3 讨论
表1 BOO犬术前与术后12周尿动力学检测结果
雌犬尿道口位于阴道腹侧壁宫颈口远端,仰卧位时尿道口位于阴道口下方,距离阴户外口4~6 cm,发情期距离会缩短。我们观察到几乎所有雌犬尿道旁都有一个先天性假道,易导致插导尿管失败,所以操作时最好有一名兽医在场进行解剖指导。建模后应密切观察犬是否出现感染等并发症,及时给予对症处理。模型A组中1只犬于术后6天切口感染,表现为精神萎靡、耳朵耷拉、毛发不整洁无光泽、见人后精神狂躁、出现攻击性举动、拒食、用身体摩擦地面等反常举止,最终因全身感染、拒食死亡。因此,为防止术后感染,应常规使用抗生索。如有下腹膨胀,考虑尿潴留时,可用手压迫犬下腹部协助排尿,必要时可予导尿。后期由于尿潴留不适犬的性情会变得烦躁,为了协助排尿,喜用后肢摩擦地面或者喂养笼,易出现后肢溃烂,若处理不及时,可导致全身感染死亡。对于模型A组及对照组术中应尽量缩小操作范围,只需将近膀胱颈部尿道前壁与周围脂肪组织及疏松结缔组织进行分离即可;术后还应着腹绷带,佩戴伊丽莎白圈,防止犬舔咬切口。同时还应每天检查清洗切口,喷适量的喷贝复剂或聚维酮碘,不要用刺激性大的碘伏和酒精。经尿道结扎途径,犬可通过舔咬或尿液腐蚀,致结扎线脱落,因此应定期观察犬尿线的粗细来判断结扎线是否脱落。A、B两组模型在术后2周内即可出现尿频等不适症状,表现为犬双后肢频繁屈曲,做出排尿动作及舔咬尿道口等,此时应注意鉴别尿频是因为泌尿系感染还是梗阻引起,及时取尿液进行尿常规及尿培养以明确病因。目前对动物取尿液的方法大致有以下几种:挤压膀胱,膀胱穿刺及留置导尿管等,操作都相对麻烦。我们采用特制的接尿器[9],成功收取犬的尿液进行尿常规等检验。在排除泌尿系感染的情况下,模型A组最早于术后6天即可出现尿频,模型B组最早于术后9天出现尿频。本实验在观察犬尿频时也是采用在犬腰部佩戴接尿器,每隔半小时观察一次接尿器内是否有尿液,记录排尿次数及尿量。
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Comparison of Retropubic Bladder Neck Partial Ligation and Transurethral Urethral Partial Ligation in the Establishment of Bladder Outlet Obstruction Model in Dogs
Objective To compare two methods for establishing an animal model of overactivity bladder caused by bladder outlet obstruction in beagle dogs. Methods Twenty-six healthy female beagles were randomly divided into three groups, which were group A (n=10), group B (n=10), and control group (n=6). The group A was given a retropubic approach midprostatic obstruction. The group B was given an urethral partial ligation through transurethral way. The control group underwent just exposure of the bladder neck without midprostatic obstruction through retropubic approach. Urodynamic study was carried out in these groups after 12 weeks. Results The operation time of the group B (10.7±3.9 min) was shorter than the control group (15.2±2.1) min, which was further shorter than the group A (18.4±3.2 min) (F=67.97,P=0.02). Urinary dynamics test showed no significant difference among the 3 groups before the operation of (P>0.05). At 12 weeks after the operation, 8 dogs from the group A and 10 dogs from group B were found with detrusor contraction wave in urine storage period, while the control group did not appear. The detrusor pressure, maximum bladder capacity, residual urine in the group A and group B were significantly higher than the control group and before operation (P<0.05). The bladder compliance in the group A and group B was significantly lower than the control group and before operation (P<0.05). There was no significant difference between the group A and B (P>0.05), and there was no significant difference in the control group between preoperation and postoperation (P>0.05). Conclusions Both retropubic and transurethral approaches can be used to successfully establish bladder outlet obsteuction in female beagles. As compared to retropubic approach, the transurethral approach has advantages such as shorter operation time, better reproducibility and stability of the animal models, which is suitable for studying transurethral intracavitary treated by minimally invasive surgery.
Bladder outlet obstruction; Retropubic approach; Transurethral; Overactivity bladder; Dog