文◎Zoey 译◎Zoey
文◎Zoey 译◎Zoey
Onmyouji: the World's Shortest Curse, Is the Name
The story of mobile game Onmyouji is set in ancient Japan, when human and ghost can exist together. There is a group of ultra-capable people who can across the worlds of Yin and Yang. They try their best to fight for the balance between the two circles, and regarded as "Onmyouji." While in Kyoto, Seimei, the onmyouji of great reputation lost his memory rather bizarrely. In the game, the player will start the adventure as Seimei to find the memory, and encounter with other characters. Plot, voice actors and graphics①graphic 英 ['græfɪk] 美 ['græfɪk] adj. 形象的;图表的;绘画似的are too good beyond description, so the game has attracted countless "Onmyouji"! Password: "Did you get SSR today?"
手游《阴阳师》设定在古日本,一个人鬼共生的年代,世间有一群可以跨越阴阳两界的异能者,他们各尽所能,为维护两界的平衡战斗,并被世人尊称为“阴阳师” 。而彼时京都城中极具盛名的天才阴阳师,却不知为何失去了自己的记忆,在游戏中,玩家将扮演着晴明开始旅程,在寻回记忆的冒险中,与各个性格迥异的式神邂逅。剧情,声优,画风全都美好到炸裂,无数“阴阳师”已入坑!接头暗号“今天,你抽到SSR了吗?”