Abstracts and Key Words
s and Key Words
Abstract:Based on the paradigm of sociology, centered on the relationship between technology and society, the theory of social shaping of technology included three theoretical schools:(1) the theory of technology system represented by Thomas Hughes; (2) the actor-network theory represented by Latour; and(3) theory of social construction represented by Pinch and Bijker. Theory of social shaping of technology has opened up a new field of research in philosophy of technology while it also has many theoretical weaknesses.
Key words:technology; society; constructivism; experiential turn
● Several Issues of Informationalized Technocracy in the Ubiquitous Society
LIU Yongmou, LAN Lishan
Abstract:The ubiquitous society based on the ubiquitous network is taking shape at present. The technocracy plays an important role in the ubiquitous society, and becomes the basic characters of ubiquitous society governance. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is the crucial factor of the technocracy of ubiquitous society, for instance, the internet of things and the big data technology promote the application of technocracy. However, ICT also brings about some social risks due to the limitation of technocracy. The question that how to use ICT to improve the technocracy while evade its social risks is very important for the development of ubiquitous society and the construction of technocracy.
ubiquitous society; information and communication technology; technocracy; social risk
● Quantum Information Technology and Its Philosophical Implications
WU Guolin
Abstract:The ordinary technology is classical technology. When the combination of quantum mechanics and information science produced quantum information theory, a direct quantum information technology comes out. Quantum information technology belongs to ecological technology, and its will promote the arrival of quantum information civilization. The complexity of objective world that classical algorithms cannot overcome is likely to be overcome by quantum algorithms, which suggests that objective complexity is related to people’s ability of understanding and the level of science and technology. The being of quantum information technology reveals its essence, and it is the unity of quantum elements, quantum structure and proper function. The intention of man is the potential factor in the realism of technical artifacts.
Key words:quantum entanglement; quantum information technology; quantum information civilization;complexity, essence
● Reviews on the Risks of Artif i cial Intelligence
WANG Zhidong
Abstract:At present, the technology of artificial intelligence has been rapidly developed, especially when AlphaGo defeats the world s most distinguished Go player Lee Sedol with 4:1 score. People look forward to the positive development of artificial intelligence, while they are very concerned about its risks. What will artificial intelligence bring to human beings in the future? Do the risks exist? What is the mechanism that generates those risks? To what extent do they mutually relate? How can we prevent those risks? These questions need to be explored from different perspectives, and philosophy has its own special missions.
Key words:artificial intelligence; risks of technology; boundary between man and machine
● Philosophical Ref l ection on Human-Computer Relationship
Abstract:The relationship of human-machine used to be explained by the theory of enslavement and the theory of tools. The two types of theory can’t interpret the current relationship of human-computer. To understand the concept of software is the key to grasp the current relationship of human-computer. From the perspective of dynamic information theory, software is inherently interactive interface of human and computer.It is the software that makes computer become more and more intelligent, turns the relation of human and computer more intimate, and renders computer change the mode of human thinking and knowing. Then, we refresh our understanding of the relationship between human and computer. Through software, computer carry on intentional and intelligent property of humans, and the transduction of human and computer construct infosphere that is new inhabit of human. Human-computer relationship is close to interpersonal relationship, and human and computer will inhabit in info-sphere equally, cooperate with each other, and to play a symphony of human civilization together.
Key words:information; software; interaction interface; human-computer relationship
● Realizing Philosophy: Marx, Lukács and the Frankfurt School
Andrew Feenberg
Abstract:There is a trend in the thought characteristics and style through the Hegelian Marxism of Marx’s early work, Luk cs, Korsch, Bloch, and the Frankfurt School. Realizing Philosophy depends on philosophy of praxis, and metacritique is the basis of philosophy of praxis. Metacritique is defined in the field of political economy in Marx’s early work. Luk cs s Concept of Reification is the original basic theory of capitalism crisis,the metacritique of rationality is the most significant link between the Frankfurt School and earlier philosophy of praxis. At present, the critical theory of technology refused to confine Marxism theory to the realm of political economics. The move from a general critique of reason as such to a critique of its various realizations in technologies and technical disciplines renews philosophy of praxis.
Key words:philosophy of praxis; realizing philosophy; metacritique; critical theory of technology
● Marx’s Thought of Social Power and Its Contemporary Meanings
Abstract:Marx’s thought of social power mainly refers to domination and controlled relations between humans. Started from the critique of Hegel’s philosophy of right, this thought runs through the course of Marx’s thought. Interpreting Marx’s thought of social power, there are two main aspects. On one hand Marx makes a difference between society and politics. Such distinction reinterprets that the movement of individual is the movement of community at the same time. On the other hand, Marx also makes a difference between power and right. With the research of “pre-rational” relations of power, Marx revealed the emotional domain of the activity of power, and he also indicates through the research of alienated labor that behind the equal relationships of right is the unequal relationships of domination and control. Finally, the contemporary significance of social power is manifested as a critique of ideology and political institutions, as well as the dominate power of present society:capital. In contemporary China, this thought of social power manifestsa criticism towards ideology and political system, and also a criticism towards the dominant power of our day-capital.
