

世界建筑 2017年1期


司马蕾 译



司马蕾 译

节选自马丁·劳奇的《优雅的泥土——夯土建筑与设计》, 奥托·卡普芬格和马尔科·索尔(编著),细部出版社,慕尼黑,2015年, 第118-121页。由细部出版社再版。







世界上第一个预制夯土部件是在1997年由Lehm Ton Erde Baukunst GmbHi设计的一面起居室里的墙。这面墙被安装在木结构的建筑中,乍看之下在施工上几乎不可能实现: 屋架的建造工期有限,进度很紧,此外,工程计划在一月份进行,这个时期因为霜冻的关系不可能在场地上进行夯土。因此才出现了想通过起重机在建造木构架的同时把夯土墙吊装进去的解决方案,也催化了土质建材的预制化进程。



1 机械预制能减少劳动力的需求,并加快了生产过程。这台机器由Lehm Ton Erde Baukunst GmbHi研发/Mechanical prefabrication alleviates physically strenuous labor and expedites the production process. The machine was developed by Lehm Ton Erde.

Excerpt of Martin Rauch Refined Earth -Construction and design with Rammed Earth, Otto Kapfinger and Marko Sauer (eds.), Edition detail, Munich 2015, p. 118 - 121.

Reprint by courtesy of Edition detail, Munich.

2 由于墙体部件不抗拉,必须开发悬挂系统来进行装吊。这种系统也能让部件实现垂直放置/As the elements cannot be subjected to tensile loading, a suspension system had to be developed. This also allows the elements to be set in place vertically.

Prefabrication represents a new paradigm in rammed earth construction, as it is a quantum leap both in a quantitative and in a qualitative sense. It takes the practice to a new level and gives more options for finding projects that can be executed with rammed earth. Economic considerations support the argument for separating the processes of production and installation, primarily due to on-site logistics: rather than employing a team of laborers to ram the earth in situ, gradually putting up the building over time, cranes can quickly mount the finished elements in accordance with the demands of a tight schedule. As the elements are already dry when they are erected, integrating the remaining building trades of other subcontractors is seamless, which significantly shortens the duration of the construction work. Fabricating the walls is still just as time intensive a process, but the production and mounting phases can be more easily planned and coordinated.

As there are virtually no historical precedents for earth being rammed offsite rather than in situ, prefabrication in earth construction is largely unexplored territory, although experience is now beginning to emerge in this field. Its technical and structural requirements are becoming more refined - as are the solutions in matters of design. While the rudimentary joints of the first prefabricated buildings were roughly finished, retouching has become considerably more advanced, such that walls made up of compound elements are as homogeneous in appearance as walls rammed on site.

Improvements needed to be made in the planning process, as defining the earth elements requires hard and fast decisions to be made at an early stage. This involves a close collaboration between construction documentation and production, as often factors only tangentially related to the manufacturing and ramming process can be crucial to their fabrication. For example, once the wall thickness has been decided, the next step is to adjust the size of the elements to match the room height. The length is dependent on the load limitation of the crane that lifts the elements into place. Thus, the length is a product of the maximum permissible for weight, height, and wall width. These interdependencies, at the interface between planning and production, must be carefully evaluated.

In order to limit the number of elements as much as possible, which in the end results in a lower price and a shorter construction schedule, even details such as the location of the crane and the maximum load capacity relative to its outreach are considered: elements nearer to the crane can be proportionally heavier and therefore longer in design. In constructing the Swiss Ornithological Institute in Sempach, strict attention was paid to each of these aspects.

In contrast, technical implementation has become much simpler: prefabricated details are standardized and can even be put in practice by unskilled labor. The task can be dispensed to multiple actors, which is of overall benefit to the earth building trade.

Production Advantages

The first prefabricated element completed by Lehm Ton Erde was a living room wall in 1997. It was to be installed in a timber-frame construction, which at first appeared to be logistically impossible: the schedule of the framing was extremely tight in a fixed window of time, and, moreover, planned for January, when the earth could not be stamped onsite due to frost. A solution was thus sought that would allow the wall to be installed with a crane simultaneously with the timber construction process. This was the catalyst for prefabrication.

The first larger-scale project from this period was an office building for Gugler Printers in Pielach. The standardized elements, which were also interior walls, were stacked on top of one another and the joints then sealed. The modules contain flues for ventilation powered by a geothermal heat











3 部件间用石灰砂浆进行接合。钢筋在结构上水平放置。水平剖面(上图)与1:20竖向剖面(下图)/The elements are joined with trass-lime mortar. Rebar is laid into the structure horizontally. Horizontal section (above) and vertical section (below) at 1:20 scale.





4 相关工艺的最新发展:绝缘预制部件。这种工艺能造出两面都有夯土图案的土墙立面/The most recent step in development: insulated prefabricated elements. These make it possible to create an earth facade where the ramming pattern is visible on both sides.

到目前为止,还只有单层的墙能够被预制。但为了生产中空墙而做的初步实验已经在进行了,这种墙体会在两片夯土墙之间夹一层轻质的绝缘层。这样,墙的两面就都能够保持外观的美感和土墙的物理特性了,还有一个另外的好处就是能在中空层里面装配进制冷或制热的管道。□collector: the earth walls function like hypocausts, capitalizing on their haptic properties while creating a comfortable indoor climate.

It took three months to finish the 160 pieces required for the Gugler project - these were then put in place over the course of a mere two weeks. The most recent projects completed with prefabricated elements are the Kräuterzentrum in Laufen and the Swiss Ornithological Institute's visitor center in Sempach. due to improved workflow and increased production speed compared to the 1990s, the current ratio of production to installation in prefabricated parts is approximately 3:1.

