

试题与研究·中考英语 2016年3期






1. (2016年天津卷) Every year many foreign friends come to see the ____ of Tianjin, such as Tianjin Eye and Haihe River.

A. concerts B. plays

C. cartoons D. sights

2. (2016年山西卷) During the next few days, I decided to have a good ____ by taking a walk or seeing a movie. I really need to relax.

A. meal B. sleep

C. rest

3. (2016年广东卷) The broken ____ may cut into your hand if you touch it. You should be careful.

A. glass B. glasses

C. candle D. candles

4. (2016年河北卷) Your ____ is very helpful. I guess Ill take it.

A. secret B. advice

C. promise D. purpose

5. (2016年绵阳卷) He was born in Germany, but he has made China his ____.

A. family B. address

C. house D. home

6. (2016年泰安卷) —What do you prefer for lunch, darling?

—Id like ____, such as tomatoes, carrots or cabbages.

A. meat B. eggs

C. vegetables D. fruit


1. D。“天津之眼”和“海河”都是外国游客们欣赏的“景观”,根据句意推理,应选择sights。

2. C。后句的意思是“我确实需要放松一下”。根据这个意思推断,本题应选择rest。另外还需注意,空格后有by taking a walk or seeing a movie,限定了不能填sleep。

3. A。由may cut into your hand可知应选择glass(玻璃)。glasses的意思是“眼镜”,candle的意思是“蜡烛”,均不符合句意。

4. B。helpful的意思是“有帮助的”,本句中take的意思是“采纳”,根据句意应选择advice(建议)。

5. D。本题的最大干扰项是family。family表示“家庭”,指的是家庭成员,如父母、子女、妻子、丈夫、兄妹等;而home表示“家”,指的是家庭成员所在的地方,特别是家人日常生活的场所,不能指人。本句意思是“他已经把中国当成家了”,因此应选择home。

6. C。tomatoes,carrots以及cabbages都是蔬菜名称,据此推理应选择vegetables。




1. (2016年安徽卷) Cathy has such a good ____ that she won many prizes in singing competition last year.

A. sleep B. idea

C. voice D. time

2. (2016年江西卷) Some old people need a ____ because they feel lonely.

A. gift B. stick

C. pet D. watch

3. (2016年德州卷) Bill will be a(n) ____ to interview the football players in the coming Rio 2016 Olympics.

A. guest B. reporter

C. tourist D. engineer

4. (2016年盐城卷) Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your ____, you must keep moving.

A. promise B. position

C. balance D. ability

5. (2016年东营卷) —Why do people never cut up the ____ on their birthdays?

—Because they are a symbol of long life.

A. eggs B. cakes

C. noodles D. dumplings

6. (2016年青岛卷) Nancy took her temperature and found she had a ____.

A. cough B. toothache

C. cold D. fever

7. (2016年襄阳卷) —Look! So many colorful bicycles in two lines over there.

—Theyre for public. This ____ of green smart traffic is everywhere in Xiangyang city.

A. number B. pair

C. kind D. piece

8. (2016年温州卷) When an earthquake happens, I think the most important safety ____ is to keep calm.

A. rule B. doubt

C. condition D. problem


1. C。后半句意为“她在歌唱比赛中获得了许多奖项”,根据常识,应选择voice表示“Cathy有那么好的嗓音”。

2. C。they feel lonely的意思是“老人(独自生活)会感觉孤单”,按照常识推理,他们需要有宠物陪伴,应选择pet。

3. B。根据“记者采访”的常识应选择reporter,表示“比尔想当一名记者”。

4. C。前句意思是“生活就像是骑自行车”。根据常识,要保持平衡,你就得不停地动,因此应选择balance。

5. C。根据中国传统,过生日时吃的是“长寿面”,据此常识便可知本题应选择noodles。

6. D。took her temperature的意思是“量体温”,根据常识,应选择fever表示“她发烧了”。

7. C。green smart traffic的意思是“既环保又灵巧的交通工具”,根据常识,自行车属于交通工具的一种,因此选择kind。

8. A。本题应选择rule,表示“地震发生时最重要的安全规则是保持镇静”。


解答名词试题,有时需要根据逻辑分析推理,从所给的选项中选出符合题干话语逻辑的名词。解题时尤其要注意对though, because, and, but, or或however等连词或副词的前后内容进行逻辑分析。


1. (2016年河南卷) —Are you going out with Jade tonight?

—Thats my ____. Mind your own!

A. offer B. business

C. question D. chance

2. (2016年武汉卷) —Look! The boss is angry with Alex.

—Well, he came late again. But theres no ____ to shout at him.

A. problem B. lesson

C. excuse D. reason

3. (2016年随州卷) Peter didnt tell his parents that he was going home because he wanted to give them a ____.

A. note B. surprise

C. call D. gift

4. (2016年达州卷) —Why did Lucy look unhappy?

—Because she was so careless that she made many spelling ____ in her homework.

A. friends B. plans

C. decisions D. mistakes

5. (2016年苏州卷) Steve Jobs was full of ____—always coming up with new ideas which led to great changes in society.

A. instruction B. invitation

C. introduction D. invention


1. B。“Mind your own!”的意思是“管好你自己的事”,即“别多管闲事”。按话语逻辑推理,前句说的应该是“这是我的事”,因此应选择business。提示:“Mind your own!”是“Mind your own business!”的省略表示法。

2. D。前句意思是“Alex又迟到了”,而且but表示转折,故后句意思应该是“老板也没有理由对Alex大声训斥”,因此应选择reason。

3. B。主句意思是“Peter没有把他要回家的消息告诉父母”,按逻辑推理,原因是“他想给他们一个惊喜”,因此应选择surprise。

4. D。主句中she was so careless的意思是“她太粗心了”,根据逻辑推理,that从句的意思应该是“她在家庭作业中犯了许多拼写错误”,因此应选择mistakes。

5. D。always coming up with new ideas which led to great changes in society的意思是“总是能想出引起社会变革的新主意”,根据逻辑推理,这表明Steve Jobs富有“创造力”,因此应选择invention。




1. (2016年连云港卷) —Its useful for the deaf people to learn sign language.

