

农业工程学报 2017年24期

齐 飞,魏晓明,张跃峰


齐 飞,魏晓明,张跃峰

(1. 农业部规划设计研究院,北京 100125; 2. 农业部农业设施结构工程重点实验室,北京 100125)



0 引 言

从当前现代农业发展的要求看,“设施园艺”不仅是创造人工环境进行生产的过程,而应以整个产业链为基础、从实现使用价值的全过程出发,在广义上定义为:设施园艺是为农产品商品化各阶段提供最适宜环境和条件, 以摆脱自然环境和传统生产条件的束缚,从而获得高产、优质、高效农产品的现代农业经营活动,具有高投入、高产出、高效益的特点[1-2]。设施园艺技术主要由生物、环境、工程3部分组成,将具有明显工程特点、特别是装备(含设施)特征的技术统称为“装备技术”,即那些在不同层次上具有完整功能、直接或间接通过装备发挥效用的“设备、工艺、材料”,包括“种苗装备技术、生产装备技术、物流装备技术、管理装备技术”4方面[3]。


1 国内外设施园艺装备技术发展现状与比较

1.1 总体发展现状



1.2 种苗装备技术




1.3 生产装备技术


发达国家结合各自气候特征、经济水平、种植习惯开发出了诸如Venlo连栋温室[20-21]、管架塑料大棚、充气膜温室等适合各自国情的设施类型,形成了精准化的设计理论工具,如荷兰开发了Classim、Kaspro等模拟软件,对Venlo温室温光性能提升和结构优化起到了重要推动作用[22-23],荷兰国家应用科学研究院(Netherlands Organisation for Applied Science Research, TNO)开发了CASTA温室结构计算软件供荷兰统一使用。日本农业食品产业技术综合研究机构(National Agriculture and Food Research Organization, NARO)、大学开发了超低成本并可抵御50m/s风载的连栋管架塑料大棚。发达国家还不断推出新的装备,如荷兰开发了减反射玻璃(anti-relection, AR)使透光率提高6%~8%,散射光玻璃提高作物产量10%左右[24];在节能上除已开发的浅层地热能、中空玻璃保温、热电联产(combined heat and power, CHP)技术外,在光伏温室结构形式[25-27]、光伏布置方式对作物影响[28-30]和下一代半封闭(semi-closed)温室[31-32]的研究方面也取得较好进展,经统计可将温室每年每平方米天然气能耗由40 m3降低到8 m3。

中国连栋温室最早由国外引进,设施装备主要参照荷兰、美国等模式,目前基本实现国产化,但在结构设计理论、重要部件生产方面仍依赖国外。如中国至今未正式颁布连栋温室的设计规范,温室企业也参照荷兰、美国等国的规范进行设计;中国许多环境调控设备实现了国产化[33-34],但在设备间协同发挥以及栽培设备的匹配上,仍不尽人意。中国日光温室已超过70万hm2,在装备上形成了不少具有鲜明特色和生产效用的产品[35-39],在光热传递机理研究[40-45]、温室结构标准化[46-48]、设施装备工程化方面取得了很多成果。但从产业发展的角度来看,95%以上设施简陋、装备水平低、环境调控及防灾能力差、劳动强度高;在结构方面种类繁多,缺乏规范,类型达20多种[49],致使很多地方日光温室建筑、结构形式不合理,严重制约了保温蓄热性能的发挥,造成了大量的资源浪费和经济损失[50-53];日光温室自动化程度较低,大部分温室缺少环境调控和自动化操作设备[54],单位面积劳动生产率仅为日本的1/20、美国的1/40[55],温室番茄年产10~15 kg/m2,黄瓜15~20 kg/m2,为国际先进水平的1/5~1/4[56],目前还面临着成本升高、土地紧缺、比较效益降低、产品安全问题突出的挑战。近年来,中国温室研发人员也开展针对性的研究,不断开发新型日光温室结构形式[57-60],来改变以上存在的问题。

1.4 物流装备技术


发达国家十分重视物流装备的研发,将其作为设施园艺商品化的最重要环节之一。荷兰20世纪50年代起就有专门的研发企业,几乎与温室同步。以最常用的输送设备为例,美国、荷兰等国利用物流输送系统节约了30%的人工费用[61]。荷兰盆花生产各环节均由输送带、自动搬运轨道、苗床天车和叉车等有机连接,构成了内部物流体系,大大提高了效率,减轻了劳动强度[62],如Walking Plant System使人工减少60%、空间使用率提高20%。装备应用极大提高了劳动生产效率,自动化则大幅减少了劳力、降低了操作失误;更重要的是,主要环节的自动化,为信息化提供了条件,在荷兰,生产管理软件应用达到100%。


1.5 管理装备技术




2 中国设施园艺装备技术发展中存在的问题

2.1 技术研发系统性和持续性不够


2.2 与装备匹配的农艺参数缺乏长期的积累


2.3 装备的整体性和工程性亟需提高


2.4 系统化的前瞻性研究还未展开


3 未来重点研究方向

3.1 中国区域化园艺作物生长机理的长期协同研究


3.2 北方日光温室升级换代工程技术研究

为进一步提高日光温室资源利用率、土地产出率、劳动生产率,以新设施、新材料、新装备为重点,开展适应不同区域的节地、节能、节劳动力、四季兼用的日光温室标准化新结构和栽培模式,使土地利用率、单位产量、人均管理规模得到显著提高。通过此项研究,也为实现其他2个近远期目标打好基础,一是为解决日光温室日益严重的性能下降问题,为其改造重建提供技术支撑和装备条件;二是为着手研发10 a后日光温室的全面换代产品提供技术经验和装备配套模式。

