

试题与研究·中考英语 2016年3期





21. —Hi, Sam! Could you tell me when ____ Smiths from ____ European country will come to visit us?

—Sorry, I dont know.

A. the; an B. the; a

C. /; the D. /; an

22. Helen thinks ____ difficult to climb to the top of the mountain in an hour.

A. that B. this

C. one D. it

23. —____ do you practice your spoken English?

—I often practice it by ____ English movies.

A. Why; watch

B. Where; watch

C. How; watching

D. When; to watch

24. Mary is very shy. She ____ goes out and she has few friends.

A. often B. always

C. seldom D. usually

25. Mr. Wang used to ____ dinner in the restaurant, but now he is used to ____ every meal with his family at home.

A. have; eat

B. have; eating

C. having; eat

D. having; eating

26. Jennys uncle is a scientist. She is proud ____ him.

A. from B. at

C. in D. of

27. To plan your time better, you can make a ____ of the things you need to do first.

A. list B. project

C. number D. lot

28. The doctor said he was overweight and should pay attention ____ exercise.

A. to do B. to doing

C. do D. does

29. —Why did you look anxious?

—I wasnt sure ____ to my birthday party or not.

A. whether Bob will come

B. if will Bob come

C. whether Bob would come

D. if Bob would come

30. Every day, too much water ____ in our school. We should save it.

A. is wasted B. wastes

C. was wasted D. wasted

31. To keep safe, we should avoid ____ this street at rush hours.

A. cross B. to cross

C. crossing D. crossed

32. His lovely dog has been ____ for two years but he always misses him.

A. die B. dead

C. death D. dying

33. —Dont smoke any more. Its bad for your health.

—Im trying to ____. Its really hard, you know.

A. give it up B. put it off

C. turn it on D. take it out

34. —Lets go fishing if it ____ this weekend.

—But nobody knows if it ____.

A. is fine; will rain

B. will be fine; rains

C. will be fine; will rain

D. is fine; rains

35. —Thanks a lot for what youve done for us.


A. Its my pleasure

B. It doesnt matter

C. Thats right

D. You seem to have a point



I always hated my mom because she worked a lot when I was little, and I didnt see much of her. Once we got in 36 a big fight that I ran away from home. 37 she found me, she sent me to a self-help class.

During the breaks and at lunch, I met a lot of great people. When the first day ended, I was actually looking forward to going back the next day, mostly 38 my new friends.

On Saturday, the head teacher asked us, “What is your racket?” He 39 that everyone has a “racket”—a bad way of behaving. You should 40 up your racket.

I realized that my racket was lying. I lied about a lot of things to make life interesting. I even used to feel 41 . But now it was necessary for me to 42 my lying habit.

By the end of the second day, people were starting to change.

On Sunday, the head teacher did an interesting exercise. This exercise was used to show that sometimes you dont have a(n) 43 in life, and you have to accept the situation instead of complaining.

This hit me 44 . I realized that, for better or for worse, my mom was my mom. I couldnt choose another one, but I could try to make the best of the situation.

When I got home from it, I knew I could

45 my relationship (关系) with my mom.

36. A. so B. such

C. very D. quite

37. A. After B. Before

C. Until D. When

38. A. because B. instead

C. instead of D. because of

39. A. promised B. told

C. explained D. believed

40. A. give B. set

C. pick D. look

41. A. surprised B. proud

C. rude D. angry

42. A. reuse B. rewrite

C. retell D. rethink

43. A. decision B. choice

C. advice D. reason

44. A. hardly B. difficultly

C. hard D. easily

45. A. drop B. decide

C. choose D. change




Mum was driving the car. The car was stuck (被困住的) in traffic. Sam and Mona were in the back of the car. “Are we nearly there yet?” asked Mona. “Im sorry but theres a lot of traffic.” answered Mum.

Mona made a face at Sam. Sam made a face back at Mona. Mona was angry. They began to fight each other.

Mum asked them to stop and play a game called “I spy (发现)”. “I spy with my little eyes; something begins with DGFETWM.” said Mona in a bored voice. “Oh dear, you cant have all these letters.” Sam didnt agree with Mona and they began to fight each other again.