Key words:society; power; politics; right; capital; Chinese society
● Husserl on the Construction of the Other
MA Yinghui
Abstract:From the semantic point of view, “the other” actually means “alter ego” . On the premise that“the other” is considered as a being in the noema-ontic sense, Husserl starts from the noesis-noema parallelism and proceeds layer upon layer, successively understands “the other” as the mirroring of ego, i.e., the object of my passive pairing and association, and primordial coexistence in my primal establishment of meaning in phenomenology of habituality and instinct. Although Husserl does not further interrogating the origin of absoluteness as “absolute here” occupied by the primordial co-existence in the intentional fusion, his intensive analysis on the construction of “the other” at pre-I stage becomes an important reference for the research of “the other” in modern philosophy.
Key words:the other; noesis-noema; pairing; primordial co-existence; absoluteness
● The Three Issues on Yuan Dynasty Scholar Zheng Yu’s Interpretation of Chun Qiu: Based on Chun Qiu Que Yi
Abstract:Zheng Yu’s interpretation on Spring and Autumn was based on the distinction between “Spring and Autumn that had not been repaired by the sage” and “that had been repaired by the sage”, and he criticized Du Yu and Kong Yingda’s definition of Spring and Autumn and insisted that Spring and Autumn was a scripture rather than a history book. This was against the opinion of Zhu Xi et al, who believed that the Spring and Autumn was a historical book. Zheng Yu believed that Duyu, Kong Yingda and Gongyang’s statement of Spring and Autumn essentially ended in Huang Chi. He developed Meng Zi’s point of view on “the fact”, “the diction”and “the meaning” to clarify its meaning. In his opinion, statue of the king was the core of it and its goal was to extinguish desires. About the ways of interpreting Confucian classics, the previous contradictory solution had become coordinated and was brought out the best in each other, which was based on his definition on the nature of Spring and Autumn.
Key words:“Chun qiu”; leave the question open; Zheng Yu
● Bernard Williams on Moral Relativism
WEI Benqun
Abstract:Bernard Williams proposes a doctrine called “relativism of distance”, which he claims to be the truth of relativism. According to this doctrine, we should suspend our moral judgments of the distantly past or future, because there is no way for us of going over those outlooks and hence they stand in merely notional confrontation with our own outlook. In this paper, I shall clarify and examine this doctrine. I argue that Williams’s distinction between real and notional confrontation cannot serve his purpose of confining the suspension of moral appraisal only to diachronic confrontations. To prove this point, I will, based on other parts of Williams’s ethical thought, reconstruct his argument for relativism of distance.
Key words:Williams; relativism of distance; real option; notional confrontation; internal reason
● The Quasi-realist Logic of Attitudes
ZHU Shiyong
Abstract:Quasi-realism takes moral propositions as expressing attitudes, and has developed logical form of moral languages and the interpretation of the validity of inference of them. On the whole, quasi-realism’s deflationary theory of truth confuses truth with truth value, but its helps to correct realism of truth value and understand the validity of inference; its interpretation of the validity of inference has touched the nature of logic validity, so those criticisms miss the mark that quasi-realism confused attitudinal conflicts with logical ones.Quasi-realism has a one-sided understanding of the function of moral propositions. It confused moral propositions with propositions of attitude description and sentences for attitude expression. Taking moral categories as loading values and moral propositions as descriptions on that logical base, the semantic attribution of moral proposition is really anti-realistic, but their validity of inference can be interpreted by the deflationary theory of truth.
Key words:moral proposition; attitude; logic; truth; truth value
● From Mechanical Reductionism to Methodology of Information Ecology: Successful Approach to Innovation for AI Theory
Abstract:The results of competition between AlphaGo and human players have aroused heated discussions. Some of the social scientists are worried that AI machineries might surpass humans while some of the natural scientists are thinking which kind of technical directions should be selected for study. These are certainly serious thoughts. Yet, the paper argues that the most important thing for present is the innovation of fundamental research on AI. It is well known that the methodology is the key for scientific research. Hence, the innovation in methodology is the most urgent task.
Key words:mechanical reductionism; information ecology; unified AI theory
● Three Paths of Social Shapingof Technology
ZHENG Xiaosong