3.3 全产业链自动化关键技术与装备研究

以温室生产集约化、精细化、规模化、高效化为目标,以番茄、黄瓜等大宗果菜为对象,瞄准世界先进水平,研究从籽种、生产到物流的全产业链自动化生产装备,如育苗生产研发集成基质处理、消毒、填料、播种、催芽、转运、移苗等技术装备;生产环节集成建造、环境控制、营养管理、植保、采收、低碳装备等等,以信息化为管理手段,在中小规模上实现作物的优质高产指标(如番茄稳产达到75 kg/m2以上);同时探索小规模新型“鱼菜共生”系统的技术模式。该前瞻性研究的重点是通过国产装备的研发集成实现设施整体功能最优,不仅为各类高新技术在其他低端设施上的应用提供有针对性的借鉴,也为在基本定量的前提下实现商业化的高效生产打下良好基础。

3.4 设施园艺信息化智能化装备技术研究


3.5 非耕地基地化与城镇化装备技术研究


4 意见和建议

4.1 制订设施园艺装备技术创新发展规划


4.2 实施设施园艺“全面赶超”发展计划

通过综合性发展计划在短时间内提升设施园艺产业的发展质量和水平是许多国家的成功经验。如2011年荷兰农业部制定的“Kas als energiebron”计划[69],日本2009年推出的《植物工厂基础技术研究基地事业》和《植物工厂实证、展示和研修事业》[70]、2014年推出的《次世代设施园艺推进事业》[71]等。中国也应针对整个设施园艺产业的薄弱环节、长期短板和国家现代农业发展的阶段性要求,从装备技术提升、节能减排、经营效益等方面,制订综合性的技术促进和产业促进“全面赶超”计划,从技术、资金、人才、政策等多方面为设施园艺在短期内实现适度的跨越式发展提供新契机、新动力。

4.3 创新体制机制激发协同主体研发活力


4.4 强化设施园艺技术推广服务体系建设


5 结 论


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Development status and future research emphase on greenhouse horticultural equipment and its relative technology in China

Qi Fei, Wei Xiaoming, Zhang Yuefeng

(1.100125,; 2.,100125,)

With the fast increasing of greenhouse scale, the Chinese greenhouse horticultural equipment industry also developed rapidly in recent years. A complete technology system would be establishing gradually. On account of shortage for influencing mechanism between greenhouse environment and plant demand, poor matching of greenhouse with equipment and low level of the whole equipment manufacturing industry, the level of greenhouse horticultural equipment in China is lower than that in developed country in the aspects of technical content, stability, information and intelligent level. The mechanization rate of greenhouse horticulture in China is only 32.45% in 2012, and there was imbalance of mechanization rate among the processes of greenhouse horticulture such as plough, cultivate, harvest, environmental control and so on. These situation limiting the improvement of effectiveness level and labor productivity of greenhouse horticulture industry in China. After the announcement of Made in China 2025 Action Plan, it is necessary to make a systematic summary for equipment and relative technology of greenhouse horticulture in China, and to point out the research main points of the greenhouse horticultural equipment which play the real supporting function roles in greenhouse horticulture. Based on obtaining the present status of Chinese greenhouse horticulture equipment technology exactly, the level of greenhouse horticulture equipment in China was compared with that in the developed country from the aspects of seeding breeding equipment, cultivation producing equipment, logistics transporting equipment, plant management equipment, and the relative gap between countries was found. Meanwhile, the problems existing in the development of Chinese greenhouse horticulture equipment technology were point out, such as: lacking of systematic and constant research and innovation, shortage of accumulation in agronomic technique matching with equipment, absence of systematic research for future technology, insufficiency of integrity and engineering for equipment. The future key research tasks in Chinese greenhouse horticulture equipment were formulated, such as: 1)long-term collaborative research for regional greenhouse horticultural crop growth mechanism, which conducted the continues monitoring for equipment, environment and crop physiology in multi-span greenhouse, Chinese solar greenhouse in the north of China and plastic film greenhouse in the south of China, and established the relation model between mainly environment parameters and crop yield under different greenhouse equipment conditions in different region; 2)technology research for upgrade and update of Chinese solar greenhouse, which developed the new greenhouse structure and cultivation model to achieve whole year planting, labor force saving, land saving and energy saving; 3) whole industrial chain automatic production technology and equipment research, which developed the equipment for seed breeding, cultivation, harvesting and logistics, to archived vegetable automatic production in greenhouse; 4) research for greenhouse horticulture intelligent management equipment, which developed the information management software for large greenhouse production and established regional greenhouse horticulture cloud computing database; 5) research for non-cultivated land greenhouse equipment, which integrated the water saving irrigation technology and soilless cultivation technology to archive planting in greenhouse in non-cultivated land. The policy suggestions were also put forward such as making greenhouse horticultural equipment technology innovation plan, establishing technology promotion service system and so on. This article should provide an important reference for making future planning and policy by government and scientific research institutions and for guiding the innovation of Chinese greenhouse horticulture equipment technology.

greenhouses; equipment; technology; greenhouse horticulture; development status; research emphasis








齐 飞,总工程师、研究员,主要从事温室结构、设备、材料和产业发展方面的研究。

齐 飞,魏晓明,张跃峰. 中国设施园艺装备技术发展现状与未来研究方向[J]. 农业工程学报,2017,33(24):1-9. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.24.001

Qi Fei, Wei Xiaoming, Zhang Yuefeng. Development status and future research emphase on greenhouse horticultural equipment and its relative technology in China[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(24): 1-9. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.24.001