At last! The traffic jam was moving. The car started to move. “I never wanted to go to the seaside anyway. Theres never any sun ...” said Mona. “Didnt I tell you to be quiet?” said Mum. “Yes, you did. Be quiet, Mona.” said Sam. Mona sat there quietly.

No one said in the car. “Are we nearly there yet?” After a while, Mona couldnt help asking Mum. No one answered. Sam laughed loudly.

“Are we nearly there yet?” Mona went on asking Mum. A smile broke out over Mums face. She stopped the car, “Yes. Were here.”

Mona got out of the car. “This is going to be SO boring. This is going to be … Oh, wait a moment! The suns out … Look how blue the sea is … Come on, Sam! Im so glad we come!” said Mona. They were very happy now.

46. Why did Mum stop her car at first?

A. Because there was a traffic jam.

B. Because Mona and Sam fought each other.

C. Because Mum was very angry.

D. Because they were waiting for their father.

47. According to the passage, the family wanted to go to the ____.

A. beach B. park

C. zoo D. mountain

48. When Mum told Mona and Sam to play games, Mona was ____.

A. angry B. bored

C. excited D. interested

49. We can know Mona was a(n) ____ girl.

A. clever B. shy

C. quiet D. naughty

50. Whats the best title of the passage?

A. The Mona family.

B. Are we nearly there yet?

C. Mona and Sam.

D. A boring driving trip.


Many people ask me what I think is my favourite invention. I find it very hard to answer them, because there are so many things in my life that I could choose. However, I have chosen a pen. Do you think its surprising?

I know that to most people a pen is very boring, but, to me, it stands for possibility (可能). There are so many things you can do with a pen. You could write a novel or a song, record information, or draw a picture.

For me, a pen is like the beginning of something amazing. Every day, I write a new page with my pen, and I am slowly paving a path for my future. Maybe I will be a scientist and change the world with my discoveries. Maybe Ill become a musician and touch peoples hearts with my music. Or perhaps I will be a writer and move people through words … or a teacher can help children grow into the people they will become.

There are so many endless possibilities as to what I will do with my life, but I know that with my pen in my hand, I will write a good future for myself. Tell me what future YOU will write for yourself!

51. Maybe people feel ____ after they know the writer has chosen a pen.

A. bored B. interested

C. excited D. amazed

52. The writer wants to be ____ in the future to touch peoples hearts through words.

A. a scientist B. a musician

C. a writer D. a teacher

53. The underlined word “endless” means “____”.

A. with end B. at the end

C. in the end D. without end

54. The writer wants to tell us ____.

A. why a pen is the most important invention for him

B. what a pen can help him do

C. why he wants to have a good pen

D. why a pen can help him to have a good future

55. Where does the passage most probably come from?

A. A grammar book.

B. A science website.

C. A dictionary.

D. A travel guide.


Public holidays in the United States[Date\&Official Name\&Remarks\&January 1\&New


Day\&Celebrates beginning of the year. Festivities include counting down to midnight (12:00 AM) on the preceding night, New Years Eve, often with firework display and party. \&Last

Monday in May\&Memorial Day\&Honors the nations war dead from the Civil War onwards; marks the beginning of the summer season. (traditionally May 30, shifted by the Uniform Holidays Act 1968)\&July 4\&Independ-ence

Day\&Celebrates the signing of the Declaration of Independence from British rule, also called the Fourth of July. Firework celebrations are held in many cities throughout the nation.\&First




Day\&Celebrates the achievements of workers and the labor movement; marks the unofficial (非官方的) end of the summer season.\&Second Monday in October\&Columbus Day\&Honors Columbus, traditional discoverer of the Americas. In some areas it is also a celebration of Italian culture. (traditionally October 12). In some states, it is celebrated as “Indigenous (土生土长的) Peoples Day” as a celebration of the Native Ameri-cans, not Columbus.\&Fourth


in November\&Thanks-giving

Day\&Traditionally celebrates the giving of thanks for the autumn harvest. Traditionally includes the sharing of a turkey dinner. Traditional start of the Christmas and holiday season.\&]