The number of projects constructed with prefabricated materials has grown significantly: walls can be produced efficiently regardless of weather conditions and schedules are simpler to coordinate. In addition, transportation of commodities has become much easier - which also favours an indoor fabrication process. Even the demand for building with local materials can be fulfilled; for example, the elements of the Ricola Kräuterzentrum were made of earth from an area in the vicinity of the building site. The distance from the production hall to the construction site was less than 3km. For large projects, it is often expedient to set up the production facilities locally, in order to utilize regional materials while decreasing transportation distances.

Mechanical Prefabrication

Since, as we mentioned above, this is largely a virgin territory, in order to develop prefabrication and further improve its efficiency, several new inventions have been required. Progress has primarily targeted at a reduction in the amount of physical labor required. The most strenuous task is filling the formwork with the material and compacting the mixture.

A machine was therefore developed to address this particular challenge by automatically distributing the earth within the formwork and mechanically compacting it with a moving rammer (fig.1). There is still a good deal of manual labor involved but a major part of it can be accomplished by this feeder mechanism. The machine also allows for the production of thinner walls, since the process no longer requires a person to be able to stand inside the form boards to ram the material. Long formworks enable the production of entire walls in a single segment with continuous horizontal layering. Afterwards, the elements can be cut to the appropriate size and installed in the same order on the building site.

5-7 生产及安装过程示意/Schematic of production and installation process

8-10 生产及安装过程示意/Schematic of production and installation process (5-10 图片来源/Copyright: Ricola AG,摄影/Photos: Markus Bühler-Rasom)

Suspension and Transportation

Since the elements have very low tensile strength, forces must be evenly distributed along the lowest edge of the element during the installation process - blocks of unreinforced earth cannot be suspended from two points. With thinner and therefore lighter pieces, a wooden beam and several lifting straps suffice to distribute the weight. However, with larger and heavier elements, a specialized and custom-developed transport mechanism must be employed to allow adjustments on all three axes while setting the piece. To support the blocks from below, the first round of stamping includes a ladder-like structure made of round piping and iron rebar at the bottom. Anchor rods are then laid into these pipes and attached directly to the lifting gear with two steel plates (fig.2). The disadvantage of utilizing such an auxiliary construction is that it remains a part of the wall after placement. To reduce the complexity and avoid material waste, these steel constructions were replaced with wooden wedges, which could be stamped into the walls and driven through them after removing the formwork. As a result, the suspension straps can be attached directly through these gaps.

The straps attach the element to the lifting beam every 60 cm. The load is distributed through a system of cables between the block and the beams. The element is then aligned vertically onsite using two chain hoists (fig.3).

Installation Process

The element is placed on a bed of clay mortar approximately 1 cm thick, composed of the same materials. The friction-fit joining of the elements is actuated by their own weight, as the block embeds itself into the mortar. Clay must well out of the gap on all sides - this is the only way to ensure that the entire cavity has been filled. Once the block has been correctly placed on the mortar, its position is fixed with wooden wedges. After the mortar has dried, the entire load will bear down flat onto the element below. This is particularly important with rammed earth as compared with reinforced concrete, because

10 it cannot withstand tensile forces.

All the connections and joints between the individual elements are sealed during or just after the mounting process. However, preparation for this begins during production: a groove is notched into the vertical edges of the sides as well as the upwardfacing horizontal aspect. After the elements have been set, with a minimum gap of 1cm, the vertical grooves are filled with trass-lime mortar. Since these columns of trass-lime are stiffer than the earth and have different movement characteristics, the bottom of the groove is pitched with a trowel of soft clay. When the columns harden and then deform, they can expand into the softer clay.

The elements are horizontally connected by placing two contiguous iron rebar pieces in the horizontal grooves and embed them with trass-lime mortar. This functions similarly to the use of a ring beam for in situ rammed walls. Since there must be approximately 15cm covering the groove on both sides of the wall, it can be 15 cm wide in a 45cm thick wall, whereas a 35cm wall leaves only 5cm to play with. The groove is milled to a depth of about 6cm.

If the earth wall is not load bearing, it must be attached to the structural system on its inner façade. Reinforcing the horizontal grouting in between the elements is well suited to this purpose. A Z-shaped bracket enclosing the rebar can be used to friction-fit the element to the building’s loadbearing structure. Due to the relatively strong creep deformation exhibited by earth, it should be executed as a movable connection. Due to the use of iron spacers, the structural system and the façade retain their separate thermal envelopes.

Finally, after positioning and joining the elements, the seams are meticulously sealed and integrated into the rhythm of the striation. The breakthrough in prefabrication has only truly occurred since perfecting this retouching method, as this meant that the optical and archaic qualities of rammed earth could then be combined with an efficient fabrication process (fig.5-10).

Insulated Elements

So far, only single-leaf walls have been prefabricated. Preliminary tests for the production of cavity-wall modules have been conducted, in which a lightweight earth insulation layer is sandwiched between two rammed earth wythes. They can thus retain their aesthetic appearance and technical properties on both sides. As an additional benefit, the middle segment can be outfitted with heating and cooling conduits.□

编注/Editor's Note

i 德语Lehm Ton Erde (Loam Clay Earth) Baukunst GmbH译为壤土-粘土-泥土建筑艺术股份有限公司


Marko Sauer

Translated by SIMA Lei




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