.(d) The costs of pollution have mounted well before it is ready to curtail economic development.


通过对比分析,发现学习者惯用problem, environment, pollution, issue, phenomenon等词,名词种类繁多。参照语料库的名词使用也比较类似,常常使用problem, environment等词,但是和学习者语料库不同的是,参照语料库常用一些动名词或形容词的名词形式,如advocate, growth, deterioration, emissions等词,列举两例:(a) ... still treats environmental advocates as bigger threats than the degradation of air, water and soil that prompts them to speak out.(b) The main reason behind the continued deterioration of the environment is a mistaken view of what counts as political achievement.




[1]Laufer,B.and P.Nation.1995.Vocabulary size and use:lexical richness in L2 written production [J].Applied Linguistics,16:307-322.

[2]Kennedy,G.1998.An Introduction to Corpus Linguistics [M].London:Addison Wesley Longman.



