

英语世界 2017年1期



Big Bird Diplomacy: Sesame Street’s 46-Year March Around the World


W ith the Arabic adaptation of Sesame Street returning after 25 years off the air, Vocativ looked at how the children’s show has been shaped by local politics in different countries.

[2] The Arabic adaptation of Sesame Street, called Iftah Ya Simsim (Open Sesame), returned to the Middle East after a 25-year hiatus. The show hadn’t aired since 1990, when Iraq invaded Kuwait and bombed the television studios where the program was fi lmed.

[3] Many of the old, beloved characters returned to the new show, including No’maan, the overweight camel.





[4] Since Sesame Street premiered in the U.S. in 1969, there has been 20 versions in different languages broadcast in more than 140 countries. As the show has spread around the world, it has often tackled dicey and taboo political topics, from Israel-Palestinian relations to AIDS in South Africa. Some international adaptations of Sesame Street have facedhardship, often fi nancial, that have forced the show off the air, but in many places, the one-of-a-kind characters and musical numbers have prevailed.

Brazil’s Sesame wins for Best Dance Song

[5] Brazil’s version of Sesame Street, Vila Sésamo, premiered in 1972 but was cancelled in 1977 due to high production costs. Its Big Bird, whose name was Garibaldo, was actually blue, but children couldn’t see that until 1974 when the show began airing in color. Until then, children watching the show in black and white had a fun time guessing what color he was. The only characters the original Vila Sésamo took from the American show were Ênio e Beto, or Bert and Ernie. Brazil revived the show in 2007, using more American characters and updating it with Cookie Monster and other newer faces.


[5] 1972年,巴西版《芝麻街》开播,后因制作成本高,于1977年停播。剧中大鸟,名叫伽利保多,其实是蓝色的,但直到1974年巴西播放彩色版,孩子们才知道这一点。此前播映的是黑白版,那期间孩子们一直都快乐地争相猜测大鸟的颜色。巴西原版的《芝麻街》中,只有伯特和厄尼两个动画人物取材自美国版《芝麻街》。2007年,巴西重新开播该动画片,吸收了美国版中的更多角色,增加了甜饼怪和其他新面孔。


[6] 1996年,鲍里斯·叶利钦再次当选俄罗斯总统。这一年,全新的俄语版《芝麻街》亮相。主人公叶利保巴是一个七英尺高的怪物。很奇怪,叶利保巴和巴西版的伽利保多看上去很像。叶利保巴明显拥有闻音乐的联觉能力。2006年,俄罗斯版《芝麻街》开播十周年,当时俄罗斯移民人口不断



Russia’s Sesame teaches kids what a telephone is for

[6] In 1996, the year Boris Yeltsin won re-election, Russia aired its own Sesame offshoot, Ulitsa Sezam, with a seven-foot tall monster named Zeliboba as its main character. Oddly enough, Zeliboba and Garibaldo resemble each other. Zeliboba is apparently a synesthete: he can smell music. For its 10-year anniversary in 2006, the showadded two sisters, Yamila and Altin, immigrants from Kazakhstan, to keep relevant with the growing immigrant population in the country.

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict plays out in Sesame

[7] A co-production of a Sesame Street branch by Israelis and Palestinians, inspired by the 1993 Oslo Peace Accords, premiered in 1998. It showed characters living on separate streets but crossing over peacefully to meet each other once in a while. In 2002, after the second intifada, the show disappeared and was replaced by a new co-production with the Palestinian Authority called Hikayat Simsim. That show depicted characters confined to their own streets and nationalities.


[7] 1993年,巴以签署《奥斯陆和平协议》。在协议促动下,巴以合作版《芝麻街》于1998年首播。节目中芝麻街的小伙伴们虽然住在不同的街道,但偶尔碰面都和平相处。2002年,第二次巴以冲突爆发后,巴以版《芝麻街》停播,新的巴勒斯坦官方合作版《芝麻街》取而代之,只讲述生活在巴勒斯坦街道的巴勒斯坦木偶们的故事。


[8] The latest version of the show in the Palestinian territories, Sesame Stories, was suspended in 2012 after the U.S. froze its Palestinian aid in response to their bid for non-member observer status at the United Nations. In January 2012, Rep. Keith Ellison of Minnesota gave a speech to the House of Representatives about how with no Sesame Street, Palestinian children were left watching an extremely antisemitic Mickey Mouse-looking creature named Farfour on a show created by Hamas. “This is Elmo. This guy taught us our 1, 2, 3’s, but he also taught ustolerance and understanding,” Ellison said. “For the past several years, he’s been doing the same thing for children in the Palestinian territories.” His argument fought to minimize Farfour and maximize tolerance.

Kosovo Sesame attempts to repair ethnic tensions

[9] Serbian and Albanian directors and producers worked together to create a Sesame show in Kosovo in 2004, called Rruga Sesam in Albanian and Ulica Sezam in Serbian, PBS reported. The show’s production came during a period of unrest in the region, when Albanians attacked Serbs in the most violent incident in the territory since the Kosovo War of 1998-99. The show teaches tolerance to Serbian and Albanian children after a decade of ethnic clashes.



South Africa’s Sesame creates first HIV-positive character

[10] Takalani Sesame, which fi rst aired in 2000, introduced the first ever HIV-positive Muppet, Kami, in 2002. South Africa has the highest prevalence of HIV or AIDS of any country in the world in 2011, with 5.6 million people living with HIV, according to UNAIDS numbers. Kami promotes acceptance for HIV-positive people by being relatable and intelligent, and she’s made several appearances at Peabody Awards and UNICEF events.


[10] 2000年,南非版《芝麻街》首播。2002年,新增成员卡米——第一个患有艾滋病的木偶。联合国艾滋病规划署数据显示,2011年南非是世界上感染艾滋病人数最多的国家,共有560万艾滋病患者。卡米呼吁人们接纳艾滋病患者,给予宽容与理解之心。卡米还曾参加皮博迪奖颁奖会和联合国儿童基金会的活动。



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