56. Memorial Day is ____.

A. on May 30

B. at the beginning of the summer season

C. on last Monday in May

D. to honor the Civil War

57. Which day is to honor the discoverer of the Americas?

A. Thanksgiving Day.

B. Columbus Day.

C. Labor Day.

D. Independence Day.

58. Traditionally Thanksgiving Day is a day of thanking for ____.

A. parents B. god

C. the autumn D. the autumn harvest

59. Which holiday is in September?

A. Memorial Day. B. Independence Day.

C. Labor Day. D. Columbus Day.

60. Where would you probably read this passage?

A. In a story book.

B. In a maths book.

C. In a newspaper.

D. In a geographic magazine.


Recently, a very simple question became widely spread online: What should China be proud of? 61

Lanlan, whose real name is Negar Kordi, is from Canada. She came to China five years ago and is a student at Ningbo University. Now she has 120,000 fans on the Internet and the number is still growing.

Lanlan loves China and Chinese. 62

And thats why she is so well received among Chinese net friends. The following is China in her eyes.

“It is the easiest country in which to find a job. If you are not too lazy, it is really very simple to find a job in China. I believe therere more job chances here than in any other country in the world.”

“ 63 About 400 million Chinese are studying English. If they can speak good English in the future, China will have the greatest number of English speakers of any non-English speaking country.”

“The speed of Chinese trains is fast. From Ningbo to Beijing, the train runs 1,365 kilometers for seven hours and the ticket fare is only 595 yuan.”

“Its public security is great. 64 I have travelled in many countries, and I think China really is very safe.”

“There are much more things China should be proud of. Many Chinese people often criticize(批评) China. At first, I believed that they didnt like China or that they loved Western countries. But later, I realized that they just set a very high standard for China. 65 China must be much better than other countries.”


A. The foreign language level is surprising.

B. This country of 1.4 billion people makes me feel safe.

C. A foreign girl living in China gave a very touching answer.

D. They believe that its not enough to be number one in the world.

E. She believes China will be the strongest country in the world in future.



[choose,life, with, what, different, work, say, be, because, change, find, difficult\&]

Life is difficult for most of people now. But it probably used 66 even more difficult. Problems now are more different than it was before. Poor people have now worse 67 than those 500 years ago.

Living now is probably easier, 68 we can do much more things people couldnt do in the past. Travelling to other continents was impossible for common people. Now we can fly around the world 69 aeroplanes and we are able to go to any place on earth, and go there in a day. But in the past it wasnt possible and people even didnt know that some continents are existing (存在). The biggest 70 was made in spreading (传播) information. We can find almost any information we want in a few minutes, if we have connection to Internet and we know where 71 that information.

But life is difficult because we never have enough time to do 72 we want. In the past people didnt have to live so fast. But now we want to produce more and get more money, so we spend more time 73 .

Life today is much 74 than it was in the past. It is hard 75 which life is easier and better, this now or that in the past. I think we should take more free time in our lives, make our life easier and try to enjoy it as much as possible.



Nathan: There are many festivals in September and October in our country. 76. __________ ________________

Li Fei: Yes, its on the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar (阴历) month. We call it Mid-Autumn Festival.

Nathan: 77. _________________________

Li Fei: We enjoy the full moon.

Nathan: 78. _________________________ Could you tell me about Mid-Autumn Festival?

Li Fei: Oh, it is an important festival in China. We get together and eat mooncakes.

Nathan: 79. _________________________ Are they delicious?

Li Fei: 80. _________________________ The mooncake is a kind of traditional food that is eaten during Mid-Autumn Festival. Hey, Why dont you spend Mid-Autumn Festival with us this year? You can try mooncakes by yourself.

Nathan: Great! Thank you!



1. 大胆自信;

2. 放慢语速;

3. 借助图画或肢体语言等表达方式。

注意:1. 词数80~100;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 信中不能出现与本文相关的信息;

4. 开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。

参考词汇:自信的confident;肢体语言 body language

Dear Jack,

How is everything going? I am very glad to learn that you are coming to China this summer.


Best wishes!


Li Hua


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