—Yes, its a major way of ____ for them.

A. suggestion B. vacation

C. production D. communication

2. (2016年自贡卷) —How can I get some ____ about the 2016 Olympic Games?

—Why not search the Internet?

A. information B. experience

C. practice

3. (2016年黄冈卷) —Could you take out the rubbish and do the dishes, Tony?

—Sure. Mother will be mad if she sees this ____, I think.

A. matter B. mess

C. trouble D. difficulty

4. (2016年衡阳卷) —The last bus has left. What should we do?

—Lets take a taxi. We have no other ____ now.

A. choice B. reason

C. habit


1. D。对方说的是learn sign language(学习肢体语言),根据语境,应选择communication表示“肢体语言是他们的一种主要交流方式”。

2. A。答语是search the Internet,告诉对方“在网上搜索”,据此语境可推断对方所说的是“我想了解一些关于2016年奥运会的信息”,因此应选择information。

3. B。“Could you take out the rubbish and do the dishes, Tony?”一句暗示“垃圾还没送出去、碗也没洗”,这个语境表明“如果母亲看到家里乱糟糟的,她会发疯的”,因此应选择mess。

4. A。对方说“最后一班公交车已经开走了”,回答者“建议乘出租车”,根据该语境判断,应该选choice表示“我们别无选择”。



1. —Something is wrong with my ____. I cant see anything around me.

—Oh, youd better go to see a doctor as soon as possible.

A. nose B. ears

C. eyes D. mouth

2. —What ____ do you have for Paul?

—I think he should study harder than before.

A. news B. advice

C. help D. information

3. —Michael always dreams of flying around the world.

—I think being a ____ is just right for him.

A. pilot B. policeman

C. cook D. doctor

4. —Did you and your friends ride your bicycles to the beach yesterday afternoon?

—Yeah. What ____ we had!

A. weather B. trip

C. news D. fun

5. —How many ____ does an ant have?

—My teacher told me that it has two in its body.

A. heads B. legs

C. stomachs D. feet

6. —Several famous ____ came to our city last night.

—Are they going to have a concert here?

A. reporters B. singers

C. officers D. professors

7. —Why do you get up so early in the morning, Tracy?

—I generally make it a ____ to be up by 6 oclock to read English.

A. rule B. wish

C. secret D. mistake

8. —Why didnt you take a taxi back last night?

—Because I didnt have any ____ with me.

A. food B. bicycle

C. friend D. money

9. —Emma, who are you taking ____ of at home?

—My grandma. She got hurt in an accident.

A. place B. care

C. seat D. part

10. —How can I see the thickest snow in most northern parts of China?

—You have to wait till ____ comes, Steve.

A. winter B. spring

C. autumn D. summer

11. —Shall we go shopping now?

—Sorry. Its not the right ____. Im too tired.

A. shop B. weather

C. place D. moment

12. —Im afraid I cant get there before 9 oclock.

—Its only 8 oclock now. Theres no ____.

A. time B. hurry

C. chance D. wonder

13. —What makes you so upset?

—I was late and I made a(n) ____, but my teacher didnt believe me.

A. decision B. plan

C. excuse D. idea

14. —Mum, something is wrong with my ____. Could you wake me up tomorrow morning?

—No problem, dear.

A. pencil case B. alarm clock

C. tennis racket D. book cover

15. More and more people would like to go on vacation abroad. They should remember to be ____ with good manners.

A. visitors B. players

C. volunteers D. learners

16. —Would you like some ____?

—No, thanks. Im not hungry at all.

A. water B. juice

C. rest D. bread

17. —Could you tell me the ____ of making such tasty cakes?

—Well, I just follow the instructions in the cookbook.

A. time B. method

C. cost D. menu

18. Students should master some ____ in listening, speaking, reading and writing.

A. exercises B. problems

C. skills D. newspapers

19. —What is Miss Yangs favorite ____?

—She is always in pink. Dont you know?

A. color B. book

C. song D. movie

20. The Chinese saying “A tree cant make a forest” tells us that ____ is very important in a football match.

A. ability B. decision

C. teamwork D. experience

21. None of them talked. They finished their meal in ____.

A. silence B. order

C. place D. public

22. —Ive got a serious ____, Jim. What should I do?

—Im sorry to hear that. Youd better see your dentist today.

A. cold B. fever

C. cough D. toothache

23. —Oh, a nice photo! Is this your uncles child?

—Yes, its my ____.

A. cousin B. sister

C. brother D. daughter

24. —Excuse me, where did you get the book?

—I borrowed it from the ____.

A. cinema B. library

C. park D. station

25. He has a collection of ____. He can not only enjoy them but also use them to mail letters.

A. stamps B. novels

C. instruments D. magazines

26. Im happy to see that great ____ have taken place in my hometown.

A. disasters B. advantages

C. dreams D. changes

27. —I want a sweet milk. Put some ____ in my cup, please.

—OK, wait a minute, please.

A. ice B. soup

C. salt D. sugar

28. The most important thing is to be honest if you want to make ____ with others.

A. friends B. dishes

C. clothes D. mistakes

29. The food safety is a serious ____ in our country. We should try to solve it.

A. subject B. program

C. problem D. opinion

30. —More and more people come to visit Mount Huangshan.

—Thats true. It has become the ____ of Anhui.

A. pride B. effort

C. praise D. courage


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